At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

475 This is a ridiculous and shameless act of ignorance! 【Subscription】

Just a few days after the listing ceremony!

Across the entire Kyushu region, an unprecedented big move really started.

All major schools, primary schools, high schools, and universities have adjusted their courses. A subject called Qi Basics has become as important as Chinese and mathematics, and even squeezed English out of the main course.

In the students' course schedule, there are two more sessions every day~Qi practice class!

One by one beautifully printed graphic books-, start to distribute!

These books involve dozens of basic things related to practice, such as human meridians, bones, acupuncture points, five elements and gossip, soul, breathing, boxing, etc.

Their information is complex and huge, divided into many levels from elementary to advanced, suitable for students of all ages to learn.

On the surface these seem useless!

Most of the time, the students learn some boring theoretical knowledge, and occasionally practice some unremarkable boxing skills, similar to doing aerobics.

Of course, in the end, it has to cooperate with some breathing and breathing methods, as well as the method of breathing.

But once all these knowledges are proficient, then they will become the seeds of immortal cultivation full of theoretical knowledge and lay a solid foundation, and they can officially step into the path of immortal cultivation at any time.

Even if they don't have the chance to cultivate in the future, they can finally break through the limits of human lifespan and body by relying on the increasing spiritual energy in the air.

This is a matter of great benefit and no harm to the future of Kyushu.

At the same time, because this qi training technique involves the legendary cultivators, all Kyushu from top to bottom, from old to young, are all interested in it.

In each class, the students listened excitedly, for fear that they would miss a word, and their enthusiasm for learning was extremely high.

All kinds of envy, jealousy and hatred of foreigners!

There are also bigwigs from various countries who charge high prices for these textbooks, or steal research through other means, hoping to obtain this supernatural power.

It's a pity that in the end they could only end up vomiting blood and being seriously injured. No matter how much they studied and practiced, they couldn't really get started.

This made the big bosses from all over the world go crazy, and they couldn't help being bullied and suffocated. In the past, they blocked the technology of the East, but now the situation has turned around.

It's just that they haven't been able to study it, which makes people collapse.

So under the sour anger, netizens from all over the world criticized them one after another, and an upsurge of man-made fishing boats quickly set off.

One after another, headlines and criticisms started to appear on the Internet all over the world.

[Shocked: Kyushu deviates from the scientific system and reproduces feudal superstition?]

[Yanjing executives are so crazy, why is it?]

[Top scientific laboratory experts warn that Yanjing is playing with fire and setting itself on fire. 】

[The end of science has never been theology, this is ridiculous and shameless stupidity! They are fooling their own people! 】

One after another, experts and scientists began to criticize and protest, and various European and American politicians kept making public speeches in an attempt to disrupt the internal development line of Kyushu.

But it's all in vain!

The more than one billion people in Kyushu have already fallen into the craze of qi training and cannot extricate themselves.

Although the Qi training given by Ji Han can only strengthen the body, but this does not prevent everyone from imagining that they can cultivate immortals and live forever.

As a result, all over Kyushu, you can see many people talking and talking. The uncles and aunts stopped dancing square dance, and their grandchildren began to learn secretly, and they practiced one by one.

at the same time

A mutation completely shattered the fantasy of foreigners!

The Jiaolong Dahei, who silently lurks in the deep-sea trenches, has been unable to break through to the real dragon realm due to various reasons.

And this time when Ao Lie sent a large amount of Jiaolong blood to the four dynasties, Ji Han specially took 10,000 copies to extract the Ancestral Dragon blood, and then gave it to Da Hei.

This guy immediately dormant in the deep sea retreat!

In just a few days, its body became bigger and bigger, its scales became more and more hideous, and its breath became more and more terrifying.

In its deep sleep, it frantically absorbed the terrifying power of the Ancestral Dragon bloodline, and it accumulated energy for thousands of years in its body, which also allowed it to constantly transform.

Three hundred meters!

Five hundred meters!

A thousand meters!

One hundred feet!

Three hundred feet!

・・Ask for flowers・

Five hundred feet!

A thousand feet!

In the end, the size of Jiaolong Dahei increased dozens of times, and turned into an extremely ferocious dragon with black armor all over his body, which already had a hint of the atmosphere of the wild dragon clan.

At this time, its body is as huge as a mountain, and its head is a small mountain. It has horns, five claws, and dragon whiskers. Its eyes are as huge as the head of a truck.


Da Hei excitedly let out an earth-shattering roar, and the sea area with a radius of thousands of miles was set off out of thin air.

Today, although it is not as good as the old dragon, it is also stronger than the ordinary dragon.

It's no longer the sea monster that just writhes in the sea!

Now it is the legendary real dragon that can become bigger and smaller, omnipotent!


Between the sky and the earth, suddenly dark clouds covered, thunder and lightning!

Ji Han, who was far away in the small manor in Dongshan City, suddenly narrowed his eyes and sensed the thunder tribulation spontaneously formed by the Heavenly Dao.

At this time, although he had already swallowed the Heavenly Dao of Blue Star, most of the time, the Heavenly Dao was running automatically like a high-precision computer.

Sensing that there is a threat to this side of the world, Tiandao naturally gathered the thunderclouds and prepared to lower the thunder penalty again.

But Ji Han has full control over the Heavenly Dao!

As long as he wanted to, he could completely relieve Da Hei from this thunder penalty, let him survive the calamity smoothly, and become stronger.

After thinking about it seriously, Ji Han gave up the idea.

How can he become a talent without being tempered? Dahei's strength is improving too fast now, so it's better for him to suffer a little.

And Ji Han suddenly had some bad taste.

Seeing that the world is changing more and more, many foreigners are still like ostriches, burying their heads in the sand and refusing to look up at the world, unwilling to believe all this.

They would rather believe the fishing reels of the media than the facts they see, so Ji Han wanted to teach them a good lesson.

"Crossing the Tribulation, let's begin!"

Ji Han chuckled, the thunder cloud in the East China Sea not only did not dissipate, but became more and more terrifying.

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