At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

006 I Just Want To Send A Globe To Qin Shi Huang! 【15, Please Collect】

Learn how Ji Han looks!

Ying Zheng and Wang Ben also opened a can of beer each and drank it in one gulp. The two sighed with relief.

"What kind of wine is this? It tastes good, even better than my imperial wine!"

"Yeah, how is this jar made? It's so light and thin?"

"What is the text on the jar? Xianwen?"

The startled appearance of the two attracted Ji Han's sympathy again.

Didn't these two goods just come out of the mountains? Why didn't you even drink this beer? It's soooooooooooooooooo!

"Come here, eat some chicken wings!"

"Eat whatever you want, as much as you want, it's not enough to bake it yourself!"

After the aroma of barbecue dissipated, Ying Zheng Wang Ben was drooling again!

The three of them grilled and sipped beer one by one, and fished and smashed skewers. It's so cool, don't be too hilarious!

"It's delicious, this life is really enjoyable, it is worthy of being a fairy life."

"This barbecue is spicy in the mouth, but after getting used to it, the more you eat it, the more delicious it is, color!"

"Your Majesty, you should eat more roasted kidneys, the master said to nourish the kidneys!"

Lao Wang Lao Zhao swept like a bandit like a bandit, a lot of barbecue and a few grilled fish all entered their stomachs, and Ji Han was also horrified.

"You two eat slowly, don't choke!" Ji Han was speechless.

"Sir, forgive me, we have never eaten such delicious food, please Haihan!" Ying Zheng laughed awkwardly.

"What kind of delicious food is this." Ji Han couldn't help laughing.

"Sir!" Ying Zheng said suddenly with a stern look: "I dare to ask, if you implement the three strategies you just mentioned to turn things around, can Daqin last for ten thousand years?"

"You want to eat shit?" Ji Han spit out a breath of alcohol and said, "This world will divide for a long time, and if it divides for a long time, it will come together. Except for the Xia, Shang, and Zhou dynasties, most of them cannot escape the three-hundred-year rule."

"Three hundred years?" Ying Zheng frowned: "Sir, Xia, Shang and Zhou know this, but is there any other dynasty in this world that cannot succeed?"

"Nonsense!" Ji Han said angrily: "Three emperors and five emperors, Xia, Shang and Zhou, Qin and Han, three kingdoms, Wei, Shu and Wu, Eastern Jin, Western Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties, Sui, Tang, Five Dynasties, and ten kingdoms, Song, Jin, Yuan, Ming and Qing. There are many dynasties in these dynasties!"

"You two illiterates, let me popularize history for you!"

At this time, Ji Han drank a lot of beer, and he was in a good mood when he was a little drunk.

From the struggle between Chu and Han, to the usurpation of power by Wang Mang!

From the Yellow Turban Rebellion to the Three Kingdoms War!

From Wuhu chaotic China, to the rule of Zhenguan!

All kinds of historical events are spoken in Ji Han's mouth, even if he is a historically blind person, he can't help but be heartbroken when he hears it.

Ying Zheng and Wang Ben were already stunned!

Their eyes widened, not daring to take a breath.

This is definitely the immortal telling them what will happen in the future, so they dare not be distracted, for fear of missing a word.

At the same time, they also followed the ups and downs of history, and they couldn't help but be happy, excited, angry, and abusive!

"What a child of Liu Bang, he is a shameless villain. It's a shame that my Daqin was destroyed in the hands of such a person!"

"This Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty is good, with the style of an emperor, and the champion Hou Huo Qubing is even more good, I wish I could meet him!"

"The troubled times of the Three Kingdoms are not bad either. The generals are like clouds, and the advisors are astonishing. It's a splendid era!"

"What the hell is the Five Husbands? Husbands are also worthy of messing with me in the Central Plains? Damn it, it's annoying!"

"They still dare to treat my Middle-earth people as two-legged sheep? Hateful, deserve to be killed!"

"How can the descendants of future generations be so unsatisfactory, so oppressed by foreign races?"

The more Wang Ben thought about it, the more angry he became, and Lao Zhao wanted to go back immediately to raise a million troops and slaughter these damn alien races.

Wang Ben was also so angry that he gritted his teeth, and when he pulled out his sword, he wanted to slash people.

Ji Han sighed and smiled bitterly: "Where does this go? Kyushu civilization is a history of blood and tears! Prosperity, people suffer, perish, people suffer!"

"Even Li Shimin, who created the Tang Dynasty's prosperity, had to bow his head several times to befriend an alien, and exchange a princess for peace!"

"So for Da Qin, the remnants of the Six Kingdoms are not outsiders at all, they are all their own, and the Xiongnu and Qiang people are outsiders!"


"Sir is right!"

Ying Zheng patted the table and agreed, with a fierce light in his eyes!

He secretly swore that after returning home, he would appease the remnants of the Six Kingdoms and turn them into the people of Great Qin.

In the face of these brutal alien races, what is the hatred between the six nations? The blood of Kyushu should be consistent with the outside world!

As for the Xiongnu and Qiang people, they must be completely exterminated!

Lay down a big territory for future generations, so that all these alien races will die without a place to be buried.

Ji Han had already taken a few sips of beer, and said angrily: "The damn aliens are not only the Xiongnu and Qiang, but also the Khitan, Jurchen, Goryeo and the Eight-Power Allied Forces!"

"Guri's Jiannu killed my Han Chinese, foreign barbarians bombarded Kyushu, and the Opium War almost destroyed the soul of my Chinese nation!"

The more Ji Han talked, the more angry he became. He talked about the difficulties of Jingkang!

Speaking of the Jiaqing Three Massacres, and the Jiawu Naval Battle!

Speaking of the Xin Chou Treaty, speaking of the Nanjin Massacre!

Half-drunk and half-awake, the outrageous historical events deeply stimulated Ying Zheng and Wang Ben, whose eyes were already red with murderous intent.

"Damn, these beasts are all damned!"

"When I go back, I will order to build ships, train the navy, and one day I will hit their land!"

"And the natives of this small island in Dongying can't be spared, I will kill them all, not a single one!"

Ying Zheng gritted his teeth and roared. It was the first time in his life that he was so angry and rude. If there was a foreigner in front of him at this time, he would have to draw a knife and slash him.

"Hahaha!" Ji Han said drunkenly, "Do you know what I want to do most?"

"What do you want to do, sir?" Wang Ben was surprised.

"Just say what you want, sir!" Ying Zheng also said, "I am rich all over the world, and I will definitely do it for you."

"No, no, I just want to send a globe to Qin Shi Huang!" Ji Han said angrily: "I want Qin's army to sweep the barbarians, the Peacock Dynasty, the Roman Empire, and the Macedonian Empire, all for me!"


Ying Zheng took a deep breath!

A terrible ambition began to brew in his heart.

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