At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

513 Follow the will of God, or get rid of fate? 【Subscription】

After Ji Han finished speaking, the pavilion fell into silence.

Ying Zheng and the others were because Ji Han had already told them about Yang Jian, so there was no surprise on their faces at this time, but quietly watched Ji Han guide Yang Jian slowly.

As for Yang Jian himself, after hearing about his future fate, he was struck by lightning, and he was stunned in place.


"I have great luck? Will I be the first God of War in heaven?"

"All of this is planned by Western religions?"

"They want to plot against me?"

"Western religion...Western religion????"

Yang Jian's eyes were lost, and he muttered to himself, his face full of disbelief.

His whole person was stunned, because Ji Han said all this he didn't know!

At this moment, when Ji Han revealed all his future fate in front of Yang Jian, Yang Jian had some doubts about life, and even his mind was not enough.

He really couldn't believe that he was actually a person with great luck!

He couldn't believe that he could actually become the first god of war in heaven in the future!

However, the most unbelievable and horrifying thing is that all this is actually planned by the Western Church behind the scenes, and even wants to plan it against the sky.

If his future destiny is really like this, wouldn't he, Yang Jian, become a knife in the hands of others without knowing it?

"Senior, is this true? Is my future destiny really like this?"

Yang Jian suddenly seemed to have caught a life-saving straw, a look of hope suddenly appeared in his eyes, and he hurriedly asked Ji Han.

He really wanted to hear the word "no" from Ji Han's mouth at this moment!

However, the result was destined to disappoint him!

Before Ji Han could answer, Chongzhen on the side couldn't help but sneer and said: "How can this be fake? The reason why you, Yang Jian, can become the first god of war in the heavenly court, without the planning and support of Western religions, do you think it is possible~々? "

"Hehe, not only that, your sister Yang Chan was suppressed under Huashan just like your mother, and your nephew Chen Xiang wanted to save her mother and was blocked by you many times, because you became a knife in heaven!" Li Shimin Also inserted a sentence.

And Ying Zheng snorted coldly and warned: "Yang Jian, what Mr. said is true and reliable, and it is also something that will happen in the future, you can disbelieve it, but you can't question it!

Ying Zheng's words made Yang Jian's hope to resurface slowly dimmed, but he still looked at Ji Han stubbornly.

"Oh, this is absolutely true, if you don't believe it, you can wait for the development, or go to Taoshan to visit your mother, and you will know!"

Ji Han sighed and answered in the affirmative.

"Really??? Is this all true??

"Then what should I do?"

"Am I just waiting for the future to come?"

Yang Jian looked a little lost at the moment, and all his attention was focused on what Ji Han said.

He never imagined that all his life was arranged, not only his family members were miserable, but even he himself would inevitably become a pawn in the hands of others.

Yes, he Yang Jian is like a chess piece, the trajectory of his life has been arranged, and in the future he can only be at the mercy of others, becoming a Western religion or a sharp knife in the hands of Heaven.

How can Yang Jian be satisfied with such a life and such a future?

But can the future be changed? If it can be changed, he will not be the object of other people's plans!

Therefore, at this moment, Yang Jian couldn't help but feel a sense of frustration and confusion about the future.

He didn't know how to change all this, and he didn't know what to do.

At this moment, Yang Jian has long believed in everything Ji Han said!

Now he not only wants to go back immediately to rescue his mother and prevent her from continuing to suffer from the repression, but also wants to work hard to improve his cultivation and try to change his future destiny.

At the same time, Yang Jian also had a trace of uncontrollable anger and hatred for the two saints of Western religion in his heart!

If it hadn't been for the Western religion to intervene in heaven, and if it wasn't for the Western religion to plan for him, how could his future be like this?

All of this, most of the cause and effect can be attributed to Western religions!

Therefore, the seeds of hatred against Western religions in Yang Jian's heart began to slowly take root at this moment!

Even, Yang Jian has already thought of a way, that is to ask for help from his master Yu Ding Zhenren after returning to see if Yu Ding Zhenren can find a way to help him.

However, thinking of the two saints of the Western religion, the hope in Yang Jian's heart suddenly went out.

Because that is the plan of the two saints, how can it change so easily, unless other saints take action.

However, although his master Yu Ding Zhenren was one of the Twelve High Immortals of Chanjiao, how could the sage make a move for his mere Yang Jian? Before this idea appeared, he was strangled to death by Yang Jian.

Therefore, the still young Yang Jian couldn't think of any solution at this time, as if he could only watch the future come, but couldn't make changes.

All of this seems to be God's will!

At this moment, Ji Han watched Yang Jian fall into all kinds of thoughts, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth!

"..Yang Jian!

Ji Han shouted loudly.

"Yes, Yang Jian is here!"

Yang Jian was awakened instantly by Ji Han's loud shout and replied subconsciously.

Then he looked at Ji Han blankly, not knowing what Ji Han wanted to say.

"Yang Jian, I have already told you your future destiny. Let me ask you, for such a future, are you prepared to obey the will of God, or do you want to get rid of your destiny?"

Ji Han looked at Yang Jian with a serious face, and asked a question very seriously.

At this time, Yang Jian was already convinced of his future destiny, so Ji Han naturally wanted to take advantage of the situation to ask questions.

Guiding to this step was originally in Ji (Li Dezhao) Han's expectation.

"According to God's will?"

"Or escape from fate?

"What is conforming to God's will? And what is getting rid of fate? Also ask the seniors to make it clear!

At this moment, Yang Jian felt an invisible pressure shrouding him, which made him unable to make a choice immediately, but wanted to understand.

After all, the stakes are very important, even if Yang Jian already believed what Ji Han said, he would not dare to make a choice about his future at this moment.

"Hehe, to comply with the will of heaven is to follow the arrangement of heaven, to continue to develop as I said, and finally become a sword of heaven, fighting to the death for heaven!"

"And to get rid of fate is to obey your heart, not to be controlled by anyone, and to follow your own path in the future, not to be arranged by anyone! 35

For Yang Jian's question, Ji Han didn't give up, but gave his answer directly.

Because Ji Han just wanted to see what choice Yang Jian would make!

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