At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

478 The Lord will not abandon us, let us pray together! 【Subscribe】

The scene at St Peter's Basilica

It quickly became a global sensation and attracted the attention of countless people.

For a long time, foreigners have been watching all kinds of miraculous changes in Kyushu, and all kinds of powerful miracles have appeared, leading all mankind to step into a miraculous path.

But now they are surprised to find that the Lord they believe in has also performed miracles, how can they not be ecstatic?

It turns out that God did not abandon them!

It turns out that their ancestors probably also possessed supernatural powers.

It turns out that they don't have to envy the people of Kyushu at all, they can also walk out a supernatural path of their own.

At this moment, European and American countries seemed to be proud, the suffocation and all kinds of envy and hatred in their hearts were quickly swept away, and the whole people became excited.

All kinds of scientists, clerics, experts, and dignitaries made a sensation, and the major media also tried their best to tout the news in the news, and the momentum was incomparably huge.

The small St. Petersburg was quickly crowded with tourists from all over the world, and the countless crowds crowded the nearby cities.

The ghost image of the angel over the church is still getting bigger!

Not only did they not disappear, but after absorbing the spiritual energy in the air and the prayer power of the crowd, they continued to grow, reaching a size of three hundred zhang in just a few days.

They seemed to be condescending like a god, exuding amazing divine light, so that everyone who arrived here couldn't help but be stunned and stunned.

This also makes every materialist who does not believe in God completely bewildered.

"My God, what's wrong with this world? Why are there so many strange things?"

"Is it really, as the Orientals say, that the end of science is theology?"

"Great, our God has not abandoned us, may the Lord bless his believers~々."

"Our Lord must be far more powerful than the Easterners, your devout believer needs your help.

Angel phantom near!

Every moment, a large number of tourists bow their heads in prayer and sigh excitedly, or take pictures and videos.

Inside the church, there are a large number of bodyguards and military police patrolling and protecting, and it is strictly forbidden for anyone to approach. Only the Pope and high-level political scientists from various countries gather here.

They stared at this huge angel phantom, and everyone's faces couldn't help showing a shock of piety, as if no matter how firm the pagans were at this moment, they would subconsciously worship.

"His Excellency the Pope!" a middle-aged white politician with blonde hair and blue eyes asked, "How did this miracle happen? Did you summon it?"

"No!" The Pope said with a face full of piety: "This is a miracle performed by God Himself. It must be that the Lord felt our predicament and wanted to use divine light to guide us, the lost lambs, to the other side of happiness." "

"This? 35

The crowd was immediately stunned!

Wasn't this what the Pope called?

In other words, he doesn't have supernatural powers, right?

"Then His Excellency the Pope!" Another politician couldn't help but ask: "Can you communicate with God? Has the Lord sent an oracle to remind us what to do?

When the others heard this, they all started to talk about it!

"Yeah, those damn oriental people have already mastered the research direction of supernatural power, but we have no clue, what should we do? 39

"It has been confirmed by various indications that this is an evolutionary path other than science, and it is likely to be related to the well-being of all human beings, and we must not fall behind!"

"Whether it is the age of firearms or the age of steam, we Westerners are walking in the forefront of the world, leaving the East far behind, and let them keep looking up at us!

"We must not fall behind in this theological age, otherwise, if the global power is reshuffled, we are likely to be completely overtaken by the East, which will definitely be a huge disaster for us!

"Yes, does God really have no oracle? He should help us confused believers!

Everyone was talking about each other, and every word you said was full of hope and bitterness.

The Pope couldn't help being stunned when he saw this!

Yeah, so what if there are miracles?

If they can't study it all, or have a god to give instructions, how can they master this supernatural power?

Can they? What should they do?

"Let's pray, everything will be fine." The Pope encouraged: "Since God has performed miracles, he will not leave us alone, and we will definitely be guided by the Lord.

"Yes, it must be like this!"

"The Lord will not abandon us.

"We can definitely get out of our own way.

The crowd subconsciously comforted themselves.

These shrewd dignitaries, each of which is a human spirit, will not easily believe in any gods.

But at this moment, they had to comfort themselves!

Because they have no other means, if they cannot develop their own supernatural power path, then they will be left far behind by the East.

This is what no one wants to see!

This is also a terrible consequence that anyone can foresee. If Dongfang leaves them behind, they will lose all their advantages and be completely crushed.

"Now, let's pray!" A scientist said solemnly: "I hope the Lord can give us (Li's) guidance and lead us to glory! But the lens of science is theology, and we hope to gather top scientists from all over the world to study together. Here, I hope to get a breakthrough!""

"Not bad! We can definitely study it!"

"Theology is also a science, and we get everything on our own.

"Everyone, gather the top scientists to set up a laboratory, we need the most advanced instruments."

One scientist after another, with a frenzied face, he appealed.

They don't care about any gods or supernatural powers, they just want to study this rare phenomenon, and they are eager to use scientific means to explain it all.

If they are really allowed to decipher these secrets, they will definitely go down in history. This sense of honor and challenge makes every top scientist couldn't help but light up.

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