At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

479 Scientific research, this particle is called aura? 【Subscription】

Advice for scientists

The dignitaries present were naturally full of promises.

Instead of waiting for the guidance of God, it is better to try to research and study by yourself. No matter how mysterious supernatural power is, it is always a fact, isn't it?

Humans can research gunpowder, steam engines, computers, networks, and nuclear bombs. These things were more incredible than gods in the eyes of ancient people. Why can't they research the mystery behind this miracle?

With great anticipation, the dignitaries signed cooperative research and development agreements one after another, and urgently transferred a large number of top scientists.

Several halls near the church were quickly transformed into large laboratories, and the world's top various experimental instruments were also quickly sent over.

More than 100 top European and American scientists have begun to conduct sampling research here.

From the spectrum, rays, air, to the appearance of the angel statue, the molecular structure, and the image changes of the angel's phantom, etc., all the details they can think of are all studied in depth.

These studies do have some findings.

During their research, they found that there is an undiscovered active particle in the nearby air that is constantly gathering, the spectrum of the angel's phantom is also very unfamiliar, and there is a mysterious magnetic field fluctuation in the angel statue.

Everything shows that this theology is indeed similar to science. As long as there is enough research, it can be understood that this is a science that has never been mastered.

Too bad they have so little data!

Research soon could not continue.

Various analyses have gradually fallen into a bottleneck.

Scientists know that this kind of miracle has scientific laws, maybe it is a kind of magnetic field fluctuation, or the transformation of material energy caused by spiritual force, and the miracle that appears.

Everyone thinks that as long as the research breaks through this point, they can study the mystery here, but unfortunately they have never been able to take this step.

"Damn, damn, what are these active particles in the air? How can we capture them?

"Fake, how did the magnetic field in this statue form? Who can tell me?"

"Damn, our experimental data is still too little. I heard that Dongfang has begun to comprehensively promote supernatural power practice. It would be great if there were a few people who could study it for us as experiments!"

"Yeah, how can the human body release this magnetic field and then attract the active (bbed) particles in the air?"

In the laboratory, scientists collectively go crazy!

Everyone has clearly spied on the threshold, but the difficulties have blocked everyone, resulting in more and more mysteries, and also causing scientists to complain of headaches.

What should we do now? Everyone is helpless.

"Everyone!" A Chinese female scientist frowned and said: "If I guess correctly, the active particles in the air we detected are actually the spiritual energy in the myths and legends of Kyushu."

"You can think of it as a kind of energy that can make people stronger. It is said that the ancestors of the Kyushu people can absorb this kind of energy and make the human body continuously stronger. Some people also call it Qigong."5

"There are similar meditation methods in the cultural heritage of many countries. When the human body is quiet, it will emit a magnetic field, which magically attracts this kind of particles!

The words of the Chinese female scientist Kai Kai Er immediately made everyone's eyes light up and their breathing accelerated.

"This kind of particle is called aura? Oh Maiga, damn oriental people, they really knew all this."

"This statement makes sense. Many religious temples in Southeast Asia have similar secret methods of meditation. Legend has it that people can gain extraordinary power.

"That is to say, we only need to find these religious people, we can obtain research targets, and then study them more closely, right?"

The scientists screamed in excitement, and all of them were breathing faster!

The Chinese female scientist shook her head and said, "I don't think it's easy. Instead of looking for these religious people who probably don't understand anything, it's better to seek assistance from Yanjing.

"Everyone knows that although I am now an honorary citizen of the Great Eagle Empire, my hometown is in the poor, sloppy and dirty East, full of dictatorship."

“My ignorant family and friends told me that they were conducting comprehensive supernatural power training and literacy, and that Yanjing was trying to teach 1.4 billion people to learn this mysterious way of breathing.99

"We can condescend to ask them to cooperate and study this way of breathing, and I believe they will not refuse."

The Chinese female scientist was as proud as a female cockfighting. Her arrogance quickly infected every scientist present. Everyone looked at each other and smiled, and all of them subconsciously agreed.

They have always been leading scientists!

In the field of top science, the East has always been ignored by them.

Now that everyone thinks of cooperating with Dongfang, they never thought that Yanjing would refuse, because in everyone's opinion, this is a matter of great benefit and no harm, and maybe the other party has to ask them.

With such arrogance and prejudice, the scientists' research work quickly set the tone, and they immediately sent people to contact Yanjing, hoping to study paranormal phenomena together.

The person in charge of contact is naturally the dignitaries of various countries!

They contacted Yanjing in person, and tried to persuade and put pressure on them, but in the end they replied with only three words - no interest!

"Fake, how can this be? What do you mean by no interest? These damned Orientals, how can they be like this? 35

"We sincerely invite them to participate in the research to give them face, they are not interested, these dirty and shameless yellow monkeys.

"Damn, shouldn't they be jubilant to cooperate with us? Only by cooperating with us in research can they spy on more secrets!

"These bastards, how can they do this?"

Yanjing's unusually strong attitude made these dignitaries mad, as well as these scientists.

No one expected that a well-thought-out plan was suddenly blocked, which drove them crazy.

But Yanjing executives are not stupid at all. They don't need research or cooperation. They only need to implement Ji Han's plan perfectly to obtain high benefits.

Only idiots take care of these foreigners.

Today's Kyushu has both hard-charging capital and hard-charging strength.

In the face of these whimsical guys who can't recognize reality clearly, there is no need to give them a good face at all.

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