At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

054 Poverty Really Limits Your Imagination! 【45, Ask For Flowers】

Ji Han's stubbornness made everyone speechless!

It also made the netizens in the live broadcast room unable to laugh or cry.

Is there something wrong with this guy's brain? What kind of melon can be sold for 1,000 yuan per pound?

"Third brother, don't be joking!" Ji Yuting said anxiously, "Who would buy it at such a high price, are you crazy?"

"I'm not crazy, I'm not in a hurry to sell!" Ji Han shrugged and said indifferently: "If you can't sell it, eat it yourself. If you can't eat it, feed it to the wild boar. In short, you can't wrong my melon."

"Boss Ji, you really have a personality." Su Xiaoxiao said dumbfoundedly: "Your melon is so expensive, is it because the yield is too low and it is not easy to plant, so you are charging such a high price?"

"The yield is actually not low!" Ji Han thought about it, and then replied: "I planted about 17 or 8 acres of land, and one acre of land has four or five thousand catties, so I should have seven or eight million catties in my hands. watermelon."

"Seven or eighty thousand catties?" Su Xiaoxiao said speechlessly: "You still sell one thousand yuan per catty for so many watermelons? You want to sell seventy or eighty million yuan for your seventy-eight acres of land? Are you growing gold?"

"Let's put it this way, in fact, this melon is more precious than gold!" Ji Han's serious words left everyone speechless again.

In fact, no one knows, Ji Han really didn't brag!

If this melon is given to Lao Zhao, Lao Zhu, and the others to sell to Daqin Daming, they will be happy to exchange gold for them. This is a fairy melon that has absorbed spiritual energy!

Eating more can detoxify your face and prolong your life!

Want to buy it for a buck or two a pound? Insult who?

"Boss Ji!" A man with eyes said with disdain: "You are deliberately taking advantage of our live broadcast to be grandstanding and shouting prices, and you want to create a hot spot to create exposure, right? I have to say, your method is good!"

"Liu Ping, what nonsense are you talking about, my third brother is not such a person!" Ji Yuting suddenly became annoyed.

"Don't be angry, Yuting!" The man with glasses sneered: "Whose watermelon is so expensive? He's not deliberately creating a hot spot for me and his surname!"

"Haha, this handsome guy is right, this boss is not honest!"

"Fuck, this boss is too thief, deliberately attracting people's attention!"

"666, my brother is awesome, but the more he is like this, the less I will buy his melons!"

Netizens in the live broadcast room also agreed with this statement, and everyone subconsciously despised Ji Han.

The man with glasses immediately smiled when he saw it: "Boss, are you kidding me? Don't be smart, your melon will be rotten in the ground if it exceeds three yuan per pound, do you believe it? Although I admit that this melon is really delicious, but So what? No one is stupid these days!"

"Haha!" Ji Han raised his eyebrows, but he didn't get angry, but asked curiously, "Have you ever been to the SKP supermarket near Yanjing Ambassador Street, this handsome guy?"

"What, what SP supermarket?" The man with glasses was stunned.

"I haven't been there, it seems that poverty really limits your imagination." Ji Han said disdainfully: "This is a supermarket specializing in imported food, fruits and vegetables, and where you go are the relatives of the rich and ambassadors of various countries. , everyone is rich!"

"The apples in their supermarket are 800 yuan per pound, a strawberry is 1,000 yuan, and a few mushrooms are a few thousand yuan!"

"Are you surprised? You think people are crazy. Can this be sold?"

"To tell you the truth, their business is doing well. Every day customers come like a cloud. There are too many rich people in this world!"

"For you, 1,000 yuan per pound is a sky-high price. For the rich, it's just a snack money, understand?"

Ji Han slapped and clapped, and the man with glasses was stunned and speechless for a while!

He blushed and tried to refute, but he couldn't refute!

The netizens in the live broadcast room also became dumbfounded.

"You ate my watermelon yourself just now. If I remember correctly, you ate half of it and your belly would burst, right?"

"Do you dare to say that my melon is not delicious? To tell you the truth, my melon is ten times better than those so-called imported high-end watermelons!"

"Why can they sell at a high price and mine can't? Do our domestic products have to be lower than others? We have to sell them for a dollar or two?"

"To tell you the truth, not only do I not sell it cheap, but I have to buy it at a higher price. If you can't afford it, don't buy it. I didn't ask you to buy it."

"One thousand yuan per catty is the price in China. If I sell this melon abroad, I have to sell it for three thousand yuan, whether I like it or not!"

"And do you think I'm short of money? Didn't you see the cars at the door?"

Ji Han's domineering words instantly silenced the audience!

The man with glasses was even more embarrassed.

After a long time, the live broadcast room was uproared again.

"Fuck, 666, this boss speaks domineering, hahaha!"

"Boss cow, I suddenly believe that this watermelon can be sold for one thousand yuan per catty."

"It's really poverty that limits my imagination. I really can't understand the world of the rich!"

"I'm in the high-end imported fruit business. I prove that what the boss said is true. Just looking at this watermelon, I know that it is absolutely delicious. Maybe it can really sell for such a high price!"

Netizens talked a lot, and the wind began to change quietly.

Seeing this, Su Xiaoxiao said apologetically: "I'm sorry, Boss Ji, we eat and drink and question the fruits of your labor. I'm really sorry."

"It's alright, don't blame those who don't know!" Ji Han waved his hand generously and said, "It's not a big deal, there's nothing to be sorry for."

"It's good that Boss Ji doesn't get angry." Su Xiaoxiao chuckled: "Well, we really want to bring some back to my family to taste, you can pick two or three melons for each of us, and I'll give you the money. "

"it is good!"

"Although I can't give you a discount, but don't worry, I will personally pick some good melons for you, they are absolutely delicious!"

Ji Han smiled and promised that in order to show his sincerity, he would simply go down to the field and pick melons for them!

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