At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

518 Blood oath, to protect the human race! 【Subscription】

Three simple conditions were placed in front of Yang Jian like this!

This time, Ji Han didn't sell anything more!

Now that Yang Jiandu has made up his mind and expressed his willingness to accept his conditions, Ji Han will naturally not hide it anymore, after all, this is not his style.

And if he didn't know what to say at this time, it would arouse Yang Jian's suspicion and make him repeat in his heart.

Therefore, Ji Han stated his three conditions very simply and clearly.

After hearing these three conditions, even though Yang Jian had already made some psychological preparations, he couldn't help being a little stunned, because it was quite different from the conditions he expected.

"Senior, these three conditions? 35

Yang Jian's face was stunned, and he couldn't believe it!

Because these three conditions seem to be a bit simple, there is a sense of gap in his heart.

Only Ying Zheng and the others had a look of understanding in their eyes, as if they understood Ji Han's plan, so they didn't interrupt.

Ji Han nodded, "That's right, haven't you always wanted to know what conditions I want to make? Those three conditions! 39

"Forgive this junior to offend you!" Yang Jian gritted his teeth and asked bravely: "These three conditions seem simple, but can you please explain in detail to the seniors, so that the juniors have a bottom line.

At this time, Yang Jian has really relaxed about these three seemingly simple conditions. After all, it is much simpler than he expected. He has no reason not to agree, but he still wants to ask more details. .

"Hehe, this not only looks simple, but it's actually simpler!"

Ji Han smiled slightly and began to explain: "First, after you have absorbed the blood of Pangu and your cultivation is complete, you can do it for me three times!"

"These three shots won't let you violate the principles and morals, won't let you hurt innocents, and may let you deal with some people, or do some things that I can't do myself!"

"In short, you only need to shoot for me three times, and this first condition is completed~々!"

"This is the second thing, it's better to understand, you and I have a good relationship, and I have a good relationship with you. I even gave you the blood of Pangu. From now on, no matter what, you must not be my enemy. Absolutely can't stand on the opposite side of me, how, can it be done? 55

After saying that, Ji Han looked at Yang Jian.

Hearing such simple and generous conditions, Yang Jian had no reason to refuse.

"Alright, though senior, don't worry, as long as senior has given orders, junior will never refuse, and from now on, he will never be the enemy of senior!

Yang Jian's face was awe-inspiring, and he made a promise very seriously.

It can be said that in addition to the first condition, the second condition is not a condition at all. Even if Ji Han does not say it, Yang Jian has no idea or courage to be an enemy of Ji Han, and can take out the existence of Pangu blood essence at will. , is not something he can contend against at all, so Yang Jian readily agreed.

"As for this third, I don't care if you become a Daluo Jinxian in the future or you become a Taoist Primordial Demon, you must always protect the human race, protect the human race, and don't do anything to hurt the human race, because the human race is the race of the future, and it will be the master. The prehistoric race, I am a human race, and you are also a human race, so I want you to protect the human race forever, can you do it?

When it came to the last condition, even Ji Han became solemn.

Because among these three conditions, the last one is actually the most important, and it is also the reason why Ji Han wants to give the blood of Pangu to Yang Jian.

If Yang Jian does not agree to the last condition, Ji Han will change his mind instantly, and his impression of Yang Jian will plummet.

Looking at Ji Han's awe-inspiring face, and thinking about the requirements he said, even though Yang Jian was still young, he felt an invisible pressure blowing towards him.

Once he agreed, he must always protect the human race in the future, not to violate, not to do things that hurt the human race, which is equivalent to handing Yang Jian a huge task, which naturally made him feel a lot of pressure.

"I promise, I will try my best to do it, please rest assured, senior! 99

However, Yang Jian just thought about it for a moment, and then resolutely agreed.

Because Ji Han is right, he Yang Jian is also a human race. Once he is successful in his cultivation, protecting the human race is what he should have. He doesn't have any psychological burden on this. Although the pressure is a little bigger, the responsibility is not allowed. He flinched, therefore, he should agree, and he must agree.

"Very good, I didn't see you wrong, make a blood oath!"

Ji Han nodded with satisfaction, and then asked Yang Jian to swear.

Yang Jian's expression froze, knowing that it was his expression, but he didn't feel any unhappiness in his heart.

"Junior Yang Jian swears that from today onwards, he will never be an enemy of his predecessors under any circumstances. From now on, he will always protect the human race and protect the human race as his own responsibility. Extinction, never to be transcended!

Yang Jian was very decisive. Not only did he agree, but he also made a blood oath in a very serious and sincere manner, and he was still very vicious to show his sincerity.

"..well, haha, so good!"9

"Take it, the blood is collected!

Seeing this, Ji Han saw Tiandao vibrate and responded with his own eyes. Ji Han suddenly laughed with satisfaction, then stretched out his hand and threw the blood of Pangu directly to Yang Jian.

"Hey... Senior, you..."

Yang Jian didn't expect Ji Han to be so casual, and was taken aback by surprise, and hurriedly and carefully took the blood of Pangu.


Seeing that Yang Jian only showed a hint of what a young man should look like at this time, Ji Han, Ying Zheng and the others burst into laughter, and the scene and atmosphere became much more relaxed again.

Yang Jian's face turned slightly red, but he knew that Ji Han and the others were not making fun of him, so he immediately sneered, and then solemnly collected the blood of Pangu (Li Dezhao).

At this time, after Yang Jian really got the blood of Pangu, he was completely at ease, and his attitude towards Ji Han also changed again. Not only was he more respectful, but he no longer doubted what Ji Han said.

Because Ji Han can give Pangu blood essence to Yang Jian so casually, it proves that Ji Han really doesn't care much about foreign objects, and he gives as much as he says to such treasures as Pangu blood essence and blood. How can Yang Jian not admire it.

Therefore, after his attitude changed, he no longer maintained a proud mentality towards Ying Zheng, who had a low cultivation base, but began to release his goodwill, acting more and more like a young man Yu.

In this regard, Ying Zheng and others also naturally felt that they were not careful people, not to mention the fact that Yang Jian was so valued by Immortal Master, they naturally knew the reason to have a good relationship with him.

Therefore, the atmosphere among the people slowly began to become harmonious, with all kinds of talk and laughs!

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