At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

470 Confused, is the first plan so exciting? 【Subscription】

"Ao Aiqing has any good strategies, please tell me quickly."

The Jade Emperor was both surprised and delighted, and urged again and again.

He was curious about what Ao Lie could think at such a young age, and it just so happened that he was quite confused about the development of Heavenly Court.

Daozu only let him set up a heavenly court, and enlightened a group of heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals.

But what to do next, how to develop Heavenly Court, he was at a loss and had no means at all.

Today's Heavenly Court is a puppet.

All beings in the three realms know the heavenly court, but few are in awe.

As a polished commander, how could the Jade Emperor not be in a hurry?

Ao Lie smiled slightly, listening to Ji Han's instructions, and talking like him: "The reason why Heavenly Court is weak is that it lacks top experts, and it lacks prestige.

"The two complement each other. It is impossible to have prestige without top experts, and it is impossible to attract top experts without prestige. That's why Tian-Ting is so weak."

"If you want to change the current decline, you must attract top players, or make a name for yourself. 35

Ao Lie's remarks caused the Jade Emperor and Taibaijinxing to nod their heads in thought.

"It is extremely difficult to absorb top experts today." Ao Lie continued: "The top experts in the prehistoric wilderness are nothing more than Daomen, Western religions, and dragons, but these are not something that can be absorbed in a short time, so Xiaolong thinks that he should learn from others. to start.

"So Xiaolong figured out three strategies, the first one is to destroy the demon clan! 99


Jade Emperor and Taibaijinxing were secretly surprised.

Destroying the Monster Race? Is this first plan so exciting?

Although the demon clan today is not as good as in the ancient times, there are countless demon clan scattered all over the place, and the hidden ancient monsters are extremely ferocious.

At this time, there are only some heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals in the heavenly court, and there are almost no top masters. How about destroying the demon clan?

Isn't this Ao Lie deliberately making fun of everyone?

"Your Majesty, don't be in a hurry, Xiaolong also knows that the matter of the demon clan is difficult, but the situation in the court today must be fought, and it must be fought fiercely! 95

"Although the demon clan still has a deep foundation, they dare not fight against the heavenly court at all, and the demon clan are scattered all over the wild, and there is no way to fight against the heavenly court together.

"His Majesty only needs to gather the power of the heaven to gradually nibble away, and he will definitely be able to kill some of the demon clan and create a great momentum."

"Now the monster clan is in disaster, the human clan is overwhelmed, and your majesty is fighting for all beings in the three realms. If you lack top experts, you can ask Huoyundong and Intercepting Sect for help, and they won't dare to refuse."5

"To drive the masters of the Intercept and Interpretation to destroy the demon clan must be extremely beneficial to the prestige of the heavenly court. This is called taking advantage of the situation. Seeing that His Majesty can even drive the masters of the two religions, who would dare to disrespect you?"

After Ao Lie finished speaking, the Jade Emperor and Taibaijinxing immediately breathed faster, secretly pleasantly surprised.

"Wonderful, wonderful to say!"

"Hahaha, that makes sense!"

The Jade Emperor stroked his palms and smiled, and Taibaijinxing nodded as well. Ao Lie's statement was indeed true.

Although Intercepting the Teachings is arrogant and arrogant, the Jade Emperor is the Heavenly Court established by the order of the Taoist ancestors, and he is also their uncle. In addition, the crusade against the demon clan is the destiny.

When the Jade Emperor gave an order, would they dare not obey?

How could Yuanshi Tianzun and Tongtian Sect Master refute the Jade Emperor's face because of such trivial matters?

As for the Fire Cloud Cave, it's easier!

These human race sages have long been unaccustomed to the demon race as a disaster for the human race. Many big demons feed on the human race. How can they not help when the heavenly court raises the banner of crusade?

"Okay, well said!" The Jade Emperor repeatedly praised: "The crusade against the demon clan not only occupies the righteousness of heaven and earth, but also stabilizes all beings in the three realms, and promotes my reputation in heaven.

"Yeah." Taibaijinxing said with a smile: "Ao Xiaoyou's strategy is good, attacking the demon clan will allow us to train a team of elite soldiers in heaven, and we can take the opportunity to recruit human race qi refiners. ah.

"Actually, it's more than that." Ao Lie continued while listening to Ji Han's instructions: "The demon clan is actually just a collective name, and the spirits of all things in the world can be collectively referred to as the demon clan.

"But there are good and bad monsters. Your Majesty can completely kill the evil monsters who are covered in karma, bring the good monsters into the heaven, and take the world's monsters for heaven's use."

The thought that Ao Lie said immediately made the Jade Emperor's heart beat again.

・・For flowers...  

This is a great idea!

There are many strong monsters, although most of them are infected with karma, but there are also good people.

Moreover, the demon clan came from a large number of mixed races, like a plate of loose sand, you can try to conquer it.

"Hahaha, wonderful, wonderful!" The Jade Emperor was overjoyed and said: "Yes, it is true, if the demon of Qingqiu has no karma and can be used by the heavenly court, if it destroys the demon clan and gathers the demon immortals at the same time, then Why is there no one available under my command?"5

"Ao Xiaoyou's eyes are sharp, and the old minister admires it." Taibaijinxing also exclaimed repeatedly: "This kind of strategy is really ingenious. If you support Your Majesty, why worry about heaven."

"Ha ha ha ha!"

When the Jade Emperor heard this, he laughed again.

Obviously this time Ao Lie's refuge and this first offer made him very satisfied, and the attention to Ao Lie in his heart has also increased more than a hundred times.

"Your Majesty is wrong, and Senior Taibai is wrong." Ao Lie said with a smile: "Actually, this is just the words of Xiaolong's family. You can refer to one or two. 35

"Ao Aiqing doesn't have to be modest." The Jade Emperor praised: "The first plan of Fangcai is really wonderful, what is your second plan and third plan? Let's talk about it together, if it is really useful, I will definitely reward you. .35

"Your Majesty is polite." Ao Lie cupped his hands and continued: "This second plan is very simple, it is called measuring the world and protecting the people.

"Huh? What does that mean?"

The Jade Emperor and Taibaijinxing were puzzled.

Ao Lie chuckled and explained proudly: "If the earth is chaotic today, and the heaven is not visible, it is necessary to send people to measure the water potential of the mountains and rivers in the prehistoric world on a large scale.

"In this way, not only can you obtain a huge amount of merit, but you can also confer a huge amount of mountain gods, land gods, river gods, and water gods!"

"Your Majesty, don't underestimate these low-level gods. They are the real pillars of the heavenly court. They can spread the majesty of the heavenly court to every corner and bless the mortals."

"At that time, hundreds of millions of mortals will worship the heavens, won't your majesty's prestige easily soar? 35 beggars

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