At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

499 Waste utilization, Baili but no harm! 【Subscription】

When it comes to improving the overall strength, Ying Zheng and several people have full confidence in this.

As a result, the spiritual energy in this place is so strong that even if you don't practice, you can slowly increase your strength. Once you let go of the practice, the increase in strength will definitely rise like a rocket.

Second, once they completely take over the sect of the Purple Phoenix Sect and absorb their cultivation culture, and then use all the cultivation resources of the Purple Phoenix Sect, the improvement of the four dynasties will definitely make everyone feel satisfied.

The third, as Ji Han said just now, strengthen formation training and teach the soldiers of the four dynasties to fight with legion thinking. In this way, the improvement of overall strength is also immeasurable, and the cohesion will also be improved to a higher level. building!

Therefore, based on these conditions, it is difficult for the millions of soldiers of the four dynasties to become stronger. Even a pig will definitely become stronger and more refined in such an environment!

Ji Han's two previous suggestions have thoroughly demonstrated Ji Han's long-term vision and clear overall situation, which makes Ying Zheng and others admire them.

"Haha, sure enough, every suggestion from Mr. 517 is enough for us to benefit a lot, sir, what are the other two suggestions? Please don't hesitate to give me some advice!! 35

Ying Zheng was already excited, laughing and flattering Ji Han. At the same time, he was also very curious about the remaining two suggestions.

The same goes for the three of Li Shimin, who urged Ji Han to continue talking.

"Hehe, you guys!! 95 Ji Han smiled helplessly, and then said: "Since we have finished talking about our army, then my third suggestion is about how to make your four great dynasties gain a foothold in this world of feathers. , and how to find a breakthrough and make your strength grow!

Obviously, in Ji Han's heart, they don't think that simply improving their overall strength will be able to gain a foothold in the Tianyu Realm, and they need more preparations.

In this regard, Ying Zheng and the others all looked solemn, waiting for Ji Han to elaborate.

"Actually it's very simple, that is, after we start to expand externally, we will absorb all the forces or sects that are enslaved by the Tianyu Clan and have not resisted, and let them join you in the four major groups. Dynasty, set up a vengeful army from (bbed)!

"You give them freedom, give them human rights, give them food and drink, so that they will no longer be enslaved, and they will no longer need to bow down to anyone or serve anyone. I believe that those demon clan who are reluctant to be enslaved and The major races will definitely rise up, and their hatred for the Tianyu Clan will definitely come first, so as long as you help them get rid of their enslavement status, they will definitely be willing to join you and become the power in your hands. Violent revenge on the Tianyu people!"

"In this way, you can strengthen your own strength, and you can also have a large number of cannon fodder corps.

"That's what I said, let your strength grow!"

"When these monsters roll into giant monsters like snowballs, they will definitely be a huge threat to the Tianyu tribe. They will only think about how to resist and retaliate against the Tianyu tribe. This is a sharp sword in your hands. If you do it well, it will definitely be of great value, of course, you must take precautions, and you can't let this sword turn back #2!""

Ji Han talked eloquently, laying out the things that he saw long-term and considered, and told Ying Zheng and others in detail.

For Ji Han, Tianyu Realm is a world he is determined to win, and it will also be the starting point for him to conquer the three thousand worlds. s plan.

Therefore, Ji Han was not stingy at this time, he directly said what he saw in the long run and what he thought of, and even gave various suggestions to the four dynasties. The purpose is to hope that the overall strength of the four dynasties can be as strong as possible. !

Moreover, for the demon clan of the Tianyu Realm, if they could use the waste and use the hatred of the enslaved race for the Tianyu clan to control them, it would definitely be beneficial to the four dynasties without any harm.

Ying Zheng and the others did not expect the Immortal Master Ji Han to give such a suggestion, and their eyes lit up as if they had seen a rare treasure.

"My God, how could I do this, why didn't I think of it?"

"Haha, wonderful, it's really wonderful, Mr. is really good, thank you for your generous advice!!

"Using the alien race of the Tianyu Realm to deal with the Tianyu tribe can not only weaken the strength of the Tianyu tribe, but also preserve the strength of one's own side, it is a huge profit!!

"It's amazing, it's amazing, I didn't expect Mr. to see such a long-term perspective, it's beyond our reach!!"

The excited Ying Zheng and others expressed their gratitude and praise to Ji Han, and even wished to implement this third opinion right away.

They are all top smart people. Although many things are not considered by Ji Han in the long run, they are often easy to understand and immediately understand what Ji Han means.

Although they didn't think about it before, but now Ji Han mentioned it, they immediately understood the importance of this suggestion.

Although they are new to the Tianyu Realm, they all know that in the Tianyu Realm, the Tianyu clan is indeed the dominant race, but the major races compared to it are the largest in terms of population and number, and far more than the Tianyu. There are many more clans, otherwise, it will not provide so much faith for the Tianyu clan!

Therefore, as long as they slowly liberate the major enslaved races in the Tianyu world to deal with the Tianyu clan, this will not only weaken the overall strength of the Tianyu clan, make them lose their followers, but also preserve their own strength. Under his leadership, it will no longer be difficult to completely wipe out the Tianyu Clan!

At this moment, the billions of enslaved creatures in the Tianyu Realm instantly became the treasures of Ying Zheng and others, which also made Ying Zheng and their hearts hot.

"We started from Nanzhou, slowly nibbling away the surrounding sects, and slowly liberating the enslaved races, haha, in this way, there will be fewer and fewer Tianyu people, and more and more major races will be liberated. Conquering the Tianyu Realm is just around the corner!!

Cao Cao's eyes are hot, and he is full of longing and anticipation for the next development!

"It's true, but just as Mr. said, we also have to guard against the backlash of the major races, and we must make them dare not give birth to the heart of rebellion!"

Ying Zheng nodded and also raised his concerns.

For this, Ji Han and the others are also on guard, but they are not too worried, because as the soldiers under them continue to strengthen their strength, it is completely easy to suppress some ordinary aliens in the area, so they only need to take precautions. !.

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