At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

477 There are miracles in Kyushu, and so do we! 【Subscription】

The dragon shadow of the big black illusion is enduring for a long time!

After three full days, this dragon shadow completely disappeared into the body of the rules of heaven, and the shock brought to the world by these three days is unprecedented.

All human beings set off a terrible shock.

The worldview of countless people has collapsed and reshaped, and no matter how firm a materialist is, at this moment, he cannot help but doubt his life.

The changes to the world due to Ji Han's manipulation all along have reached their peak at this moment, and people have to admit a fact whether they like it or not!

In this world, there are really things that cannot be explained by science. Kyushu people call it metaphysics, and foreigners call it miracles.

All in all, this world is not as simple as it seems on the surface. While everyone's worldview is constantly being refreshed, they also have an extremely strong interest in all of this.

Countless scientists and experts have devoted themselves to the study of the reasons behind all these phenomena, eager to discover a new way.

at the same time

Great changes have also taken place in the four dynasties.

Ao Lie kept his promise and continuously provided a large amount of heaven and earth treasures, as well as a large amount of dragon blood and ancient beast blood.

All of these things are priceless treasures!

Perhaps for the Great Desolate Dragon Clan, these effects are not very big, but for the four great dynasties, this is an opportunity for the rise and an opportunity to enhance their own heritage.

Ying Zheng, Li Shimin, Cao Cao, and Chongzhen spent almost half of their time in Sifang City. They dispatched a large number of troops and began to frantically conquer the Jurassic era.

Sifang City has long since expanded into a terrifying city with a radius of hundreds of miles, and millions of soldiers have clearly explored the distance, and I don't know how many dinosaurs have been killed.

In today's Jurassic era, it has already become the paradise of the four dynasties. Any soldier can punch the Tyrannosaurus Rex and step on the ancient crocodile lizard.

The treasures of heaven and earth and the blood of the dragon that Ao Lie sent were quickly poured into the soldiers, which made the strength of each soldier soar rapidly.

Especially after the dragon's blood was integrated into the dinosaur's body, it has cultivated a variety of new-generation dragons. With the beast control technique given by Ji Han, it means that every soldier has a terrifying beast. .

At this time, near Sifang City, soldiers can often be seen riding in and out of mutant pterosaurs.

It can also be seen that a large number of dragon tattoos appear on many soldiers. When fighting with beasts, they punch with a punch, surrounded by terrifying phantoms of flood dragons, and the combat power can be described as an abnormal explosion.

Due to inconsistent flow rates over time.

One day in the future, a month will pass here.

Therefore, unconsciously, the four dynasties developed Jurassic time and space, and it has been developed for several years, and all parties have made great progress.

The four dynasties are now accustomed to the transition from hot weapons to the era of cultivation.

The four of them were ambitious and vowed to build an immortal dynasty where all the people could cultivate.

After half a month

Just as the promotion of supernatural powers in Kyushu was in full swing, a strange change began to take place in the dark.

Europe, St. Petersburg Cathedral!

In a long and quaint hall, the Pope, dressed in a white robe, with a white beard, and exuding a pious breath, was praying silently.

The ninety-year-old Pope must do his daily homework to pray. In front of him stood a huge statue of an angel, staring at the earth like a god.

The Pope prays silently, with a sincere heart!

This has been something that he has maintained for most of his life, and it has long prevented him from raising the slightest wave, even if the sky collapses, it is impossible to interfere with his movements.

But today, something is different here.

A burst of invisible aura continued to gather here, and finally this statue of an angel radiated a trace of light.


The Pope's eyes widened in shock.

He rubbed his eyes in disbelief, and almost exclaimed the next moment.

"Oh my God, what's going on here?

"Have you hallucinated? How could it be?"

The Pope shouted in shock, and a large number of clerics rushed into the hall quickly. Everyone thought that something had happened, but when they saw this scene, they were stunned.

"Miracle! It's a miracle! 35

"The Lord is manifesting, this must be our God manifesting!

"God forbid, our Lord is watching us."

Everyone screamed in excitement, and everyone knelt on the ground involuntarily.

"Is this a miracle?"

The Pope was stunned and speechless for a long time.

The Lord he had believed in all his life had never manifested his spirit, and he even knew for a long time that there were no gods in this world, but what happened today?

Under the shocking gaze of everyone, these statues seemed to absorb some unknown substances in the air, and then became brighter and brighter.

Even these rays of light penetrated the hall, and in the sky above the hall, the phantoms of angels began to condense.

These ghosts are getting bigger and taller!

They kept getting bigger as if blowing 500 balls of air, and finally became a hundred feet in size, which directly made it clear for dozens of miles around.

Countless foreigners in the houses in the nearby streets were all stunned!

The next moment, everyone was in an uproar and excited!

"Oh Maiga, Lord! This is our Lord!

"My God, look, this is an angel.

"May the Lord bless us, Amen.

"I didn't expect our Lord to actually exist, this is a miracle, great!

"It turns out that not only the Orientals have miracles, but we also have them, incredible, this is simply incredible!

The eyes of the foreigners lit up with excitement, and they all raised their heads to pray subconsciously, and the scene immediately exploded.

Many people are even more excited to take pictures and videos!

The occurrence of an angelic miracle here quickly caused a sensation on the Internet, arousing the excitement and ecstasy of countless believers, and also surprising high-level executives in Europe and the United States.

There are miracles in Kyushu, and so do they!

The Lord they believe in has performed miracles. Is this to lead their confused believers to the other side of eternal life?

This may give them access to the real mystical side power!

As a result, it was all an instant sensation.

This miracle quickly touched the hearts of countless foreigners.

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