At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

052 Damn, This Dog King Can Still Command The Wild Boar King? 【25, Ask For Flowers】

"Dear friends, today we came to a very special place!"

"I haven't been free to play lately. It's rare to have time today. We just happened to go out for a walk!"

"Everyone looks at the scenery here. It's really good. Although it's a little far from the city, it's beautiful here!"

Su Xiaoxiao laughed and chatted at the camera.

In the live broadcast room, there are more than 100,000 netizens who are blowing water and farting.

When the camera was aimed at Ji Han and Xiao Hei, many people directly exclaimed.

"Fuck, this dog is so big, it looks familiar!"

"Isn't this the little black dog who was on fire a few days ago?"

"That's right, it's that dog who can pull a saw, and Douyin is a little angry!"

"Quick, quick, Xiaoxiao interview this dog, he is so smart, let him put on a show."

"Wow, this little big brother is so handsome!"

Netizens are laughing and swiping the screen for fun!

Su Xiaoxiao was stunned for a while on the spot.

She originally came to help the little sister, and by the way, she was relaxing at this farmhouse. How could she meet a small Internet celebrity?

Su Xiaoxiao's eyes also looked at Ji Han and Xiao Hei.

Of course, Xiao Hei doesn't need to say much, this dog is very big and scary, and it can be seen at a glance that it is quite good.

Ji Han is also handsome, has a fresh and refined bearing, and has an eye-catching evil spirit, which is no worse than any star male god.

Especially after the continuous transformation of the system and the continuous washing of the aura!

Ji Han's skin is better than a woman's, and every move has a fairy-like air, just like an exiled fairy.

Su Xiaoxiao was also stunned for a while.

"Yuting, is this your cousin?"

After Su Xiaoxiao came back to her senses, she asked with bright eyes.

"Yeah!" Ji Yuting smiled: "This farm belongs to my third brother."

"Hello, Boss Ji!" Su Xiaoxiao stretched out her hand with a smile and said, "We're broadcasting live here, you won't mind, right?"

"Of course not, welcome!" Ji Han politely shook hands with her and said with a smile, "Whatever you want!"

After that, he is ready to leave!

But Su Xiaoxiao stopped him.

"Hey, Boss Ji!" Su Xiaoxiao said quickly: "Netizens seem to be very interested in you, can you live stream with me easily?"

"Live?" Ji Han said, dumbfounded, "Neither can I, can I still perform a heart-breaking show for you?"

"Pfft! Hahaha!"

Su Xiaoxiao and others were amused.

"Emma, ​​this old man is quite angry, I like it!"

"This farmhouse is good, the scenery is good, and the boss speaks nicely!"

Netizens in the live broadcast room were amused.

Seeing this, Su Xiaoxiao smiled and said, "Boss, why don't you take us for a walk, and introduce you here by the way. It can also be regarded as propaganda."

"Huh? That makes sense!" Ji Han's eyes lit up, and he suddenly thought of his unsalable fruit, so he said, "But there's nothing to shop here, I invite you to eat melons, Xiao Hei, you're a dead dog. Click to pick watermelon, hurry up!"


Everyone was bewildered.

How do dogs pick watermelons? Who are you kidding?

Just when everyone was extremely confused, Xiao Hei barked proudly up to the sky!

After a while of barking and barking, a dozen wild boars, big and small, sprang up from the mountains in the south. Two of the giant wild boar kings had fangs!

Their appearance, suddenly scared everyone exclaimed!

Su Xiaoxiao, Ji Yuting and other girls even hid behind Ji Han and almost didn't scream.

"The king of wild boars, damn it, he is really the king of wild boars!"

"It has fangs, it must be wild, and I don't know how many years it has grown!"

"My God, this is much more ferocious than a domesticated wild boar!"

"Run live, it's dangerous!"

The netizens in the live broadcast room were shocked and exclaimed in unison!

But just when everyone was frightened, the dozen or so wild boars in this wild boar family didn't hurt anyone, instead Xiao Hei jumped in front of them and showed off their might!

"Wang Wang Wang!"

Xiao Hei pointed his fingers and gave orders from the fox and the tiger!

After giving Ji Han a weak look, the two wild boar kings helplessly followed Xiao Hei into the watermelon field.

"What is this doing?"

"Fuck, this dog king can still command the wild boar king?"

"Impossible, it's unscientific, doesn't it mean one pig, two tigers and three bears?"

Netizens fry the pot again, but Ji Han can't laugh or cry!

He naturally knew why. It wasn't that Xiao Hei was too powerful. In fact, the king of wild boars was not afraid of Xiao Hei. They were afraid of Ji Han's army of bees.

This mysterious man has become their nightmare!

After being subdued, the wild boar king is not afraid of anyone, except Ji Han!

Xiao Hei, like a fox and a tiger, gave orders, and they didn't dare to neglect, so this scene appeared.

After a while, Xiao Hei took two wild boar kings out of the field again.

It actually put two large watermelons on the head of the wild boar king, and then ordered them to come out with the watermelons on their backs.

The tusks of the two wild boar kings grow upward, and with the long pig's mouth, they form a space just enough for the watermelon to get stuck!

Xiao Hei took advantage of this, easily completed the task given by Ji Han, and picked the watermelon from the ground.

"Fuck, f*ck, I must be hallucinating!"

"This dog is god, this is too smart, right?"

"The question is how does the wild boar king cooperate so well? Do they have any relationship?"

"God, I swear I have never seen such an exaggerated animal in my life. Is this dog and the wild boar king a sperm?"

Netizens swiped the screen with excitement, and the number of people in the live broadcast room also skyrocketed!

After Su Xiaoxiao and others came back to their senses, they couldn't help but their eyes lit up. This small farm is really a treasure.

Who would have thought that Ji Han would make such a big explosion without making a sound!

This is simply an unexpected surprise. It is really the right time to be here today.


"Seeking Flower Evaluation Ticket"

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