At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

494 Arrogant? Arrogant? Or delirious? 【Subscription】

What? Wait for them?

The lowly people below have been waiting for them to appear?

What does it mean?

Arrogant? Arrogant? Or delirious?

Someone dared to say such fearless words when the Purple Phoenix Sect was dispatched. If they heard it in the past, everyone in the Purple Phoenix Sect would have laughed out loud.

But now in such a situation, the enemy suddenly came up with such a sentence, but it still caused everyone in the Purple Phoenix Sect, including Gongyanghou, to have a subconscious feeling all over their bodies.

The enemy who can say such a sentence either doesn't know what it is, or is well prepared, but the former is fine. If it is the latter, what is the purpose of the enemy this time in Dingyuan City, and whether their actions are appropriate?

When I think about it, I feel a little bit terrified!

With just one sentence, Ji Han suppressed the aggressive momentum of the enemy, and at the same time made the atmosphere between the two sides almost solidified.

"Oh? It seems that you are here specifically for our Purple Phoenix Sect? I wonder if you have the appetite to eat our Purple Phoenix Sect?"

Gongyanghou is the sect master after all, with the highest cultivation base and the deepest concentration in the city's 500 palaces. Facing Ji Han's words, he immediately pushed back hard.

The main reason why Gongyanghou didn't immediately take action the moment he arrived at Dingyuan City was that he couldn't figure out the details of the enemy.

In Gongyanghou's divine sense induction, all the enemies in the lower city were invisible. Although the number of enemies was as many as one million, and the minimum reached the golden core stage, he was shocked. It was Ji Han who made Yang Hou feel jealous.

Under the influence of Gongyanghou's spiritual sense, Ji Han is as transparent. Although his eyes can see his existence, his spiritual sense cannot perceive him, let alone find out the details of Ji Han's strength!

It is precisely because of this that Gongyang Hou did not choose to do it right away!!

"Purple Phoenix Sect? A third-rate sect really thinks that he is the top force that dominates the Central Province? If you can eat you, you can try it, why? Don't you dare to take action? Don't want to avenge your third elder? "

Ji Han sneered at the corner of his mouth, and seemed to see Gongyang Hou's hesitation, and his mouth was even more mocking.

"Bold, lowly human race, how dare to talk to our sect master like this!!

"A presumptuous, arrogant person, I will make you die today!!"

"Hehe, there are really people who are not afraid of death. You are afraid that you will burn your brain? Do you know who you are talking to?"

"Sect Master, order it, talk nonsense with him, wait until his limbs are broken, and his cultivation base will be abolished, and then it will not be too late to interrogate him!!

"Yeah, the sect master, order it, I will tear up these lowly human races!!"

Seeing Ji Han being so rampant, the tens of thousands of Purple Phoenix Sect disciples behind Gongyanghou couldn't bear it anymore, and they shouted loudly, and hoped that Gongyanghou would order the war.

How could their Purple Phoenix Sect ever suffer such anger? If they didn't completely tear up the lowly human race underneath, how could they survive in Nanzhou?

Gongyanghou was also so angry that his face was ashen. He was hesitant at first, but in the face of such an arrogant enemy, Gongyanghou understood that if he hesitated any longer, let alone find a way back, they even had the last trace of the Purple Phoenix Sect. The face will be completely lost!!


In less than a breath of time, the Duke of Gongyang made up his mind completely, and gave the order with murderous aura from his mouth.


Following Gongyanghou's order, the tens of thousands of Purple Phoenix Sect disciples instantly burst into full force, making a loud noise out of thin air, and then the tens of thousands of Purple Phoenix Sect disciples waved their hands with a very tacit understanding, condensing the dense feathers in front of them. The sword-like energy slammed into the ground.

Whoosh whoosh!!!!

Just like ten thousand arrows at once, this feathery sword qi is more than one hundred thousand, like a rain of swords falling from the sky, shrouding the millions of soldiers in the city of stepping on the sky.

"Tips for carving bugs!!"

Ji Han sneered coldly, he was too lazy to attack the Purple Phoenix Sect's seemingly spectacular but limited bbed attack, and left the soldiers to resist.

As Ji Han expected, the strength of the tens of thousands of disciples of the Purple Phoenix Sect was uneven, and all of them were the Foundation Establishment and Jindan cultivators, and none of the elders had yet made their move, so the soldiers of the four dynasties still easily carried it. This wave of sword rain fell.

However, this completely aroused the anger in the hearts of the tens of thousands of disciples of the Purple Phoenix Sect, so the tens of thousands of disciples of the Purple Phoenix Sect in the sky actually turned into monsters under their anger. A thick black mist appeared all over the body, hiding the figure in it, some people had strangely long claws on their hands, flashing a terrifying cold light, and some people grew hard as iron feathers, in short, all kinds of monsters began to appear.

Obviously, this is the true face of the so-called Tianyu Clan, and the appearance of the angels in the past is just the appearance.

After a while, the tens of thousands of Tianyu clan people who had completed the demonic transformation floated hideously in the sky, and their aura had already skyrocketed.

Seeing this, Gongyang Hou's thin face flashed a icy look, and he pinched a magic formula with both hands. After that, he did not change, but his aura also began to skyrocket, revealing the fusion stage completely, like a ferocious monster. The big monster hangs high in the sky, making Ying Zheng and others feel a little suffocated.

At the same time, the various demon clans in the city who had been obediently under the custody of them suddenly started to riot after Gongyang Hou pinched the magic formula.

"Hoohoho!! 9

Millions of demon clan roared in the sky again and again, and Gongyanghou was able to forcefully control the demon clan in the city, causing them to start rioting.

Under the control of Gongyanghou, the millions of monsters all turned red, as if they had completely lost their minds, turned into mad believers, and then began to slaughter the surrounding soldiers, completely incompetent. The kind of madness that fears death.

Obviously, the Tianyu Clan has its own unique method in controlling the believers.

At the same time, when the millions of demon clan rioted in the city, Gong Yang Hou, who was in full swing, brought tens of thousands of demon disciples from the Purple Phoenix Sect and rushed towards Ji Han, as if he really wanted to tear him apart. .

Ji Han and others noticed the changes in the city right away. Ying Zheng and the others naturally changed their faces slightly, but before they could speak, Ji Han gave orders to the millions of soldiers in the city.

"Kill to kill, no need to keep your hands!! 95

One sentence determines the fate of those monsters. Since it is out of control, then kill them all to avoid future troubles!

At the same time, in the face of the violent pressure from the ferocity of the entire Purple Phoenix Sect, Ji Han's face was indifferent, and he slowly stretched out his right hand.

Correspondingly, a giant hand suddenly appeared in the sky, covering the sky and covering the sun, covering the entire sky. It looked terrifying and magnificent beyond words.

Then, just when the sky suddenly darkened, the giant hand that lifted the sky closed its fingers and clenched it suddenly.

In the middle of this giant hand, it is the tens of thousands of demon-turned Tianyu people from the Purple Phoenix Sect!

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