At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

480 You didn’t get God’s guidance, did you? 【Subscription】

Yanjing's refusal!

As a result, research in the St. Petersburg laboratory quickly fell into a bottleneck.

No matter how frantic these top scientists are, and how they continue their research day and night, in the end, they all get nothing.

These mysterious and elusive powers make them completely incomprehensible.

The miracle in the sky has also lasted for seven days!

On the seventh day, a huge black hole suddenly appeared in the sky, and a dark cloud covered it, spinning wildly!

The phantom of the angel and the black hole in the sky complement each other, as if to welcome some mysterious existence that descends from the black hole.

This made the nearby onlookers even more excited!

Thousands of media around the world broadcast live in real time, attracting countless audiences to watch this grand event.

But the more this is the case, the greater the pressure faced by many scientists in the laboratory, not only the dignitaries of various countries continue to put pressure on them, but even the Pope keeps coming to urge them.

Because facing the expectations of countless people, he must respond.

If there is no response at all, this matter is unreasonable, but he has no guidance from God at all, how should he respond now?

"His Holiness!" A cleric urged again: "The reporters outside the church want to interview you again. Can you respond to everyone now?"


The Pope uttered a rare foul language.

He was forced into desperation, so he could only bite the bullet and go out. At this time, the outside of the church was already crowded with people, and countless people were watching and worshipping here, and the reporters even blocked the water here.

The appearance of the Pope even detonated the audience.

Everyone was scrambling to squeeze forward, and the reporters were desperately asking questions from their own souls.

"Your Excellency Pope, you finally appeared, do you have anything to say about the miraculous event?

"What was the reason for this miracle? Did God guide us?"

"Will our Lord also guide us on the path of supernatural power?

"Some people say that these miracles are very false. In fact, they are all scams created by artificial projection. What do you want to say about this? 35

"Please, have a chat, we hope to hear from you!"

In the face of various questions, the Pope's face turned very ugly. He originally wanted to continue to fool people, but now he had to respond.

"God testifies that the Lord loves the world!" the Pope said with anger and piety: "I dare to use my reputation to guarantee that this is definitely not a scam, this is a real miracle."

"It makes me very angry that our great Lord has brought down his glory, and now there are people who doubt its truth.

"The majesty of God will never allow anyone to blaspheme, we will be guided, that's for sure!

The pope's emotional howl immediately caused a sensation in the audience, and many fanatical believers cheered excitedly, the scene almost out of control.

Unfortunately, the shrewd reporters immediately heard the meaning of these words.

A blond and blue-eyed female reporter couldn't help but ask on the spot, "Your Excellency Pope, you mean that this miracle is real, but you haven't been guided by God, right?"35


The Pope is a little embarrassed!

The fanatical believers nearby also calmed down, and everyone looked at each other, all looking at the Pope eagerly.

But the Pope remained silent on this issue.

"His Excellency the Pope, I heard that scientists from all over the world are gathered here, have you researched anything?

"Why didn't God send an oracle? Is all this really a hoax?"

"Now that the East has started the promotion of supernatural power for all people, why are we still unable to start?"

"May I ask if the Lord has abandoned us?"

The reporters are asking questions again!

The Pope's cold sweat burst out.

Faced with these questions, it was difficult for him to answer, and he could not answer.

In the end, he could only bite the bullet in embarrassment and said: "I think God is testing us, he is observing us, as long as all devout believers continue to pray, we will eventually be guided by the Lord.

"Yes! We shall be guided! 39

"God will not abandon us!

"Why can the oriental people walk out of the supernatural way, we can't, we can do it!"

· · Flowers · ·

"Great Lord, please guide us!""

The believers present became fanatical again!

They take this as a test.

Many people do not eat or drink, they stay here to pray and worship, they are eager to get the Lord's help.

"Look, look!" In the crowd, a blond female anchor said excitedly to the audience in her live broadcast room: "This is the power of fanatical believers!"

"Who says only the East can have supernatural powers, so can we!

The crowd is full of excitement and anticipation!

Everyone believes that their enthusiasm will be touched by God.

But at this moment, the sky changed again, and the dark clouds gathered from all directions, thunder and lightning brewing in the sky.


The black hole that appeared before was swallowed up in an instant!

There seemed to be a terrifying giant eye in the sky.

It just stared at everyone so coldly, as if looking at some ants who didn't know whether to live or die.

"Falk, what is that?"

"This, this miracle? No, it seems not! 35

"How can this happen? Can anyone explain?

"Is this a nightmare? Please!"

All the people present were in an uproar!

Everyone looked up at the sky in disbelief, and everyone was stared at by this giant eye composed of dark clouds, and they were instantly chilled, as if they were being stared at by a demon.

It was as if they were being targeted by the heavens and the earth, and everyone was stunned, unable to move in horror.

What terrified everyone even more was the phantom of the angel in the sky above the church, as if it had also encountered a natural enemy. It trembled in horror, revealing a humanized fear.

"How could this be? Impossible, it is impossible!"

"What the hell is it? Why are angels afraid of it?""

"Lord, save us quickly!

"Demon, this must be a demon!

Everyone screamed in horror.

The Pope was even more stunned, because no one thought that the miracle in their hearts would be frightened by a giant eye formed by a dark cloud, and was also very frightened.

What the hell is going on here?

What is the existence of this giant eye? Beg.

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