At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

512 Shocked and frightened, who are you worthy of letting me lie? 【Subscription】

"And your mother is the Jade Emperor's younger sister----Yao Ji!!

Ji Han's last sentence was like a heavy hammer, slamming on Yang Jian's mind.


His Yang Jian's mother was actually the Jade Emperor's sister Yao Ji?

Is his father a mortal?

So, isn't the Jade Emperor his uncle?

What about his father? Where is he now? Life or death?

At this moment, Yang Jian's mind was completely chaotic like a paste. Various thoughts appeared due to Ji Han's words, and his eyes became slightly dull.

Although Yang Jian had thought about his origins, he did not expect such an unbelievable result.

"No, it's impossible!!

"How could my mother be the Jade Emperor's sister! 39

"How did you know this, senior?

"Are you lying to me?"

Yang Jian's face was full of shock and disbelief. Up to now, he didn't seem to be able to believe what Ji Han said. Instead, he actually questioned Ji Han when he lost his mind.

"Who lied to you? Is it necessary?" Ji Han snorted coldly, "You are also pitiful. You have never seen your parents since you were born, and you are the only one left with 11th sister Yang Chan!"

"Did you know that your mother, Yaoji Sifan, went down to the realm and gave birth to your brother and sister after combining with mortals, and she had already violated the Great Precept of Heaven. Therefore, your mother was suppressed by the Jade Emperor in Taoshan, and your father was arrested by the emperor. The Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals are killed directly, and they are long gone!"

Seeing that Yang Jian didn't seem to believe it, Ji Han stepped up and told him all about Yang Jian's parents in detail.


"My mother was crushed under Momoyama?"

"My father was killed by the heavenly soldiers? Long gone?"

"How? How can this happen??""


Hearing the tragic state of his parents, Yang Jian's face suddenly turned pale.

His eyes were lost, his face was full of disbelief, and in the end he couldn't help but roar.

If Yang Jian didn't quite believe what Ji Han said before, now Yang Jian has become suspicious.

Because Ji Han's face is serious, and what he said does not seem to be made up, it is difficult for Yang Jian to raise doubts.

"More than that!" Ji Han didn't stop at all, and continued: "In order to protect you two brothers and sisters, your mother was voluntarily suppressed under the Taoshan Mountain, and your uncle Jade Emperor pity you two brothers and sisters for being young, so there is no such thing as Eliminate you, but let you struggle to survive in the mortal world."

"After your family was shattered, you were admitted to the door by Yu Ding by fate, and passed on your eighty-nine profound arts, and gave you a three-pointed two-edged spear to defend yourself, right or not?"

"In addition, your sister Yang Chan will have a good fortune in the future, she will become the future three virgins! 99

"It's just that your sister has followed in the footsteps of your mother in the end. She is also thinking of the lower realm, and she has united with mortals and fell in love. In the end, she was suppressed by the Jade Emperor in Huashan.

"How pitiful!! 39

Ji Han talked eloquently, not only explaining his origin to Yang Jian, but also what he experienced and the future fate of his younger sister Yang Chan.

This serious appearance made Yang Jian feel extremely painful.

"No, it's not true, why is my sister also suppressed under Huashan? How is this possible?"

If the future is as Ji Han said, and his sister Yang Chan is also suppressed under Huashan, then their family will be too sad, so Yang Jian can't accept it at all.

But Ji Han can accurately tell the origin of his parents, can tell his origin, and knows that he has a sister Yang Chan, and also knows that the real person Yu Ding taught him eight or nine mysterious arts, all of which are not known by others. , This shows that the senior in front of him is not talking nonsense, but really knows his origins, and can even see the future.

If this is the case, who is the person in front of you? How high is the cultivation base? To be able to see the future, isn't that the ability of a saint?

Thinking of this, Yang Jian was like being poured down by a basin of water, and he instantly woke up a lot.

"Senior, everything you said is true? 33

Yang Jian's face was pitiful, but he couldn't help but ask one more question.

"Is it true, won't you find out when you return to Honghuang? Besides, why do I need anyone to deceive you? What good can this do to me? You are also worthy of letting me deceive?

Ji Han glanced at Yang Jian lightly, and answered him with extremely cold words.

Yes, is all this true, as long as you go back to Honghuang, you can find out, is it ridiculous to want who deceived him?

Moreover, the senior in front of him has a very high cultivation base and is terrifying. How can he be a little fairy worthy of being deceived by the senior?

There is no benefit at all for seniors!

So, is this all true?

Pity my mother, the child is unfilial!!

After being awakened by Ji Han's words, Yang Jian had various thoughts in his heart, and at the same time he understood that what Ji Han said should be true. .

Seeing the complicated change in Yang Jian's face, Ji Han was secretly amused, but on the surface he still looked indifferent.

For Ji Han, if he didn't break Yang Jian's defenses and shock him, he might not be able to take it for himself.

That's why Ji Han told Yang Jian so much!

After a while, Yang Jian, who already believed in Da 517, suddenly raised his head and looked at Ji Han.

"Senior, you asked me at the beginning, do you know what my future destiny is? What does this mean? I also ask the senior to enlighten me!

Yang Jian suddenly clasped his fists, showing a lot of respect!

Because he thought of what Ji Han asked him at the beginning, he couldn't help but feel even more hesitant.

His sister will follow in the footsteps of his mother in the future, so what about Yang Jian? Yang Jian also wants to know what his future destiny will be!

Seeing this, Ying Zheng and the four secretly glanced at each other, the corners of their mouths raised slightly, and they clearly understood that this Yang Jian was almost ready to enter.

Sure enough, Ji Han glanced at Yang Jian, then shook his head, and said with a pity: "You, you are the master of Yu Ding, and you are a person with great luck, and you are destined to become a heavenly court in the future. The first god of war, constantly fighting for the heaven!

"It's just that all this is planned by the Western religion behind the scenes. You can become the first god of war in the heavenly court without the secret support of the Western religion! 35

"And the reason why Western religions secretly support you is actually very simple, it is to plot against the heavens for you!

"Because you learned about what happened to your mother, and you have always been dissatisfied with your uncle Jade Emperor, this gave the Western Church an opportunity, so it wanted to secretly plan to turn you against the sky! 35

Since Yang Jian wanted to know, Ji Han told him all about his future fate in one breath!

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