At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

503 The Secret Technique of Three Thousand Avenues and the Immortal Dynasty Jade Seal! 【Subscription

However, just as Ji Han sat down, a voice suddenly appeared in his mind.


"Congratulations, Master, you have successfully established a firm foothold in the Great Thousand Worlds, and took the first step to conquer the Three Thousand Great Worlds! 39

"Therefore, I will reward the master with a god-level gift package, the specific reward, please check the master yourself!

The system suddenly sent a reminder to Ji Han, and it was great news, directly rewarding Ji Han with a god-level gift package!

"God-level gift package? Is there such a good thing?"

Ji Han was stunned for a second, then secretly overjoyed. He didn't expect to receive such good news as soon as he came back, and he also received a god-level gift package, which was really a pleasant surprise.

Obviously, this is the system's affirmation of Ji Han, and it is also an incentive!

Ji Han signaled Lao Zhao and the others to take care of themselves with his eyes, then he sank his mind into his mind, and then opened the god-level gift bag!


The god-level gift bag was opened instantly, and Ji Han saw what was in the gift bag.

This god-level gift package only contains two things, one of which is a secret technique called the Secret Technique of the Three Thousand Avenues, and the other is an object in the shape of four jade seals.

Ji Han took the lead in checking the Secret Technique of the Three Thousand Dao, and after a while, he probably browsed the secret technique.

Ji Han discovered that the Three Thousand Dao Secret Technique is an extremely powerful secret technique, including cultivation, attack, defense, formation, weapon refining, alchemy, etc. There are thousands of all-encompassing and powerful secret techniques. , Every secret method corresponds to a kind of avenue, which is enough to make the strength of the four dynasties soar and make the people who practice it quickly become stronger.

What's more valuable is that these secret techniques can be passed on to the four dynasties!

As long as these secret techniques are slowly spread among the four dynasties layer by layer, so that all the people of the four dynasties can practice selectively, then the overall strength of the four dynasties will definitely usher in a qualitative leap!

The secret technique of the three thousand avenues alone gave Ji Han a big surprise.

However, when Ji Han knew what the four jade seals were, he was even more surprised.

Just like its appearance, those four things that are only the size of the palm are indeed jade seals, called Xianchao jade seals.

These four immortal dynasty jade seals have an extremely important role, that is, they can suppress the national fortune. Only if each of the four dynasties holds one immortal dynasty jade seal, then the four dynasties can be directly promoted to immortal dynasties, not in ordinary dynasty.

After being promoted to the Immortal Dynasty, the four immortal dynasties can gather the luck of hundreds of millions of people from now on, so that the cultivation speed of the people in each immortal dynasty skyrockets, and they can also obtain various incredible means. It's an artifact!

After figuring out the specific rewards, Ji Han was naturally overjoyed.

"System, you are really timely this time, and the things you gave are also in line with my mind, haha, not bad~ 々!"

Ji Han was very happy and couldn't help but praise the system in his mind.


The system is speechless!

Ji Han secretly smiled and didn't care!

After rejoicing, he secretly frowned, but at the same time he did not immediately inform Ying Zheng and the others.

Because he thought about it more, although this reward came very timely and precious, it was self-evidently important to the four dynasties, but Ji Han thought of what happened in Tianyu Realm this time, so he temporarily released the news. He pressed down, ready to find a better time to inform Ying Zheng and others.

Because the conversation between Ji Han and the system happened in Ji Han's mind, Ying Zheng and others didn't know it.

They just watched Ji Han let them go, and then seemed to be stunned for a few seconds.

Naturally, Ying Zheng and the others would not ask more questions, but waited quietly.

After a while, the girls in Yangping prepared a large table of food, and the table was full of food and drink.

"Come, drink and drink, and have a banquet today, it is to celebrate Heer and others to gain a firm foothold in the Tianyu Realm, this is a gratifying thing, come, let's have a toast!"

Seeing that the banquet was ready, Ji Han turned his attention back and greeted Ying Zheng and others with a smile.

"Come on, come on, cheers!

"Haha, thank you sir, do it!"

"If it weren't for Mr., how could we stand firm so easily, done!"


Ying Zheng and others raised their glasses one after another, laughed and expressed their gratitude to Ji Han, and then drank a glass of wine!

"Come, eat, eat, don't be polite!"

Ji Han moved his chopsticks while saying hello and started to eat!

Ying Zheng and the others stayed in the Tianyu Realm for a few days, and they had long missed the food and wine here. At this time, they even greeted them with Ji Han.

Wang Mushi and sister Yang Ping were responsible for adding wine and vegetables, while the other girls followed the old rules, some played musical instruments, some danced, a harmonious and happy scene.

After Ji Han and the others had eaten and drank for a while, the sister Yang Ping, who was unable to follow Ji Han out, began to ask about what happened to them.

Mr. Jia, tell us quickly, what interesting things did you encounter this time?"

'Yes, yes, sir, you are being patronized to eat!'

"Sir, you can't be rude, our sisters are all waiting!""

"It's just..."

After someone took the lead, all kinds of anger and urging rang in Ji Han's ears.

After getting along with Ji Han for so long, they all figured out Ji Han's temperament, so they were not afraid to joke with Ji Han, and they all seemed very casual.

"You guys!!" Ji Han reluctantly put down his chopsticks, ordered a little girl Yang Pingping, and then said: "Don't worry, if I promise to tell you, I won't break my promise, this time, we went to a place that is even better than Blue Star. It is a big world that is tens of thousands of times bigger. This is a world full of various strange races and hundreds of millions of creatures!

As soon as Ji Han opened his mouth, he attracted the attention of all the girls. Those who were dancing stopped, and those who were playing music also stopped, and they all approached Ji Han. (Li Dezhao)

"Wow, really sir? Is there really such a big world?"

"Oh my god, it's tens of thousands of times bigger than the blue star we live in, it's unimaginable!""

"All kinds of strange races? What are they? Say it, sir!

"It's so fun, woo... If only we could go take a look!"

Ji Han just said the beginning, and the girls around couldn't wait to ask questions.

In this regard, Ying Zheng and others are quite helpless, and they can only continue to eat and drink when they are funny!

Ji Han smiled and continued: "That world is called Tianyu Realm, which is one of the three thousand worlds, and it is normal for it to be bigger than our Blue Star. In Tianyu Realm, Tianyu Clan is the dominant race in that realm, and The so-called Tianyu clan are birdmen with wings......

Ji Han smiled and was very patient. He picked up some interesting experiences in the Tianyu world and told them slowly! Yu.

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