At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

051 Fruits In Small Farms Are Facing Slow Sales? 【15, Ask For Flowers】

"Ding! Congratulations on getting a correction value of 3,000!"

"Congratulations on your body attribute +5!"

"Congratulations on getting the hazard perception skill!"

Another beautiful morning

Ji Han woke up with the familiar sound of the system prompt.

Feeling the stronger power in his body and the inexplicable addition of a mysterious passive skill, he couldn't help but draw a smile on the corner of his mouth.

Hazard perception skills? nice!

This stuff sounds like a good thing!

You can sense danger in advance, so you are not afraid of being hurt.

"Chongzhen must be gearing up for work now. I don't know what the time difference is between the Ming Dynasty and us here."

Ji Han muttered as he started to wash up.

He hasn't finished his work yet, and people from this village have already arrived one after another.

The big guy greeted Ji Han and started to work happily.

Someone fertilized, someone weeded, someone started washing, and the whole small farm immediately became lively.

Ji Han smiled slightly when he saw this, and liked the noisy feeling very much.

After a while, Ji Fugen also came, and he brought a young girl with a beautiful appearance and a little quirky, this is his daughter Ji Yuting.

This little girl is one year younger than Ji Han!

He grew up behind his ass since he was a child.

Ji Han also knew her very well.

"Uncle Fugen, Yuting, you are here!" Ji Han greeted casually, "Have you eaten yet? Do you want to eat first?"

"I ate it a long time ago!" Ji Yuting laughed; "Third brother, did you just wake up? What time is it? My dad said you were going to take me in. What am I doing today?"

"Actually, there's nothing to do." Ji Han shrugged and said, "Just bring your two aunties to help cook a lunch for everyone, and when guests from the city come over, just say hello, and then just drink tea or something!"

"Oh, yes, I recently brought back a lot of pheasants and ostriches. You can help me feed them when you have time. The salary is 300 a day. Can you do it?"


"That's it?"

Ji Yuting's face was full of disbelief.

Such an easy life, and in this place where birds and flowers are fragrant, three hundred yuan a day?

Is the salary too high?

"Third brother, have you made a fortune recently? I heard that you also bought millions of luxury cars?" Ji Yuting said excitedly, "Do you want a girlfriend? I have a lot of girlfriends. How about introducing you to one?"

"Bum, what's so good about women? There are too many troubles, and they affect my fishing!" Ji Han laughed and scolded: "If you have nothing to do, just get busy, I'll take a look around!"

Saying that, Ji Han clapped his hands and called Xiao Hei.

One man and one dog began to patrol their territory.

The first is the white cranes, ostrich pheasants and other birds by the creek. They all live very well, and in this place full of spiritual energy, they all appear to be full of vitality.

The second is the wild boar family who just moved in last night.

More than a dozen wild boars foraged freely in the mountains and forests, and they helped patrol the farm when they had nothing to do, and they were very well-behaved.

Of course, they didn't dare to be obedient, and they didn't dare to steal the fruits and vegetables from the farm, only those fed by Ji Han dared to eat them.

Because once they steal it, they will be severely punished by the army of bees, and they don't want to be stinged and swollen and itchy.

Finally, the fruit trees and vegetables on this farm, many of which are approaching maturity.

For example, the radishes and potatoes can already be harvested, the more than ten acres of watermelons are also growing gratifyingly, and the lychee, longan, and nectarine trees on the mountain are also full of fruits.

As for other fruit trees, due to seasonal reasons, they have not yet bear fruit!

However, under the nourishment of the spiritual energy of this small farm, the growth cycle of any vegetables and fruits will be greatly shortened, and the pests and diseases are almost eliminated, so there is no need to spray too many pesticides.

In terms of taste and taste, it is absolutely the top in the world!

Even in some European and American places where there are plenty of Japanese superfoods, the fruit that grows is not as good as one-tenth of the fruit of Ji Han.

Ji Han picked a bunch of lychees and took a bite.

This lychee bag has a lot of juice, and it is sweet and fragrant in one bite.

Ji Han dares to swear that he has never eaten such delicious lychees, this is a fairy fruit.

"Fuck, it's awesome!"

"But how do you sell so many fruits?"

Ji Han had a headache. First of all, he must not be able to eat that much. It was all over the place. It must have hundreds of thousands of pounds.

Even if Lao Zhao, Lao Wang, Lao Zhu and the others bring some back to eat, and the villagers in the village will give out a little more to each household, what about the rest?

Looking for a fruit dealer is definitely not acceptable!

These fruits are all planted by Ji Han with countless efforts, and now the quality is so good, he can't bear to let those fruit dealers make money.


Ji Han shook his head with a wry smile.

After walking around the mountain for an hour or two, Ji Han took Xiaohei down the mountain.

At this time, he found that there were already a group of guests in the small farm. These were seven or eight young men and women, and they came in three cars.

And they seem to be friends of Ji Yuting.

Now several people are fiddling with cell phones and reflectors, and a tall girl in a red dress with outstanding makeup and a friendly smile is talking in front of the camera.

"This is a live broadcast?" Ji Han's face was weird.

"Third brother, are you back?" Ji Yuting explained quickly: "These are my friends. I think the scenery here is good, so I invite them to come over for the live broadcast. Would you mind?"

With that said, Ji Yuting explained it in a few words for a while!

It turns out that the female anchor's name is Su Xiaoxiao, a little famous anchor. Ji Yuting used to help out in her team and has a very good relationship with her.

After resigning and quitting during this period, they often kept in touch.

Now Ji Yuting is helping out on the farm, and just wanted to help with the publicity, so I asked them to come over to live broadcast for a while.

"That's it!"

Ji Han is a bit dumbfounded, what is there to live stream here, isn't it just some mountains and rivers?


"Seeking Flower Evaluation Ticket"

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