At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

053 One Thousand Yuan Per Pound Of Watermelon, Love It Or Not! 【35, Ask For Flowers】

"Oh my god, are we really dazzled? Have you seen it? This dog can pick watermelons!"

"This wild boar king will not attack people, and will help top watermelons!"

"I think my worldview is collapsing, Boss Ji, what's going on?"

Su Xiaoxiao's eyes lit up with excitement, and he wanted to get to the bottom of it like a barrage of cannons.

She saw with her own eyes that the number of people in her live broadcast room was soaring. Thinking that the scene just now was so explosive, it would definitely be a fire.

At that time, her popularity will definitely become more popular, which is a big happy event for her.

"Uh, it doesn't seem to be anything!" Ji Han said casually: "These dozen wild boars are from the nearby mountains. They come to play when they have nothing to do, so they have a good relationship with Xiao Hei, and they won't hurt anyone."

"Come on, let's eat melons first. Of course, when you come to my farm, I have to invite you to eat something good!"

Having said that, Ji Han directly cleaned the watermelon!

Then picked up a watermelon knife and cut it on the table!

After a while, a sweet smell began to spread, and everyone had an inexplicable urge to drool.

Look at the cut melons, each with a thin skin and red sacs, it is very appetizing at first glance.

"Huh?" Su Xiaoxiao exclaimed: "It's so fragrant, have you smelled it? There is a faint sweet fragrance, this watermelon must be delicious."

"Woooooo, it looks delicious!"

"Oh my God, I really want to eat, I don't know why!"

"Licked the screen, this watermelon has an appetite!"

The audience in the live room swiped again!

As for Ji Yuting and others at the scene, they all swallowed their saliva.

I don't know why this watermelon is so attractive to everyone. Who has never eaten watermelon? Why is this watermelon different?

"I really want to eat it!" Su Xiaoxiao said pitifully: "Boss Ji, little big brother, can we eat it?"

"Of course, come and come, everyone eats!"

"It's not enough, there's a lot in the field, eat it!"

Ji Han greeted with a smile, Su Xiaoxiao and others were pleasantly surprised, and they couldn't wait to be too polite, so they couldn't wait to pick up the melons and nibble over them.

One sip, the sweet juice made everyone's eyes widen.

"Woooooo, delicious, delicious!"

"My God, why is this melon so sweet?"

"It's so delicious, can I have another piece?"

"Don't rob, don't rob, leave me a few pieces!"

The deliciousness of this watermelon suddenly made everyone undress and reveal their true colors.

This large-scale eating and broadcasting scene immediately attracted hundreds of thousands of viewers in the live broadcast room.

"Nima, is it so delicious? This acting is really good, isn't it just to advertise this boss, is it deliberately fighting like this?"

"Don't say it, it's really possible!"

"No, you guys are so happy watching the anchor, you don't care about your image!"

"This melon looks really delicious, but I guess the boss will sell melons later, haha!"

"Boss, hurry up and sell melons, I like this melon!"

Netizens are eager to discuss!

Su Xiaoxiao has already ignored it.

All the live broadcasts were left behind by her, and she even ate seven or eight pieces of watermelon in one breath, and her belly couldn't help but swell.

It was the same with the others, all of them couldn't take it any longer, so they stopped reluctantly.

"I can't eat it, I really can't eat it!"

"My God, it's so good, I've never eaten so much!"

"I won't get tired of eating this watermelon for 10,000 years. It's really delicious!"

"Boss, do you sell this watermelon? I'll bring a car back to my family to taste!"

"I'll take a car back too. My parents will definitely be happy when they eat such a delicious watermelon!"

Every word you say to me, everyone is excited and praised each other!

But just when the netizens in the live broadcast room thought Ji Han would take the opportunity to promote his watermelon and brag about how good his watermelon was, he silently shook his head.

"I'm sorry everyone!" Ji Han said apologetically: "You guys are guests, I can invite you to eat watermelon, but if you buy it, I guess you won't buy it."

"Why not?" Su Xiaoxiao chuckled and said, "Boss Ji, what are you talking about? We are fools if we don't buy such delicious melons."

"Yeah boss, we will definitely buy it!"

"Yes, the watermelon outside is 1 yuan and 51 catties. Let's give you three yuan!"

"Yes, I want a hundred pounds!"

"Me too, pick a big one and dress me up!"

Everyone was in a hurry, and they all rushed to buy.

But Ji Han shook his head and said, "Three dollars? Are you kidding me? The lowest price for my melon is one thousand yuan per catty."

"How much, how much?"

"One thousand dollars?"

"Boss, are you crazy?"

Everyone exclaimed in unison, everyone thought there was something wrong with their ears!

In the live broadcast room, it also boiled instantly.

"Fuck, this boss is awesome, and the lion's mouth is not afraid of the wind flashing his tongue!"

"Haha, you can't be so exaggerated when you play hunger marketing, right? This boss is definitely insane!"

"Yeah, you sell a thousand dollars for one or two dollars? You blow the wool!"

"Is this guy's brain okay?"

The netizens were all in an uproar and ridiculed, and everyone seemed to have seen a fool.

Seeing this, Su Xiaoxiao hurriedly said: "Boss Ji, you must be wrong, right? Do you want to sell it for ten yuan a pound? In fact, this melon is so delicious, even if it is ten yuan a catty, we will know it. bought!"

"No!" Ji Han shook his head firmly: "I said it right, and you heard it right, it's just one thousand yuan per pound!"

"My melons are selected from high-quality varieties and use various high-quality fertilizers. From birth to fruiting, I don't use a drop of pesticides, and they are watered with mountain spring water, which is very precious!"

"I invite you to eat those polite, and because you are Yuting's friends, I don't care how much you eat!"

"But if you want to buy it, you can't buy it for less than 1,000 yuan per catty. Anything less than this price is an insult to my melon. I can't sell it!"

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