At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

055 Damn, Do You Use Such A Good Watermelon To Feed The Pigs? 【55, Ask For Flowers】

Ji Han has his own set of criteria for judging whether a watermelon is good or bad.

He could feel the aura inside each watermelon.

Watermelon with high concentration is definitely the sweetest and most delicious!

In order to make Su Xiaoxiao, the first group of guests, feel that it was worth the money, he personally picked 20 or 30 large watermelons from the ground, all of which were quite perfect.

"Come on, choose whatever you want!"

"Take whichever you want!"

Ji Han greeted with a smile, Su Xiaoxiao and others began to happily stir up melons!

Their live broadcast team picked two watermelons, and Su Xiaoxiao picked seven or eight by himself.

"20 watermelons, 213.5 pounds!"

"Count your 210 pounds, 210,000 thank you!"

After Ji Han weighed it, he helped with the packaging while preparing to collect the money.

Su Xiaoxiao is obviously not bad for money, and she doesn't talk nonsense. She directly transferred 210,000 to Ji Han, which made the live broadcast room cry.

"Damn it, do you really buy it? It's the first time in my life that I've seen such an expensive melon!"

"Crazy, 210,000 can buy ten carts of watermelons, okay?"

"Brothers, whoever crowdfunds to buy a melon, I will give you 100, just lick the skin of the melon!"

"Hahaha, you can see at most one hundred."

Everyone, you say my word, and there are more and more netizens in the live broadcast room.

Of course, Su Xiaoxiao will definitely not lose money, because after she sold badly for a while, many fans gave her gifts, and the melon money was earned back immediately.

For this little rich woman, Ji Han didn't forget to continue scouring the wool.

He asked Ji Yuting to go to the mountain to pick some longans, lychees, and nectarines for Su Xiaoxiao to taste, and he made her so greedy that she gritted her teeth and bought ten and eight catties each.

Of course, the price is still one thousand and one kilograms!

This is Ji Han's bottom line. In his words, don't discount, don't bargain, can't afford to get out, don't insult my good stuff.

"Moo moo!"

Not far away, a bunch of little wild boars couldn't help but get restless.

Although they were afraid of Ji Han and didn't dare to go forward, the watermelon smelled so good, so they sneaked over to eat the skin of the melon when they saw that everyone was not paying attention.

The melon rinds that everyone had eaten just now were quickly devoured by them.

The two big wild boar kings were relatively honest, they only dared to watch from the sidelines and did not dare to come over to fight for fear that Ji Han would beat them.

"What's so delicious about melon skins, there are melons here, just eat them!"

"You have worked hard today, Xiao Hei will go pick watermelons again, so that Da Zhuang's family will be full!"

Ji Han was in a good mood and threw the melons away with a smile!

The eyes of the two wild boar kings immediately lit up, and they gnawed wildly with the little wild boar. In the end, even Xiao Hei and the nearby Bai He couldn't help but join in.

More than a dozen large watermelons were eaten clean by them.

Su Xiaoxiao and others looked dumbfounded.

"My God, feed the pigs? You feed such a good watermelon to the pigs?"

"Brother, are you crazy? It's all money!"

"The local tyrants can't be so prodigal if they don't have enough money. A watermelon here costs tens of thousands of yuan, so you feed the pigs like this?"

"Wuwuwu, this is the first time I feel that I'm not as good as a pig!"

Everyone exclaimed and sighed, all shocked by Ji Han's prodigal behavior, and the live broadcast room was also boiling.

Ji Han didn't care about this.

There is enough money to spend, and it is impossible for him to be short of money.

After sending Su Xiaoxiao and his party away, Ji Fugen and others had also finished work, and everyone came down the mountain hungry, and the aunt who helped to cook lunch had already prepared meals.

Everyone gathered together with their rice bowls and feasted, and there was a lively rural atmosphere, and everyone laughed from time to time.

After the meal, Ji Han went to pick some watermelons and cut them up for everyone to eat!

After everyone ate, there was an uproar.

"My God, why is this melon so delicious?"

"Han Wazi, how did you grow this melon? Isn't it delicious?"

"Woooooo, it's really good, it's so sweet!"

The villagers praised in surprise, no one expected the watermelon in this field to be so delicious.

Ji Han smiled lightly and said, "Eat more if it's delicious. It's enough. I'll bring a few watermelons home for my family to try later."

"Okay, thank you Hanwazi!"

"I'll just say, Ji Han is generous."

"Yeah, Ji Han has been arrogant since he was a child."

"Why does this melon have to sell for two yuan a pound? When will it be listed?"

Everyone is having a good time chatting!

Ji Yuting said distressedly from the side: "What two yuan a catty, this melon is a thousand yuan a catty."

"What is it? One thousand yuan per catty?"

"Hahaha, Yuting, what nonsense are you talking about!"

Everyone burst into laughter. Obviously, the villagers didn't believe such words. Can anyone know the price of this watermelon?

"It's true, I didn't lie!" Ji Yuting said angrily: "My friends just bought 210 pounds and spent 210,000. Do you think I'm joking?"

"These melons grown by my third brother are especially delicious. They are better than those imported high-end fruits. In the big supermarket in Yanjing, people are rushing to buy this kind of melons for 1,000 kilograms."

Ji Yuting's oath made everyone bewildered.

Really so expensive? No, everyone eats a lot.

"Han Wazi, are you made of gold?" Ji Fugen stared and exclaimed.

"Haha, Uncle Fugen, this melon is worth more than gold." Ji Han said indifferently, "Let's eat it, everyone can eat it! Our family can eat as much as we want, no charge, everyone will bring some later. Go back and feed the family."

"My God, we dare not eat such an expensive melon again!"

"If you take this one, you'll lose your wages for a day."

"Yeah, the people in this city are really rich, and they eat tens of thousands of watermelons?"

"I think it's still unlikely, how can this melon be sold so expensive?"

"Yuting, you girl, even lied to us?"

The simple villagers are still full of doubts and disbelief.

Obviously this price has exceeded their imagination.

Ji Han smiled slightly and didn't explain it. If you don't believe it, don't believe it.


"Chapter 5 Today, Ask for Flower Evaluation Tickets"

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