At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

498 Absorption and swallowing, an immeasurable improvement! 【Subscription】

The content of Ji Han's words is full of temptation and excitement for Ying Zheng and others, making their eyes involuntarily start to release the longing light.

"Haha, sir, this plan is very good, really good!!"

"My God, in this way, after absorbing and digesting the cultivation culture and all resources of the Purple Phoenix Sect, we have a million army in our hands, who else can we be afraid of? Haha!!

"It's amazing, as expected of a gentleman, it directly solved all our problems in the early stage!

"Haha, that's right at all, I didn't even think about it, sir!"

Thinking of the scene Ji Han said, Ying Zheng and the others not only lit up their eyes, but also cried out in excitement!

Because they all understand how important the resources of the Purple Phoenix Sect are to them.

First of all, although the Purple Phoenix Sect is only a third-rate force in the Tianyu Realm, the Purple Phoenix Sect has developed here for at least 10,000 years. There are absolutely countless kinds of cultivation secrets and secret methods, and they have a decisive role in the four dynasties absorbing the cultivation culture here, and then taking the essence and removing the dross.

Second, as long as the Purple Phoenix Sect is taken down, most of the data and information about the Tianyu Realm must be available in its sect station, including the topography of the Tianyu Realm, the division of forces, and various intelligence information from various states. These data and information The importance of it is self-evident, as long as they can get it, they can have a clearer understanding of the Tianyu Realm, and it can also save the four dynasties from taking many detours in the next expansion.

The third one is the resources of the Purple Phoenix Sect, whether it is the treasures of heaven and earth, weapons and equipment, or formations and spiritual stones, etc., as long as all these resources are used to strengthen the four dynasties, then the four dynasties will be strengthened. The increase in strength will definitely be incomparable!

To put it simply, swallowing the Purple Phoenix Sect had an inestimable effect on the promotion of the four great dynasties, which was why Ying Zheng and others were excited.

If it wasn't for Ji Han's reminder, they wouldn't have thought of this!

"Sir, when are we going to bring this Purple Phoenix Sect's lair~々?"

Thinking of the various benefits of winning the Purple Phoenix Sect, Ying Zheng couldn't wait to ask.

"It should be sooner rather than later, we will go over tonight, you don't have to worry!

Ji Han squeezed his right hand and comforted Ying Zheng and the others.

With Ji Han's assurance, Ying Zheng and others were relieved.

"Sir, what are your other three suggestions?"

"Yes, yes, please come quickly sir!

"I can't wait, haha, sir, hurry up!

While speaking, Ying Zheng and others turned their attention to Ji Han's other three suggestions, and urged Ji Han with a big laugh.

Because the first suggestion solved most of their early problems and brought them huge gains, Ying Zheng and others were looking forward to the remaining three suggestions.

"Don't worry, just listen to me slowly!" Ji Han was very indifferent, and asked Wang Mushi to pour a cup of tea before slowly saying: "This first suggestion is enough to ensure that the strength of your four dynasties can be steadily stabilized. Improve, so this second suggestion is about the problem after the strength is improved.""

"That is to start from the Tianyu Realm. In the future battles, strengthen the formation training of the four dynasties, and train soldiers with the thinking of legion warfare, so as to ensure that the weak can defeat the strong, and even the strong can defeat the stronger. powerful!

With a faint smile on his face, Ji Han just said his second suggestion.

At first glance, this second suggestion sounds useless and meaningless, causing Ying Zheng and others to be a little puzzled.

"Strengthen formation training??

"Training soldiers with a legion combat mentality? Sir, what does this mean?

"Guaranteed to be able to defeat the strong with the weak? Could it be that we will encounter forces stronger than us in the future? 99

"This...Sir, this doesn't seem to work, and we did this before!!

Ying Zheng and several people looked at each other, and then raised their doubts.

Ji Han was not surprised by this, he shook his head and explained: "No, you think it's wrong, strengthen the formation training, train soldiers with the legion mentality, not the effect is small, but very big!

"You were indeed doing this before, but it was just a prototype, or it was still superficial, and there was no deeper level of training, so I said to strengthen it, and strengthen it on the original basis."

"As for the effect, in a nutshell, it is to condense the strength of the entire legion, and with a skilled formation, it can be achieved by hitting more with less, and defeating the strong with the weak.

"This requires a high level of cooperation between the soldiers. It is best to form subconscious thinking and actions. In this way, no matter what kind of enemy you face in the future, you can deal with it calmly!"

66. Think about it, the Feather World is 10,000 times wider than our Blue Star, and we still don’t know what kind of sects exist in it, but what is certain is that we are the weakest at present, so we need to do it. The weak wins the strong, so do you understand?

Ji Han patiently explained Ying Zheng and the others.

In fact, what he wants to do is to train the soldiers of the four dynasties in the way of modern army training. After all, the four dynasties have millions of armies. .

So after Ji Han explained, he immediately found out various methods and videos of modern army training and showed them to Ying Zheng, so as to strengthen their vision!

After seeing these things, the doubts in Ying Zheng and others' hearts were immediately answered.

"Haha, Mr. is still more thoughtful, it's our fault!"

"Yes, yes, I didn't expect such a legion battle (Li's) to be so powerful, sir, this suggestion is really good! 55

"Strengthen the training, you must strengthen the training immediately!!"

"That's right, we will start training according to Mr.'s method tomorrow. We really can't be careless in the Tianyu Realm, we have to be vigilant at all times, and we must be cautious about the forces we haven't encountered yet, after all, no one knows whether they will appear or not. What an old monster!"

The four emperors, Ying Zheng, resolutely accepted Ji Han's advice, and their vigilance towards the world increased again.

Because the Immortal Master is right, the Tianyu Realm is too vast, there are countless sects and forces, and I don’t know how many great powers have not yet appeared. They are the weakest in this world. If they can’t improve their overall strength , If you have to rely on the Immortal Master every time, then they can't go too far in this world.

Therefore, it is the key to strive to improve the overall strength from all aspects!!

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