At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

514 The heart of a villain and the belly of a gentleman, Ji Han's purpose? 【Subscription】

Small manor, in the gazebo.

At this time, Ji Han no longer spoke, but looked at Yang Jian with a calm expression on his face.

Ji Han didn't show any impatience, leaving enough time for Yang Jian to think.

Because Ji Han has full confidence, Yang Jian will make a different choice.

After all, no one will want to change their fate when they know that their future fate is tragic.

So Ji Han didn't need to urge Yang Jian at all. He seemed to answer Yang Jian's question, but in fact he secretly bewitched Yang Jian.

It seems that two choices are given, but in fact there is only one choice, Yang Jian will definitely want to understand!

When Ying Zheng and several others saw this, they naturally wouldn't interrupt, but they each drank leisurely.

At the same time, there was a hint of inquiry in their eyes, and they all wanted to know what choice Yang Jian would make.

But in the depths of Ying Zheng and others' hearts, it seems that they already have the answer.

Because what the Immortal Master wants to accomplish has never failed, and no one who emerges from Guangmen has been able to escape Ji Han's control. They can't, Ao Lie can't, so Yang Jian can't either.

Therefore, in the eyes of Ying Zheng and others, Yang Jian is already a pawn in Mr.'s hand, and it is impossible to get rid of it.

Of course, being able to become a chess piece in the hands of an immortal master, under the control of your husband, is also a great honor and luck in the eyes of Ying Zheng and others. Got it, so this is a great thing, not a bondage.

Of course, after thinking about it, the specific choice depends on Yang Jian himself.

Yang Jian was also caught in the battle between heaven and man at this time!

Ji Han's words continued to explode in his mind like thunder!

"Follow the way of heaven??"

"Becoming a knife in someone else's hand? 99

"Get rid of fate? Follow your heart?"

"What should I do? How should I choose?"

"Is it true...really?

The various thoughts in Yang Jian's mind kept rolling, making his face tangled and completely undecided.

To be honest, although Yang Jian believed most of what Ji Han said at this time, he still had doubts in his heart.

At one point, he couldn't believe Ji Han completely, after all, he had not gone back to see his mother, nor experienced what Ji Han said, so this affected his choice.

Second, although he really wanted to veto what Ji Han said, in such a mysterious place, facing such a senior, and the bottomless terrifying cultivation base, Yang Jian was shocked. At the same time, he couldn't believe it at all.

Because Ji Han has absolutely no reason for anyone to lie to him, even if it is not worth it, he is just a nameless person with an immortal cultivation base, so after thinking about it, there is still a high possibility that what Ji Han said is true. of!

"In such a mysterious and unknown place, there is actually someone who can see into the future. Who is this person? Could it be that there is a saint that I don't know about?"

Thinking about it, Yang Jian couldn't help but have such doubts in his heart again.

As for Ji Han's identity, he had guessed it from the very beginning, and he thought about it during the period, but he just couldn't guess Ji Han's identity, let alone see Ji Han's heels!

"It seems that this is the reason for the huge gap in strength. Even if it is not a saint at this time, it is definitely the great power of Da Luo Jinxian. There is absolutely no reason for anyone to lie to me!

In the end, Yang Jian, who couldn't think clearly, could only draw such a conclusion in his heart.

Suddenly, Yang Jian suddenly raised his head to look at Ji Han and asked, "Senior, can you tell the identity of the senior? Have you already proved the Dao?

The so-called proving the Tao is to obtain the Tao. From then on, proving the Tao is the realm of the sage.

Yang Jian is very bold and dares to ask if Ji Han is a saint!

In fact, Yang Jian felt uneasy in his heart, and even a little cold sweat appeared on his forehead.

Just in order to clarify the doubts in his heart, and to make up his mind, Yang Jian had to grit his teeth and ask.

However, Ji Han didn't mind at all, he smiled and shook his head: "I am not one of you, and I have never preached! 35(bbed)

"Now that's all I can tell you, the rest is up to you!!

"Of course, if you really don't believe it, or can't make a choice, you can return to Jinxia Cave immediately, and I will never stop it!""

Ji Han said, and slowly drank a glass of wine, as if not worried that Yang Jian would really walk away.

In fact, Ji Han can fully understand Yang Jian's inner entanglement. It is the same for everyone. When he came to such a mysterious and unknown place, met a mysterious person, he also revealed his origin and future destiny, and asked himself to make a choice. Everyone will have doubts, and can't make a choice at the first time!

But Ji Han just wanted to put pressure on Yang Jian, coerce, and even confuse him to make a choice, and it was a choice that satisfies Ji Han.

Yang Jian was even more surprised by Ji Han's answer.

"What? You're not from the Great Desolation?'

"Can you really let me go?

Yang Jian seemed very inconceivable. He didn't expect that such a powerful person would exist outside of the Great Desolation.

At the same time, he did not expect that Ji Han would not stop him from leaving.

Subconsciously, Yang Jian wanted to turn around and leave immediately, returning to Jinxia Cave, as if what happened today had never happened.

But when he thought that what Ji Han said was probably true, that he could only be forced to become a knife in the hands of Heaven under the planning of the Western Church in the future, and could not get rid of it, Yang Jian felt an indescribable resistance in his heart. Psychologically.

Thinking of such a future, how could Yang Jian allow himself to just walk away like this, as if it never happened.

"No, only I can control my path, no one can control me, not even a saint, not even your predecessors!

After Yang Jian struggled in his heart, he actually roared with determination, his eyes were full of icy colors, obviously he had already figured it out.

He actually understood that the reason why Ji Han told him about the future and asked him to make a choice was not necessarily because he wanted to subdue him and then control him, so Yang Jian directly expressed his position to Ji Han!

"Ha ha!!"

However, Ji Han shook his head amusingly and said with a smile: "You are wrong, I don't want to control you, and I don't want to control anyone, the reason why I tell you so much is just to have a good relationship with you, after all, you Being able to come to me proves that we are destined, you don't have to be wary!""

Ji Han very generously stated his purpose, but also to eliminate the precaution and vigilance in Yang Jian's heart.

"Just want to have a good relationship with me? This..."

Yang Jian was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that the purpose of the senior in front of him would be so simple?

Thinking of it this way, doesn't it mean that he, Yang Jian, has some villain's heart?

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