At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

495 All at once, this is a terrifying enemy! 【Subscription】

When the dazzling giant hand that covered the sky suddenly appeared high in the sky, everyone was shocked.

"God, what is this??"

"Haha, the immortal master has unparalleled magical powers!!!

"This... this is the magical means of the immortal master? It's too scary~!!

"As expected of the Immortal Master, as soon as he makes a move, he will suppress the Purple Phoenix Sect, haha, let's see if these birdmen dare to be arrogant!

"Kill, the Immortal Master has an order to kill all the alien races in the city, and don't let these monsters disturb the Immortal Master!!"

The soldiers of the four dynasties screamed again and again, and at the same time they also recognized that this was the method of the immortal master Ji Han, because the giant hand that covered the sky was obviously suppressing the people of the Purple Phoenix Sect, so the soldiers of the four dynasties were They all screamed in excitement.

And after being shocked, he immediately followed Ji Han's order and surrounded and killed the million demon clan rioting in the city.

This time, for these rioting demon clan, they will no longer have any hold, and will directly kill them all, so as to avoid future troubles!!

Not only ordinary soldiers, but Ying Zheng and others were even more shocked when they witnessed Ji Han's shot.

"This magical power, this method, is really unbelievable, worthy of being a gentleman!

"Haha, Mr. finally shot!!"

"Hehe, a group of birdmen dare to be presumptuous in front of the master, they really don't know whether to live or die!

"Yes, I really want to see how shocked those birdmen are now, haha!"

Seeing the giant hand covering the sky appearing in the sky, Ying Zheng's eyes lit up, and they were extremely excited.

The giant hand that was suddenly clenched in the sky was formed by Ji Han's divine power. It looked radiant, but the breath it radiated was as shocking as a wild beast, making everyone present feel a sense of surprise. Unspeakable trembling and panic.

Especially the people of the Purple Phoenix Sect who were shrouded by the giant hand that covered the sky, felt particularly obvious, even as if death had descended, making them instantly understand what terror is.

"This this......"

"I...we...this is?? What is this??"

"lock up...

"Stop, stop, we are from the Tianyu clan, you can't kill us!!

"Misunderstanding, it's all misunderstanding, please stop the master!!"

At this time, the tens of thousands of people in the Purple Phoenix Sect didn't know that this giant hand that covered the sky was Ji Han's supernatural power. Desperate face.

Who would have thought that they would face such a terrifying enemy?

This is not on the same level at all, and the two sides are completely unequal.

It's just that they didn't understand until they saw the giant hand, but it was a little late!

The funny thing is that they actually dispatched the sect, completely giving the enemy a chance to catch them all.

At this time, Gongyanghou was even more frightened and his face distorted. The arrogance and arrogance on his face had long since disappeared, replaced by endless panic and disbelief.

"No, it's impossible... Who is Your Excellency? Why do you use the big to bully the small and target our Purple Phoenix Sect??

Before dying, looking at the giant hands that were gradually closing, Gongyanghou couldn't help roaring hysterically in desperation.

The tens of thousands of disciples of the Purple Phoenix Sect were also frightened to the point of excrement and urine, and they all cried out for mercy.

The situation changed dramatically in an instant, like a drama.

However, the tens of thousands of birdmen in the Purple Phoenix Sect had no time to think about these things. They were trying to fly high while the giant hand was closing, trying to escape the shrouded range of the giant hand.

But these were all in vain. Under the shroud of Ji Han's giant hand, the tens of thousands of birdmen from the Purple Phoenix Sect had already been firmly fixed in place, let alone trying to fly away from here, it was impossible to even move.

So the tens of thousands of bird people could only watch the giant hands slowly closing and clenching tightly, holding them completely in the palm of their hands.

When Gongyanghou and the others' vision was completely occupied by darkness, an unimaginable force of prancing squeezed them from all directions, causing all of their bodies to begin to deform slightly.

And these birdmen of the Purple Phoenix Sect are like ordinary flesh and blood at this moment. No matter how much you cultivate, it will not help. Under the terrifying force, everyone feels the coming of death.





The tens of thousands of Tianyu clan members of the Purple Phoenix Sect let out a desperate cry before they died, and then only heard a puff, as if something had been crushed. .

・・Please ask for flowers.


The thick and dense minced meat fell with the blood rain, and the giant hand covering the sky began to slowly dissipate, causing the sky to gradually recover. As for the tens of thousands of Tianyu people, they have long disappeared.

"I thought... how much can I fight, I can't bear it for a breath!!"

As the giant hand that covered the sky slowly dissipated, Ji Han also slowly retracted his right hand, looked at the place where the tens of thousands of Heavenly Feather Clan of the Purple Phoenix Sect disappeared, shook his head, and sighed.

In front of him, these Heavenly Feather clan people were no different from ants, but those ants didn't know it, and instead tried to shake the tree, so Ji Han could only send them to ashes.


"Haha, sir, it's really extraordinary!"

"That is, even a mere birdman dares to be presumptuous in front of his husband. Isn't this courting death?"

"Hehe, thanks to Mr., if Mr. hadn't been here today, we would not be able to deal with that birdman at the fusion stage!

"Yes, thank you sir for taking action!!

At this time, Ying Zheng and others, who had already woken up from the shock, couldn't hold back, and immediately sent Ji Han awe and gratitude with smiles all over their faces.

They thought about the fate of the enemy, but they didn't expect it to end so neatly and quickly, which made Ying Zheng and others involuntarily gain a lot of confidence in conquering the Tianyu Realm.

"This is not something you can handle, don't worry about it!" Ji Han waved his hand at will, then turned his head to look into the city, and said coldly: "I ordered the soldiers to stop and speed up the harvest, and give me all these monsters. Behead!

"Yes, please don't worry sir!"

Ying Zheng and the others hurriedly clasped their fists to take orders, and then ordered them to go down.

Because the battle at high altitude ended too quickly, the riots in Tiantian City had not yet been suppressed.

It's just that Gongyanghou was dead, and the million monsters in the city seemed to have a sudden shock, and they instantly came to their senses.

But the slaughter has already begun, and it will not stop until it is completely killed.

Even after the awakening of the million demon clan, they knelt down and begged for mercy, but the soldiers of the four dynasties raised their weapons with great determination, and then cut them down.

For a time, there was another scream of screams in the city of Tiantian, followed by a thick and pungent bloody smell! Beg.

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