At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

476 Please, is there really no supernatural phenomenon in this world? 【Subscription】


The boundless dark clouds began to spread wildly.

Hundreds of millions of thunderbolts flickered above the dark clouds, carrying terrifying pressure, shocking all creatures in the world.

The weather that was originally a clear sky for thousands of miles turned into a violent storm in an instant, with thunder and lightning flashes.

The air around the world seems to be suffocating at this moment.

"Oh Maiga, what happened? It was sunny just now, why did it suddenly become dark clouds?"

"Hell, didn't the weather forecast say no rain? Why is that? Our plane just took off."

"Fake, hurry! Make an emergency landing, there is a thunderstorm layer ahead!

All over the world, all over the world, there was a lot of chicken flying.

On the ground, it was fine, and most ordinary people sighed at the changeable weather.

However, the pilots and passengers of the "Five Zero Zero" plane in the sky were all frightened and screamed at their mothers, because there were many thunder and lightning around them.

All kinds of dark clouds filled the air, and the speed was astonishingly fast.

How do they get around? Many pilots struggle to lower altitudes and then keep trying to find a place to make an emergency landing.

As a result, all countries are in a frenzy and devastated.

All of this is naturally the handwriting of Ji Han.

In fact, Da Hei's thunder tribulation didn't cause such a big disturbance. The reason why it was so noisy this time was mainly because of Ji Han's bad taste.

He just wanted to take the opportunity to disgust the foreigners and let them continue to collapse.

In the face of this historic change, anyone who tries to be an ostrich must become a scum.

Whether they admit it or not, in the face of this supernatural force that cannot be explained by science, anyone must kneel and sing conquest.


A terrible roar sounded from the bottom of the East China Sea.

Da Hei finally couldn't help but jumped out of the sea and rushed into the sky without fear.

I saw it soaring through the clouds and rolling over and over!

The huge body greeted the thunder robbery and rushed into the dark clouds.


The terrifying thunder and lightning continued to bombard it, but it did not cause much damage to it. After all, it absorbed the existence of the ancestor dragon's blood, and this thunder tribulation was nothing to it.

Although there are only a few drops of the Ancestral Dragon bloodline extracted from the 10,000 Flood Dragon bloodlines, it is extremely pure.


Da Hei roared wildly, and his body became more and more hideous and terrifying, and there was a vaguely domineering arrogance of the Great Desolate Dragon Clan.

All the fishing boats and ships in the waters near the East China Sea were alarmed by the terrifying waves. Many fishermen looked up at the sky in shock, and the next moment they all fell to their knees in fright.

"Dragon King, damn it, this is the Dragon King!

"My God, Lord Dragon!

"Bless the Dragon Lord!

The fishermen screamed in excitement!

Everyone worshipped and shouted, and even millions of people in many cities along the coast saw this terrible scene.

Countless people exclaimed in surprise.

No one expected that such a vision would suddenly appear.

Is this a hallucination? No no no, it's real!

Many thunderbolts fell from the sky, and the sky and the earth seemed to be cracked. This was definitely not an illusion.

In the past, there were Kunlun Xiangong cultivators who survived the calamity, and then the East China Sea Flood Dragon was born, which made many people who did not believe in supernatural powers stunned.

How can this be explained? It cannot be explained!

Countless people exclaimed and shocked, and they shot videos one after another, or broadcast live broadcasts through the Internet.

In front of the powerful communication power of the Internet age, in less than half an hour, netizens all over the world were all sensational.

This catastrophe lasted directly for more than two hours. Countless people saw this scene through the live broadcast. Even the most determined materialists would be heartbroken at this moment.

In the past two hours, Da Hei suffered hundreds of millions of lightning strikes, but its aura became stronger and stronger, and finally seemed to have broken through some bottleneck, and even a golden scale appeared on the top of his head.

"Return to the ancestors?"

Ji Han was secretly surprised.

He never imagined that this time the tribulation would actually give Da Hei an unexpected benefit. It completely integrated the Ancestral Dragon bloodline in his body and became more and more mysterious.

"Not bad! 39

"I'll give you another good fortune!"

Ji Han smiled contentedly, and with a wave of his hand, the dark clouds in the sky and the earth dissipated, and the thunder and lightning disappeared.

Da Hei froze, and the next moment its body seemed to be bound by something, and gradually merged into the invisible rules of heaven.

Now that it has returned to its ancestors, Ji Han will nourish it with the source of heaven, and then help it to gain greater benefits.

At this time, the big black seems to have merged with this world!

At the moment when it wakes up completely, it will definitely have a great chance of fortune and a great breakthrough, and this is the help Ji Han gave it.


An earth-shattering roar of dragons and tigers reverberated in every corner of the planet. It seemed to be a thank you from Da Hei, and it seemed to resonate with this world.

next moment!

Planet shakes!

A black dragon phantom in the size of billions of feet began to soar around the entire planet, as if it was protecting the world.

From the ground, or from the starry sky, you can clearly see the shadow of the black dragon, like a giant snake wrapping its egg, constantly surrounding it.

If you shoot from a high altitude on the satellite, you can clearly see this huge blue star, which has long been covered by the dragon shadow, as if it is firmly protected by the dragon shadow.

This scene has long exceeded the imagination of the world!

At this moment, all mankind could not help but be shocked.

"Fake, Fake, what is this? Oh Maiga, is this a hallucination? 35

"Why is this happening? Who can tell me what this is? Are we being invaded by aliens?

"See 4.3 Ghosts, this is more terrifying than the alien invasion, this is the dragon of the Orientals, they are the descendants of the dragon!

"What's going on? Didn't the scientists say there is no supernatural power in this world? So what is it?"

"Fake, who can explain what this is with science? Come on, is there really no supernatural in this world?

All over the world, hundreds of millions of human beings have fallen into confusion and self-doubt, and those who are unwilling to believe in supernatural phenomena are completely stunned at this moment.

Many experts who try to explain all this with science are completely dumbfounded, because it is impossible to explain all this.

Only at this moment did all mankind realize how wise the road chosen by the senior executives of Yanjing was, and they embarked on a road capable of changing mankind.

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