At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

502 But it is disrespectful, hungry tiger rushes to eat! 【Subscription】

A few days later, Ji Han returned to his small manor with Wang Mushi, Ying Zheng and others!

In the past few days, Ji Han and others have completely stabilized the situation in Tiantian City.

For now, there should not be many people who know that the Purple Phoenix Sect has been destroyed. It is definitely good news for the millions of soldiers in Tiantian City. They can practice hard in secret.

A few days ago, because Ying Zheng and the others urgently requested Ji Han to take them to plunder the site of the Purple Phoenix Sect, and Ji Han did not refuse, he waved his hand and took Ying Zheng and Wang Mushi to the Purple Phoenix Sect quickly. where the Purple Mountain.

Regarding the specific location of the Purple Phoenix Sect's station, it is impossible to stumped Ji Han, because he had already obtained the answer from the surviving demon clan before, so they went directly to the location of the Purple Mountain with a purpose.

A mere tens of thousands of miles may be a long distance for Ying Zheng and the others, but it is not a problem at all for Ji Han, who soon brought Ying Zheng and the others outside the Purple Phoenix Sect.

At that time, there were only three or two kittens left in the Purple Phoenix Sect to maintain the operation of the Protecting Sect Great Array.

When Ji Han and the others left the sect, the disciples who stayed behind the Purple Phoenix Sect didn't know their identities, so they scolded them and ordered them to leave immediately and not stay nearby.

But Ji Han's next move terrified those disciples directly.

I saw Ji Han pointed out the Purple Phoenix Sect's Sect Protector Array directly, and it seemed that he didn't take this so-called Sect Protector Array into his eyes at all.

And the fact is also the case. Under the shocking gazes of more than a dozen disciples of the Purple Phoenix Sect, the protecting formation of the Purple Phoenix Sect was instantly shattered, like an eggshell, suddenly shattered.

After breaking the Purple Phoenix Sect's guardian formation with a single blow, the next situation is self-evident.

Under the scanning of Ji Han's spiritual sense, the remaining disciples of the Purple Phoenix Sect were like fireflies in the dark night, and they had nowhere to hide. Ji Han directly handed over all these left-behind birdmen to Xiao Hei, and he brought them with him. With Ying Zheng and a few people, they quickly searched and swept through the Purple Phoenix Sect.

Array Hall, Medicine Hall, Magic Treasure Hall, Material Hall, Book Collection Hall, Secret Law Room, Talisman Hall, Lingshi Hall...

These are all places where the Purple Phoenix Sect stores various resource materials and cultivation secrets, and each attic hall stores a large amount of resources.

In this regard, Ying Zheng and the others were like Grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden, their eyes widened, their mouths never closed, all the light in their eyes was red, and even saliva almost came out!

They have never seen so many cultivation resources, and it is normal for them to appear to have not seen the world.

Then, under the leadership of Ji Han, they did it themselves, just like a hungry tiger rushing for food, they would frantically carry everything they saw, no matter it was useful, into the trading space.

Ying Zheng and the others were like sweeping the goods at that time, one storeroom, one attic hall, all of them were not spared, and they carefully searched again and again.

Ying Zheng and the others were really enjoying it. At that time, there was only one thought in their minds, that is, the Purple Phoenix Sect must be completely emptied, and nothing useful should be left behind.

Under such a frantic search and plunder, in just half a day, the huge Purple Phoenix Sect was completely evacuated by Ying Zheng and a few people!

But everything that is useful or contaminated with spiritual energy, even immature spiritual grass, spiritual rice, stones, etc., are all swept away by them and put into the trading space.

Since then, the Purple Phoenix Sect has completely become the past in the Tianyu Realm, and it has become a part of history. Except for the clean Purple Gold Mountain, the Purple Phoenix Sect will not leave any traces!

After the search, Ying Zheng and the others continued to discuss with excitement on the way back. At the same time, they also sighed with emotion. Fortunately, the trading space given by the immortal master is infinite, otherwise they would not know what to do with so many things!

After all these things, after returning to Tiantian City, Ying Zheng and others left some useful resources in the city, such as the guardian formation, as well as some materials and prisoners, etc., in order to enhance the strength of Tiantian City, and at the same time take A part of the medicinal herbs and resources were released and used on the soldiers in Tiantian City.

In addition, before returning to the small manor, Ji Han, Ying Zheng and others studied the various cultivation books and secret methods left by the Purple Phoenix Sect, and began to understand the principles of cultivation in this world, and began to absorb and digest it slowly. The cultivation culture and system of the world, so as to find the classics and paths suitable for each soldier's cultivation.

Of course, even if Ji Han is involved in this kind of work, it cannot be done in a short time.

Therefore, after arranging everything, Ji Han returned to the small manor with Wang Mushi, Ying Zheng and others.

Just returned, the fairies in the manor who seemed to have not seen Ji Han for a long time cheered and came out to greet Ji Han one after another.

"Hee hee, sir, you are finally back!"

"Sir, the slave family misses you so much!"

"Sir, did you encounter anything interesting this time? Tell us about it! 95

"Sir, can you take us out next time, we sisters really want to go out with you!

"Yes yes yes......

After returning to the manor, Ji Han immediately surrounded a large group of fairies, Yingying Yanyan, everyone was attracting Ji Han's attention and wanted Ji Han to talk to them.

"Hehe, it's alright, alright!" Ji Han said while walking with a group of fairies: "This time I went out and encountered interesting things, which you absolutely don't know about. I'll tell you in detail later. In addition, It's the same sentence, if you want to go out with me, you can go out with me when your swordsmanship reaches the realm of screen poetry! 35

"Well, then the slave family 517 will work harder!

"Hee hee, is there really something fun and interesting? Then sir, please tell us about it later!"9

"That's right, sir, don't be rude!"

"We're all waiting...

Zhen Miyang and Ping Ping's sisters are chatting non-stop!

Seeing this, Ji Han couldn't help but laugh and cry.

"Okay, I'll talk about this later. We just came back, and we haven't even had a sip of water yet. In this case, you all go down and get ready. I want a feast to celebrate and reward Lao Zhao and the others!"

It's not a problem to have too many girls around, so Ji Han arranged for them to go down to prepare the banquet!

Ji Han had already spoken, and the fairies naturally did not dare not obey, and went down to prepare with laughter.

"Come on, let's sit at the pavilion!"

Ji Han greeted him and walked to his old position first.

"Haha, since Mr. gave us a celebration feast, then we will be disrespectful!"

"Yes, yes, I have to have a good meal today!"

"In the Tianyu Realm for a few days, the food was too bland, and today I can finally eat a good meal!"

"Hehe, walk around, keep up with Mr.!"

When Ying Zheng and the others heard that Ji Han was going to hold a celebration banquet, their eyes lit up and immediately followed Ji Han to the pavilion and sat down!

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