At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

005 You Know A Chicken, You Are Not Qin Shi Huang! 【55, New Book For Collection】

"Well said, well said!"

"What Mr. said is very true. I always thought that I should attack Baiyue first and then fight the Huns!"

"But listening to what Mr. said, it made me realize that Baiyue can't be attacked by force, but the Huns are my big Qin's confidant, and they should be destroyed first!"

Ying Zheng applauded and grinned excitedly.

The Huns have been the mortal enemies of the Central Plains since ancient times, and they would break through and loot if they had nothing to do.

In fact, in addition to wanting to conquer Baiyue in the south, Ying Zheng has always dreamed of attacking the Xiongnu in the north.

Ji Han's series of analysis is reasonable and reasonable. From this point of view, attacking the Xiongnu in the north is indeed a lot of benefits, and it is more than ten thousand times stronger than attacking Baiyue in the south.

"This plan is indeed brilliant!" Wang Ben asked impatiently, "Then what is the meaning of the second plan, Mr.

"Nonsense, of course it is to subdue the soldiers from the Six Nations!" Ji Han said angrily: "After the destruction of the Six Nations, hundreds of thousands of soldiers were scattered all over the place, which is always a hidden danger.

"The reason why the Second Emperor of Qin died so quickly is because they were forced to be too ruthless. They built the imperial mausoleum and built the Great Wall.

"Once the remnants of the Six Nations rise up, these hundreds of thousands of people will definitely oppose Qin and destroy Qin!"

When Ying Zheng heard this, he was in a cold sweat again!

That being said, this is indeed a ticking time bomb.

Wang Ben even said angrily: "Since this is the case, Da Qin should kill these soldiers with heart!"

"Of course not, you are stupid!" Ji Han scolded angrily: "These soldiers all have family members. You kill so many people for no reason. Can the survivors of the Six Nations still hate Da Qin to death?"

"If you don't kill them, you can't wait for them to rebel!" Wang Ben refused.

"Yeah, sir!" Ying Zheng also frowned secretly: "These hundreds of thousands of soldiers are not from my Daqin, and they are always a hidden danger. It is unavoidable, and it is better to kill them properly!"

"Fart!" Ji Han yelled angrily: "Da Qin rules the world, all the people of Kyushu are the people of Da Qin, how can anyone kill anyone casually?"

"The remnants of the Six Nations belong to the noble class, and the common people belong to the poor class. These soldiers are all common people who are bitter and haha. They can't be confused!"

"Except for a small number of die-hard loyalists of the Six Nations, most of the soldiers are actually poor people. They just want to eat and clothe themselves, and their wives and children are on the kang head!"

"Looking at all the dynasties and generations, if the common people are fed and clothed, who will put their heads up and go to rebellion for the powerful? Are you stupid as the common people?"

Ying Zheng and Wang Ben looked at each other as they were scolded!

The two hesitated to speak, and tried to refute several times, but in the end they were speechless!

"Do you believe it or not, as long as Da Qin promises to make them commit crimes and make meritorious deeds, these hundreds of thousands of surrendered soldiers will immediately scream and follow Da Qin to destroy the Huns!"

"After driving the Xiongnu out of the Hetao area, they can be placed on the grasslands to raise horses and graze, and even move their families there."

"On the one hand, it can defend the country against the Xiongnu for Daqin, and on the other hand, it also makes them worried and dare not rebel!"

"Within ten or eight years, these people and their descendants will completely identify with their identity as the people of Great Qin, adding millions of people and a steady stream of taxes to Great Qin!"

The more Ji Han talked, the more excited Ying Zheng was.

He had to admit that these words really spoke to his heart.

If it is as Ji Han said, then subjugating the soldiers is indeed a matter of great benefit to Da Qin.

"The last plan is to stabilize the people's livelihood!" Ji Han continued: "Da Qin's wars against the common people have been very hard for many years, especially the national policy of the people of the six countries has made many people's lives difficult!"

"The more turbulent it is, the happier the remnants of the Six Nations will be. At this time, a strong suppression can only make the relatives hurt and the enemies quicker, and force the people's hearts to the Six Nations!"

"And if Da Qin adjusts the national policy, cultivates students, and regards the remnants of the Six Nations as his own, then within three years, the world will be as stable as Mount Tai, and no one will risk beheading to help them, even if they are able to jump around! "

"In a word, after all, water can carry a boat and capsize it, and the common people want to live a good life. Whoever lets them live a good life doesn't care whether he is a Qin or a Chu native!"

"If you have always been hostile to the remnants of the Six Kingdoms, and Da Qin still can't escape the death of the second generation, it is better to win over the people to suppress the powerful and transform them into real Qin people!"

Ji Han's words made Ying Zheng silent again!

After a long time, he respectfully bowed: "Thank you sir for your guidance, I understand!"

"You know a chicken, we are just chatting, you are not Qin Shi Huang." Ji Han waved his hand and said, "Are both brothers full? Let's go!"

"It's a pity that you came at night. If you come during the day, I can also take you to hunt and pick wild vegetables. I'm not bragging. I still have a lot of farm entertainment projects."

"There's nothing to do this evening, just eat some barbecue and fish, and drink some beer and have a good time!"

After Ji Han finished speaking, he started to get busy again!

There is a small stream next to his Xiaoyang Building. The water flows down from the mountain reservoir. After Ji Han widened the waterway, he stocked a lot of fry, allowing tourists to fish here!

If you think the fish is not big enough, you can go fishing in the reservoir!

There are a lot of barbecue spots set up by the creek, and the charcoal fires and seasonings are very complete at each position, which can be used for entertainment.

"Come on, Lao Wang Lao Zhao, drink!"

"Let's make skewers while fishing, and keep you happy like a fairy!"

Ji Han happily carried a box of drinks from the refrigerator, and then started the fire to prepare for the barbecue. The bait had also been sprinkled, and he looked quite professional.

Ying Zheng and Wang Ben immediately became interested.

They naturally understand fishing, as well as barbecue. Although Daqin BBQ does not have so many seasonings, there are also grilled foods.

But what the hell is this big box of drinks?

Is this something to drink? How colorful?

"What are you looking at? Drink!" Ji Han opened a can of beer, took a sip, and said, "Here is beer, fat house water, Sprite, you can drink whatever you want."

"Is this wine?"

Lao Wang Lao Zhao became curious again.

[The new book is open, ask for all kinds of support]

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