At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

050 Great Cleaning, Chongzhen Began To Slaughter Fat Sheep! 【55, Ask For Flowers】

Cao Bianjiao, Li Yuanyin, and Bi Maokang were all secretly excited!

They consider themselves to be unknown people, at least not in the presence of the emperor.

But now Chongzhen summoned them by the imperial decree, and tried new weapons in front of them. What does this mean?

This naturally means to reuse them and treat them as their own rhythm.

The three of them are all smart people, and naturally they are secretly excited.

The Ming Dynasty lasted for hundreds of years. Every literati and military general has a dream of serving the court. The idea of ​​imperial power still firmly enslaves everyone's thinking.

So when they guessed that Chongzhen would use them, they were only happy.

Sure enough, after the experiment was over, Chongzhen said straight to the point: "Bi Aiqing, what about the new weapons in this battle?"

"Go back to the Holy One, these firearms are already the most advanced level in Europe!" Bi Maokang praised: "Especially the bullets made of cardboard shells, even Westerners have not thought of it, I admire it!"


Chongzhen couldn't stop laughing, obviously very satisfied with this answer!

Then he said directly: "Bi Maokang, I would like to promote you to be the military officer of the Beiping Military Department, and also serve as the chief admiral of the artillery bureau, and specially make artillery for me. What do you think?"

"The Artillery Bureau?"

Bi Maokang was shocked, he never thought that Chongzhen would use him so much.

However, he is proficient in all kinds of firearms, and even very good at artillery, which is in line with his professional knowledge.

"I thank you for the grace of the emperor!" Bi Maokang didn't even think about it, he knelt down and shouted: "I will not disgrace my mission, and build the best cannon for the saint."

"Okay, hahaha!" Chongzhen was in a good mood and continued: "Li Yuanyin, I worship you as the new commander of Jinyiwei, what do you think?"


Li Yuanyin was stunned.

He never thought that his junior general in the army was suddenly transferred to the capital, and he was directly named the leader of Jinyiwei by Chongzhen.

Is this dreaming?

How could he feel so unreal!

"I'm not kidding!" Chongzhen said solemnly: "Li Yuanyin, are you willing!"

"My minister is willing to die!"

Li Yuanyin agreed decisively, and Chongzhen nodded in satisfaction!

Then he turned to look at Cao Bianjiao and said, "Cao Qing, I know that you are loyal and brave, but now the Ming Dynasty is turbulent and the people are in distress, would you like to help me?"

"The last commander will never give up!" Cao Bianjiao knelt down on one knee excitedly: "The saint has orders, but please order."

"Okay!" Chongzhen ordered decisively: "For a long time, the Daming Guard has been corrupted, the military system in various places is chaotic, and the fighting strength of the millions of troops is weak. I am very sad!"

"It coincides with a major disaster in Henan, Shanxi and other places. Hundreds of thousands of victims flock to the capital. I will order people to resettle the victims and provide porridge relief!"

"Your task is to select 30,000 elites from the disaster victims to form a new army. I will designate you as a general from the second rank to determine the country, to train the new army with full authority, and to set the world for my great Ming Dynasty!"

"The last will obey!"

Cao Bianjiao trembled with excitement!

He never thought that Chongzhen would use him so much.

30,000 new troops, this is a large number of soldiers and horses.

If they were all equipped with new firearms, this would definitely be a future imperial army, with a much higher status than any frontier army!

But after I came back to my senses!

But Cao Bianjiao asked embarrassedly: "Sir, how much money do you allocate to the last general? This recruiting new troops for training requires money."

"How much do you want?" Chongzhen asked with a smile.

"At least three million!" Cao Bianjiao smiled wryly: "Refugees have yellow faces and thin skin. If they want to become elites, they must eat well, drink well, and train vigorously. These armors, war horses, firearms, and swordsmen all require money, and the minimum is three hundred. Ten thousand!"

"three million?"

Everyone smacked their tongues together, is this too much?

Wang Chengen exclaimed in exasperation: "General Cao, this is impossible. Now that the treasury is empty, a mouse can run. Where can the saint get you three million?"

"But Eunuch!" Cao Bianjiao said depressedly: "Without the silver and the two last generals, it is impossible for the new army to train on an empty stomach."

"Sacred!" Sun Heding also smiled bitterly: "The salary of the artisans in the War Bureau has improved a lot, and you also ordered the production of flintlock guns and wooden-handled grenades. Why do you have to give us a few million taels?"

"If you want to cast a cannon, you have to invest a lot of silver taels!" Bi Maokang reminded embarrassingly.

"There are also hundreds of thousands of victims who need money to resettle!" Wang Chengen said depressedly: "Where does so much money come from?"

A series of questions suddenly like a basin of cold water, dousing everyone's hot heart.

But Chongzhen suddenly laughed, not only did not panic, but calmed down.

money? Will he be short of money?

Ji Han has taught him a long time ago!

If you don't have money, go raiding your home!

There are so many corrupt officials and fat sheep in the capital, why keep them if they don't slaughter them?

"Li Yuanyin, you, the new commander of Jinyiwei, take office as soon as possible, and then join forces with Dongchang, I want to appoint a few people!" Chongzhen sneered and ordered.


Li Yuanyin quickly agreed!

He knew that Chongzhen was going to kill!

Jin Yiwei and Dongchang jointly handle the case, this is definitely not a small case!

Sure enough, that night, each of Dongchang and Jinyiwei received a long list. Among them, the former first assistant Wei Zaode was at the top of the list, and Luo Yangxing, the former commander of Jinyiwei, was also among them.

All the Jinyiwei in the East Factory were dispatched, and the whole capital was panicking at night!

The homes of high-ranking officials were kicked open!

More than 100 officials at all levels have their homes raided!

A grand operation called Investigating Corruption, which is actually a sheep slaughtering operation, unfolded in a mighty manner. Thousands of people were implicated, and more than a thousand people were tortured and beheaded!

The entire capital, inside and outside, was suddenly frightened and shivered!

Countless officials were stunned and terrified.

Everyone suddenly realized that this Chongzhen has changed!


"Chapter 5 Today, Ask for Flower Evaluation Tickets"

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