At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

516 This is the real purpose of Ji Han! 【Subscription】

Silence descended on the pavilion again.

At this time, everyone in the pavilion behaved differently. Ji Han stretched out his right hand, and a drop of Pangu blood was quietly floating in his palm. At the same time, Ji Han smiled and looked at Yang Jian lightly.

The four Ying Zheng were still in shock, looking at the blood of Pangu, and then at Yang Jian, their eyes could not help revealing the color of envy.

Of course, although Ying Zheng and the others are envious, they do not have any jealousy or resentment, because they all know that they are now able to have all these things are given by the immortal master. They couldn't bear the blood of Pangu, so Ying Zheng and the others had a good mentality.

On the other hand, Yang Jian's eyes were sluggish, staring at the blood of Pangu in Ji Han's hands, his face was full of struggles and entanglements.

When such a drop of the world's most precious treasure, the blood of Pangu, was placed in front of Yang Jian's "May 17", when Ji Han told him that after absorbing and digesting the blood of Pangu, his future path would be controlled by himself, even if the saints did not Maybe when he controlled him again, Yang Jian's heart seemed to be pinched, and even his breathing became rapid.

"Senior, you...all what you said is true? This Pangu blood essence can make me achieve the realm of Daluo?"

After a long time, Yang Jian took his eyes away from Ji Han's hand with difficulty, and asked in a slightly hoarse voice.

Although it was an uneasy question, Yang Jian was already sure in his heart that what Ji Han said should not be false. With this drop of Pangu blood essence, he would definitely be able to create a peerless great witch, or a great Luo Jinxian.

Because this is the blood of Pangu, it is a treasure that is hard to find in the wild, and it is even more precious than the congenital spiritual treasure. Therefore, it is not surprising that it has such an effect.

"Yes, I believe you also feel the energy contained in this blood essence, right? With this drop of Pangu blood essence, it is enough to create a great Luo Jinxian!"

Sure enough, Ji Han gave Yang Jian the answer he expected.

"Promoted to the realm of Da Luo?"

"The future path is under your control?"

"No one can control me anymore?"

"Is it really possible?"

Yang Jian kept mumbling, as if repeating Ji Han's words, but in fact it revealed his true desires and desires.

An inexplicable look flashed in Ji Han's eyes, and he asked with a smile, "Yang Jian, do you want to become stronger?


Yang Jian suddenly raised his head, with a trace of doubt in his eyes!

"Do you want revenge?"

"Want to control your own destiny?

"Want to protect your family from harm?"

Ji Han looked at Yang Jian and asked again and again.

It can be said that Ji Han seems to be asking Yang Jian a question, but he is actually bewitching Yang Jian.

Every question he asked directly hit Yang Jian's heart, and it was what Yang Jian wanted to do most.

Sure enough, these few questions of Ji Han directly made the light in Yang Jian's eyes brighter and brighter, which completely aroused Yang Jian's desire to become stronger.

"Think, I want to become stronger, I want revenge, I want to control my own destiny, I want to protect my family from being hurt, I must do it!!"

Yang Jian's face flushed and he roared suddenly, looking extremely excited.

From his words, you can hear how firm his thoughts are, because he first said he wanted to, and then directly changed to "want"

Such a firm belief, such a reckless expression of his inner thoughts, made Yang Jian completely let go of his scruples.

"Haha, good, very good, men should have such faith and spirit!!""

"If I said, I will give you this drop of Pangu blood essence, would you dare to accept it?

Ji Han laughed with satisfaction, and what he said next made the excited Yang Jian instantly quiet down.

"This...Senior, are you really planning to give me such a treasure as Pangu's blood essence? Are you joking?"

Yang Jian's face was full of disbelief, as if he thought it was because he was a messenger!

Although he had some expectations and expectations when Ji Han asked him if he wanted to become stronger, when things came true, Yang Jian still couldn't believe it.

"Sir, do you really want to give him the blood of Pangu?"

"Is he worth your investment?"

"Yang Jian, Yang Jian, you are really a person with great luck, otherwise you would not meet Mr., and Mr. will not give you the blood of Pangu!

"Indeed, sir, what a great deal!"

Not only Yang Jian, but also Ying Zheng and others seemed to want to make sure that Ji Han really wanted to give Yang Jian the blood of Pangu. At the same time, they had no doubts that Yang Jian had great luck.

"That's right!" Ji Han nodded and said indifferently: "You can come here, it proves that we are destined, and I am willing to form a good relationship with you. Although Pangu's blood is precious, it is only an external thing, so you are not Don't think it's too weird!!99

"Just want to have a good relationship with me, and give me such a precious thing?

At this time, Yang Jian's eyes already revealed the desire for Pangu's blood essence, but he still asked one more question.

"Of course, it's just that Pangu's blood essence is too precious, so if you want to accept it, you must agree to three conditions, otherwise we won't talk about it, what do you think?"

At this time, Ji Han revealed his true purpose.

Hearing that he had to agree to Ji Han's three conditions to get the blood of Pangu, for some reason, Yang Jian suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

Because of the lack of merit, even if Yang Jian is still young and inexperienced, he knows that it is impossible for others to give him a precious treasure for no reason after seeing him once, even if Ji Han said that he just wanted to marry him. A good fate, such reasons are not enough to solve Yang Jian's doubts.

Therefore, after hearing what Ji Han asked of him, Yang Jian felt at ease, after all, this is normal!

If it was an equivalent exchange, Yang Jian would be more able to accept it, and there would be no more suspicions.

"Three conditions? What are the conditions? Please also ask the senior 4.3 to make it clear, and then the junior can consider whether to accept it or not! 35

After thinking about it for a while, Yang Jian did not rashly agree, but asked cautiously.

After all, he didn't know what conditions Ji Han would make him agree to. If it was something he couldn't do, or something that violated his principles and morals, even if he wanted to get this drop of Pangu blood, he would never agree to Ji Han's offer. .

"Yes, you are cautious by nature and won't be carried away by desire, Yang Jian, you are very good!"

Looking at Yang Jian, who had already shown great talent at a young age, Ji Han gave a rare compliment.

Ying Zheng and the others saw that Yang Jian did not agree immediately, and their faces also showed admiration. They couldn't help but sigh, as expected of people with great luck, if it was them, maybe they would agree immediately without even thinking about it!

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