At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

515 Since it is bewitching, then bewitching to the end! 【Subscription】

"Senior, you tried so hard to tell me so much, and you asked me to make a choice, just to have a good relationship with me?"

Yang Jian seemed to be in disbelief, so he couldn't help but ask again.

"Hehe, this kid actually doesn't believe it!"

"It's better if you don't believe it. Others dream of getting such a chance, and it's not bad~ He is the only one!"

"Hmph, the little man's heart, sir, I think it's better not to tell him so much, lest we think we're plotting against him!-"

"Exactly, Mr. just wants to form a good relationship with you, do you think that Mr. has some ulterior motives? It's a joke!

Before Ji Han could answer, Ying Zheng and the others, who had been watching for a long time, immediately sneered with anger, and there was a lot of sarcasm in their words.

"Hey..." Ji Han stretched out his hand to stop Ying Zheng and the others, then pointed at them and said, "If you don't believe me, can you ask them, do you see the doors of light behind them? They are all Those who can cross the gate of light and set foot here! 35

"You ask them, have I made any unreasonable demands on them since they set foot here? Or have I controlled them?"

Ji Han gestured to Yang Jian to ask questions at will, and his eyes were full of magnanimity!

Hearing Ji Han say this, Yang Jian first looked back subconsciously, and after seeing five gates of light, he looked at Ying Zheng and the others in shock.

He did not expect that the few people with low cultivation base next to him actually came from the gate of light.

However, before Yang Jian could ask, Ying Zheng and the others couldn't help but speak.

"Haha, if you have any request, feel free to ask, as long as we can do it, we will never refuse!"

"Hehe, if it weren't for Mr., we would still be mortals, and our dynasty would still be struggling to survive!"

"Control? The gentleman is joking. Not only does the gentleman help us selflessly, but he also does his best to think about us. How can we control it?"

"Mr. doesn't even bother to control you. It's fate to be here. Mister just wants to form a good relationship with you. If you don't believe it, forget it. Don't speculate like this, Mister!"

Ying Zheng and the others burst out laughing and gave their answer directly.

Yang Jian was even more stunned at this time, and subconsciously wanted to refute, but seeing the sincere smiles on Ying Zheng and the others' faces, he couldn't help but remain silent.

At this moment, everything is showing Yang Jian that this is all true, no one has deceived him, and the senior in front of him doesn't seem to really want to control him.

After receiving such an answer, Yang Jian felt a sigh of relief.

"Ha ha!!"

"Yang Jian, look what this is! 99

Ji Han smiled, something suddenly appeared in the palm of his hand, and then raised it in front of everyone.

Hearing Ji Han's question, Yang Jian subconsciously looked at Ji Han's hand.

I saw a drop of coquettish blood floating in Ji Han's hand. This drop of blood exudes an amazing aroma and light, which attracts everyone's attention at the first time, and they are immersed in it and cannot extricate themselves!

If you look closely, there is a giant roaring through the sky inside this drop of blood, and it almost sinks in just by looking at it.

Obviously, this drop of blood shocked everyone as soon as it appeared on the stage, making the people present instantly horrified and inexplicable.

"What is this? There is such a terrifying coercion? Just a drop of blood has such momentum, how is this possible??"

Yang Jian only glanced at it, and his whole body trembled, his eyes were full of incredible colors.

Because of the coercion and aura of this drop of blood in Ji Han's hand, it was as if he was facing a wild beast, and even more terrifying.

Yang Jian never thought that it was just a drop of blood, how could it be so terrifying?

Then what kind of cultivation level will the owner of this drop of blood be? Or what kind of terrifying realm has he reached?

Yang Jian shuddered a little thinking about it.

"Pangu blood essence?"

"Sir, you are...""

"Sir, don't you mean???"

"It's actually the blood of Pangu again, oh my god!!"

Unlike Yang Jian, who was still young and had little knowledge, Ying Zheng and the others had seen the blood of Pangu, and they couldn't help exclaiming in unison.

Even though it was the second time they saw Pangu blood essence, Ying Zheng and the others were still horrified, because Pangu blood essence was really a terrifying item for them.

"What? This is the blood of Pangu? this true?"

Originally, Yang Jian didn't know what was in Ji Han's hands, but after hearing Ying Zheng and the others' exclamations, he realized that he was stunned and shocked.

He really didn't expect that Ji Han would actually have Pangu's blood and blood in his hands. For the people in the prehistoric, this is definitely a treasure of the world, even if Yang Jian's knowledge and vision are still very weak at this time, But at least he knew the preciousness of Pangu blood essence!

· · Flowers ·

Not only is it precious, this Pangu blood essence is extremely scarce, it is a treasure that has been hard to find since Pangu opened the sky!

According to reports, just one drop of this Pangu blood essence is enough to create a peerless great witch, or even a superpower.

Why does such a treasure appear in Ji Han's hands?

With such a terrifying background, who is this person?

At this time, Yang Jian's eyes when he looked at Ji Han had obviously changed, becoming more awe-inspiring, and in Yang Jian's heart, Ji Han's original mysterious and terrifying image suddenly became taller.

At this moment, the doubts in Yang Jian's heart really completely dissipated.

He has also believed in what Ji Han said before!

After all, it is impossible for anyone who can take out the blood of Pangu to lie to him, because he is not worth it!

The unexpected shock actually made Yang Jian wake up suddenly, and then Yang Jian turned his eyes away with great perseverance and did not dare to look again.

He was deeply afraid that he would be tempted to take one more look. If he did it, it would be tantamount to courting death!

Different from Yang Jian, Ying Zheng and others are more confused and puzzled.

They didn't expect Ji Han to take out a drop of Pangu blood again!

This is clearly to give the blood of Pangu to Yang Jian, so it seems that Yang Jian is as important as Ao Lie in the mind of the master, otherwise, how could the master come up with such a precious treasure.

Obviously, Ying Zheng and others had already guessed a few points about Ji Han's thoughts.

Ji Han couldn't help but smile with satisfaction when he saw that Yang Jian was able to hold back his second glance at the blood of Pangu.

"Yes, this is the blood of Pangu!

"Yang Jian, you should know how precious such a treasure is?

"Just one drop is enough for you to be promoted to the Golden Immortal immediately, and within two or three years at most, you can step into the realm of the Great Luo Golden Immortal! 99

"Once you step into the realm of Da Luo Jin Xian, you say, who can control your future path except yourself?"

With a smile on his lips, Ji Han not only introduced the terrifying effect of Pangu blood essence to Yang Jian, but also gave a clear answer to his future path.

Since it is bewitching, then bewitching to the end! Beg.

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