At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

496 Ambitious and worthwhile! 【Subscription】

After a quarter of an hour, Tiantian City regained its calm.

Due to being controlled by Gongyanghou, the millions of demon clans who turned into mad believers and riots were killed by the soldiers of the four dynasties, not a single one was left!

Countless creatures trembled with fright!

Many local residents who were not affected were also terrified.

In this regard, neither Ji Han nor Ying Zheng and others, nor ordinary soldiers, have ever felt the slightest inappropriateness.

For the alien race, especially the target is the monster race, Ji Han and the others cannot have any compassion. Before they didn't kill the monster race they never resisted, but now they kill it because they can't keep the monster race!

After beheading all the monsters in the city, Lu Bu, Wang Ben and the others came to return with the smell of blood.

Ji Han waved his hand, wanting them to prepare sacrifices as usual.

However, at this time of "500", a huge piece of good news suddenly appeared.


"Congratulations to the master, because you have destroyed one party's forces, weakened the overall power of the Tianyu realm, and successfully eroded the origin of the heavenly way of the Tianyu realm, please make persistent efforts, master!"

The prompt sound of the system appeared abruptly in Ji Han's mind, making Ji Han a little surprised.

"What? I destroyed a party? Do you mean the Purple Phoenix Sect? Even if they were destroyed by me? What does it mean to erode the origin of the Heavenly Dao?"

Ji Han was a little confused and couldn't help but ask the system.

He didn't expect that he killed tens of thousands of Purple Phoenix Sect disciples at will, and even killed the high-level leaders such as the suzerain, but it was equivalent to directly destroying the Purple Phoenix Sect, which made Ji Han a little dumbfounded, and did not know whether the system was How to judge that the Purple Phoenix Sect was destroyed.

"It's such a master, because the Purple Phoenix Sect's sect was dispatched, there are only a few unimportant ordinary disciples left in the sect's station, so the Purple Phoenix Sect was destroyed by the master!"

"As for the source of the Heavenly Dao that erodes the Heavenly Feather Realm, it will enable you to increase your strength, and will bring invaluable benefits to the master. Please experience the master carefully! 35

The system gave an explanation and solved Ji Han's doubts.

Ji Han knew it, and at the same time felt a little playful about the destruction of the Purple Phoenix Sect, but this was something that had actually happened.

As for the system's reminders, let Ji Han experience it carefully, and Ji Han should naturally pay attention to it.

Ji Han closed his eyes slightly, sensing the changes in his body.

Sure enough, Ji Han clearly felt that as he eroded a trace of the origin of the Heavenly Dao in the Heavenly Feather Realm and transformed it into his own Heavenly Dao, it directly increased his strength a lot. The feeling of becoming stronger was both Clear and comfortable.

At the same time, Ji Han also found that after he devoured and digested the trace of the origin of the Heavenly Dao in the Heavenly Feather Realm, even the entire Blue Star began to undergo some changes. Not only did the entire Blue Star increase in volume, but even the spiritual energy of the heavens and the earth became much richer.

Such a harvest directly made Ji Han feel what is called a surprise.

And these changes are clearly what the system reminded him and let him experience carefully!

"Only destroying a third-rate force, the Purple Phoenix Sect, can erode a trace of the origin of the Heavenly Dao in the Heavenly Feather Realm. What if it was a second-rate force? What about a first-rate force?

"The entire Tianyu Realm is so big and there are so many sects, doesn't it mean that I can slowly nibble away these sects?"

"In this way, not only has I weakened the overall strength of the Tianyu Realm, but I have also eroded the origin of the Heavenly Dao in the Tianyu Realm, which can greatly increase my strength. Isn't the source of the Dao of Heaven easy??35

Ji Han then thought of more crucial and important things, and saw a way to quickly conquer the Tianyu Realm and quickly strengthen himself. He couldn't help but light up, secretly excited.

"To win, all the sects and forces in this world must be seized. In this way, perhaps in ten years, the heavenly way of this world will become my nourishment and help me go further in the realm of Da Luo!! 35

Ji Han suddenly made up his mind secretly, vowing to destroy all the sects in this world, and then completely occupy this world.

He is still not sure whether he can break through to the realm of saints after devouring the source of the heavenly path of the Tianyu realm, but it is completely possible to help him go further in the realm of Daluo.

You must know that even if they are both big Luo Jinxian, the difference in strength is also very different, and at the level of Da Luo Jinxian, the slightest increase is extremely difficult, and it is enough to make countless big Luo Jinxian crazy.

Generally speaking, after reaching the realm of Daluo Jinxian, unless there are saints behind the back, or the power of a family to support, it is normal for the strength to stagnate, so Ji Han can easily destroy a small force. The strength is amazing..

Therefore, he has already made up his mind at this time, and he must take this world, and it is within ten years.

"This world is so big, tens of thousands of times bigger than the Blue Star, the territory is extremely vast, and its existence is definitely longer than the Blue Star, there are absolutely countless forces spread throughout this world. , Let the four dynasties take this place as the base, first sweep away all the sects in Nanzhou, and then radiate to other big states!!

In an instant, Ji Han made a general direction and plan in his mind!

Originally waiting here for the arrival of the Purple Phoenix Sect, it was only to prevent the Purple Phoenix Sect from retaliation, and it was also for fear that the four dynasties would not be able to cope.

After all, they were just entering the Heavenly Feather Realm, and they didn't know the details of the enemy, so naturally they didn't dare to relax.

But what I didn't expect was such a big surprise, which made Ji Han feel that this trip was worth it!

After absorbing and digesting that trace of the source of the Heavenly Dao, Ji Han slowly opened his eyes.

Originally, Ying Zheng and others saw Ji Han's eyes slightly closed. Although they didn't know what was going on, they didn't dare to disturb them, and they all stood around quietly.

Seeing Ji Han's eyes open at this time, the sun and the moon seem to flow in his eyes, and the mountains and rivers are reflected, as if there is a world in it, full of unspeakable majesty and terror, making Ying Zheng and others involuntarily bow down in an instant. 4.3

"Congratulations, Mr. Hershey!

Ying Zheng and Li Shimin shouted congratulations in unison. Although they didn't know what happened, they all knew that it must be a good thing, because they felt that Ji Han's aura became more like a prison. Unpredictable!

"Hehe, get up!"

Ji Han instantly restrained the change in his eyes, making it look normal, and then waved his sleeves and gave Ying Zheng a virtual hand.

"Thank you, sir!"

Ying Zheng got up and looked at Ji Han with puzzled eyes, as if he wanted to know what happened just now!

But Ji Han didn't mean to explain immediately, he turned around and looked inside the city, and ordered:

"Sacrifice first, then we will discuss with you on important matters!!"

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