At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

500 sleeping plan, make up for the last short board! 【Subscription】

Step on Tiancheng, above the city wall.

At this time, Ji Han, Ying Zheng and others were discussing various things enthusiastically.

Judging from the three suggestions made by Ji Han, it is already clear how the four dynasties should act and develop next!

In this regard, Ying Zheng and others are also very satisfied, especially the suggestion made by Ji Han, which is more timely than the timely rain, enough to quickly strengthen the power of the four dynasties, and at the same time allow them to gain a firm foothold in the Tianyu Realm.

After Ji Han's decision, Ying Zheng and others also unanimously decided that the million-strong army of the four dynasties will not expand to the outside world for the time being, and will first cultivate in a low-key secret way in the city of stepping on the sky, and strive to improve their own strength.

After obtaining all the resources of the Purple Phoenix Sect, their cultivation speed will definitely increase to a higher level, because they can absorb the cultivation culture system here, take the essence and remove the dross.

In addition, the four dynasties have to spend a certain amount of time every day for formation training and legion thinking combat training, so that the soldiers and horses of the four dynasties gradually tend to be integrated, improve the overall cohesion, and also improve the overall combat capability.

After all, this world is not the World War II time and space of Blue Star. Ordinary firearms and grenades do not play much role here. What is really useful is only one's own cultivation base and the overall cooperation of the legion. There are also some formations and tools that can be used. Magic and so on.

Therefore, Ji Han's second suggestion is very ~ necessary!

Ying Zheng and others naturally have to follow this suggestion, as long as it can enhance their strength, they will never have any objection-!

As for the third suggestion, it is a very useful plan for the future development of the four dynasties. At present, there is no need to pay attention to it, and all the alien races in the city have been beheaded, and I want to appease – there is no goal!

After a heated discussion, Ying Zheng and the others were still a little unfulfilled, and they were also full of confidence in the next development in the Tianyu Realm.

As long as the four dynasties secretly cultivate for a period of time and slowly accumulate strength, when they can expand outwards, they will definitely set off an unimaginable frenzy in the Tianyu Realm!

It just seemed to be thinking of something, and a worried look suddenly appeared on Chongzhen's face, which was caught by Ji Han at once.

"Hehe, Lao Zhu, if you have something to say, don't worry about anything!"

Ji Han put down the teacup and looked at Chongzhen with a smile!

"Huh? Lao Zhu, do you have something to say?"

"Brother, say whatever you want to kill, sir, you won't have the same knowledge as us!

"Yeah, just say what you think of, let's discuss it, you can't hide it!

Hearing Ji Han say this, Ying Zheng and the three also looked at Chongzhen curiously and laughed.

Because they no longer have any secrets from each other, and the four dynasties are already a community, the inseparable kind, under the leadership of Ji Han, they have been advancing and retreating together, and each other's temperament has been clearly understood, so There is no pressure at all to ridicule Chongzhen, and they also believe that Chongzhen will never hide anything from them.

Sure enough, after being seen by Ji Han, Chongzhen smiled shyly at the crowd.

"No, it's not a big deal. I was about to say it, but it suddenly occurred to me that although the development speed of our four dynasties has been very fast, the starting point is too low, and there is still no top expert who can take it out!"

"At present, the cultivation base of the few of us is the highest, but we have only just broken through to the stage of spiritual transformation. For this big world, it is equivalent to the existence of the bottom layer. It is really not worth mentioning.35

Chongzhen smiled wryly and said what he thought of.

Then, without waiting for Ji Han and others to speak, Chongzhen continued: "It's also because of this, when we face some problems or enemies that we can't solve, we have to bother Mr. Same as the Purple Phoenix Sect, it really makes me feel a little aggrieved! 39

"Therefore, I'm a little worried that we can't deal with the sudden appearance of the enemy when Mr. is not here, because we don't have a top player who is on his own!"

"It's just such an idea, nothing else!"

After Chongzhen finished speaking with a smile, his eyes shifted to Ying Zheng and the others.

Sure enough, after listening to Chongzhen's concerns, Ying Zheng and the others instantly realized the seriousness of the problem.

"Hey, Lao Zhu, even if you didn't say it, I also thought about it, but the time and space in the previous battles were not so powerful, and this problem was suppressed by me. Now that I came to the Tianyu Realm, this problem immediately emerged! 35

・・For flowers.......

"Yeah, don't tell me Lao Zhu, I haven't thought of it yet. When we encounter a great enemy that cannot be solved, we need Mr. to take action every time. It's too much trouble for Mr.

"That's right, I've thought about this too, especially in a world like Tianyu Realm where countless powers are hidden, we must have some top experts who can act as a facade!! 39

"That's what I said, but we are already considered to be the most cultivated people. Where can we train top experts?"

When Ying Zheng and several others talked about this issue, they were also worried.

In fact, it is very simple to solve this problem. It is to train some top experts, because they are currently lacking experts who can guard the base. At least they have to reach the level of Yuanxian or above to ensure that they will not be destroyed in the Tianyu Realm. !

However, Ying Zheng and the others have just reached the realm of God Transformation, how to cultivate such a powerful level.

As a result, Ying Zheng and others, who had been racking their brains and couldn't think of a solution, all turned to Ji Han who was on the side.

"Please also teach us sir!!"

The four Ying Zheng suddenly bowed down and asked Ji Han to help them find a way.

Because they don't want to trouble Ji Han every time, after all, the immortal master can't stay here all the time, and at the same time, they also want to have a master who can take charge of it alone, so that the next development will go more smoothly.

Since Chongzhen spoke, Ji Han has been drinking tea quietly, without making any statement or giving any opinion.

At this moment, he finally put down the teacup and said with a smile: "Haha, yes, being able to think of this proves that you really have an idea!"

"Get up, even if you don't say it, I'm going to mention it to you, because my fourth suggestion is about this! 55

"I am going to... carry out the sleeping plan, create a group of top experts for you, help you to gain a firm foothold in the Tianyu world, and solve your last shortcoming! 95

Ji Han seems to have made up his mind for a long time, and he has already thought about the problems that Chongzhen and the others can think of, and now it is finally time to solve this problem!

And the implementation of the sleeping plan is also Ji Han's last suggestion! Beg.

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