At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

511 I not only know your name, but also your future destiny! 【Subscription】


With the sound of hunting the wind, this giant hand pressed down on Yang Jian.

"what is this?

"Who? 35

"How? Why didn't I notice it?"

Seeing the giant hand appear without any fluctuations and suppress him, Yang Jian was shocked.

However, after feeling the terrifying aura contained in the giant hand, Yang Jian even more panicked.

"Open to me!!

Different from Ao Lie, Yang Jian chose to be tough!

Seeing the three-pointed, two-edged spear in his hand slammed upward, he wanted to break the giant hand at the top of his head.


With a loud noise, Yang Jian's mouth shook violently, and the three-pointed two-edged gun in his hand was almost thrown out.

Then the giant hand that was unaffected by Yang Jian's terrified eyes changed to grasping, grabbed Yang Jian firmly in his hand, and instantly imprisoned him in his palm, unable to move "May 17" at all!

"Yeah...let me go, let me go!!"

"Who is Your Excellency? Yang Jian, a real disciple of the Jade Cauldron!

"I don't remember offending Your Excellency, let me go! 99

"You bastard, if you want to kill it, kill it, why is it so humiliating?

Yang Jian struggled fiercely, and immediately roared furiously.

Originally, he still wanted to use his Heavenly Immortal cultivation base to succeed in front of Ying Zheng and others, but he didn't expect to directly lead to the power of this place.

At this moment, Yang Jian felt what was called the gap in strength, and what was called the crisis of death!

Yang Jian knew very well that with just a little force from the big hand on his body, he could immediately crush him and fall.

Yang Jian did not expect that in such a seemingly immortal palace, there is actually a powerful existence that can make him have no resistance.

At this time, Ji Han did not deliberately hide his aura, so in Yang Jian's perception, Ji Han's aura was as grand and domineering as a bright sun, making it impossible to feel any resistance.

But he is stubborn, even if he knows that he will die, he will never bow his head!

"Humph! 35

"Yang Jian, I think you are a newcomer here, and you are also a first-time offender, so I will spare you this time!

Ji Han's cold humming sound suddenly entered Yang Jian's ears, which made him look tight, but also heaved a sigh of relief.


After the giant hand dissipated, Yang Jian snorted coldly with a gloomy expression, but he did not dare to be presumptuous again.

"Come here all!

Ji Han's voice is heard again!

Ying Zheng and the others were displeased, glared at Yang Jian and walked away together, walking towards the pavilion again.


Yang Jian's eyes flashed slightly, and he was a little overwhelmed.

But he didn't dare to respond to Ji Han's call, and he didn't dare to mess around at this time, so he only thought about it for two breaths, then immediately followed Ying Zheng and the others, and went straight to the pavilion.

Until now, Yang Jian still doesn't know where he came to!

At this time, Yang Jian had exactly the same amazement as Ao Lie at the time. The various scenes here, such as the thin aura, hundreds of weak mortals, and so on, made him curious and inconceivable.

But Yang Jian didn't dare to look at it, he followed Ying Zheng and others to the pavilion, and then he saw Ji Han, the powerful man who made him unable to resist.

"sit down!

Ji Han greeted with a calm expression.

Ying Zheng and others took their seats happily, while Yang Jian hesitated for a while, gritted his teeth, and sat down.

Feeling the aura on Ji Han that was much more terrifying than his master, Yang Jian couldn't help but feel fear, and subconsciously became more respectful, and all his thoughts were deeply buried in his heart.

At this time, Ji Han began to look carefully at Yang Jian!

"It's a good leather bag!!

Ji Han secretly praised!

To be honest, he didn't pay much attention to Yang Jian's performance when he first arrived, but was rather surprised by Yang Jian's arrival.

Ji Han didn't expect the fifth gate of light to be so mysterious, not only bringing him Ao Lie, but also Yang Jian.

This means that Ji Han can play another chess piece on the wild land!

Such a good thing, how could Ji Han not be happy?

However, before that, he still needs to beat Yang Jian well.

Only by making Yang Jian revere and believe in him Ji Han, can he control this chess piece well.

However, Yang Jian's scalp was numb when Ji Han saw him, he immediately stood up, clasped his fists respectfully and said, "Junior Yang Jian, under the sect of Master Yuding, I have seen senior!

"I first arrived at the treasure land before, I don't know how presumptuous the seniors are here, I also ask the seniors to forgive me!"

"Excuse me, senior, but do you know my teacher?"

"Well, I know you!" Ji Han's face was indifferent, and he stretched out his hand to signal Yang Jian to sit down, "Sit down, it's fate when you come, no need to be cautious! 35

"Yes!" Yang Jian breathed a sigh of relief, and then immediately asked: "I don't know where this is? Who is the senior? Can you meet my master Yu Ding Zhenren? What is the so-called call of Yang Jian here?"5

Since Ji Han did not pursue Yang Jian's actions, Yang Jian naturally took the opportunity to ask questions to find out the situation here.

At the same time, he also pointed out his background and relationship to see if he could have a relationship with the senior in front of him.

"Ha ha!

Ji Han laughed and glanced at Yang Jian with inexplicable eyes.

"This is Blue Star, after the Lich War..."

Just like what he introduced to Ao Lie at the beginning, Ji Han repeated those words again!

"Oh, I see!"

Yang Jian suddenly understood where he was!

Next, regarding the appearance of Guangmen, why Yang Jian appeared here, etc. Ji Han gave him a general explanation, which gave Yang Jian a bottom line and answered most of his doubts.

It's just that when he heard this, Yang Jian was even more unbearable than Ao Lie at the beginning, his eyes were round, his mouth was wide open, and his face was full of incredible and unbelievable colors.

If it weren't for reality telling him that all this was true, Yang Jian might have suspected that someone was confusing his perception!

"Wait!" Yang Jian suddenly wondered: "Since senior is in a small remote world, why would he know that his name is taboo?"

"Haha!" Ji Han said with a half-smile, "I not only know your name, but also know everything about you, and even know your future destiny? Do you believe it?

Ji Han suddenly looked at Yang Jian and asked inexplicably.

"My future destiny?"

Yang Jian 4.3 frowned, his face full of doubts, looking a little confused.

He didn't know what Ji Han meant by asking this, and he also didn't know what his future destiny was!

"Yes, your future destiny! Ji Han nodded and said, "Let's not talk about your future destiny, do you know your origin?

"I don't know!!"

Yang Jian replied silently, because he really didn't know his origin!

Yang Jian and his younger sister Yang Chan have been lonely since childhood, and the two have been relying on each other for life.

However, Ji Han pointed it out directly:

"You and your sister Yang Chan were born when the Jade Emperor incarnated and descended to the mortal world. The Jade Emperor's younger sister and the mortal Yang Tianyou were born in love. That is to say, your father was a mortal and his name was Yang Tianyou!"

"And your mother is the Jade Emperor's younger sister----Yao Ji!!

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