At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

Why did Mr. 519 teach me? Please don't hesitate to teach me! 【Subscription required】

"Meeting is fate, the deal has been reached, and Yang Jian will be his own from now on!" Ji Han chuckled and raised his glass, "Come on, let's have a toast!"

"Thank you senior for your attention, junior toast everyone!"

"Haha, come and come, have a drink!"

"It's easy to talk, it's all my own from now on, haha, it's done!"

"Yang Jian, you don't need to be restrained, sir, there is a lot of fine wine here, but today we are going to drink it open!

Yang Jian and Ying Zheng immediately followed and raised their glasses, chatting and laughing, talking about various interesting things, and changing glasses from time to time, the atmosphere was very harmonious.

Although Yang Jian is relatively young, he has lived a hard life since he was a child, and he is not inexperienced in the world, so at this time it is very natural to drink a lot with Ji Han and others, laugh loudly, and quickly integrate into it. The atmosphere became more and more eager.

At this time, everyone was in a very good mood and had a good drink!

In such a harmonious atmosphere, Ji Han also introduced the identities of Ying Zheng and others to Yang Jian one by one.

Yang Jian listened humbly while toasting, and seemed very good.

At this time, Yang Jian naturally did not dare to regard Ying Zheng and others as weak chickens. Although their cultivation base was still low, their status in 530 Ji Han's heart was obviously not ordinary. Yang Jian could still see this, so I am also happy to make friends with Ying Zheng and others.

Moreover, after hearing that Ying Zheng and other talents have only been in contact with the immortals for only half a year, and they have already achieved the cultivation base of spiritual transformation, Yang Jian was immediately shocked, and the last trace of contempt in his heart was completely dissipated!

At the same time, Yang Jian also knew the details of Ying Zheng and others, and he was even more shocked when he learned that there were four dynasties under them that were also developing.

If Yang Jian knew about the existence of the Secret Technique of the Three Thousand avenues and the Immortal Dynasty Jade Seal, it is estimated that the image of Ji Han in his heart would be raised a lot, and he would also pay more attention to Ying Zheng and others.

After all, it will never be easy for someone who can become the master of an immortal dynasty, and his future achievements will never be too small.

What's more, they still have the support of Ji Han, and their rise is just around the corner. Even if Yang Jian doesn't know about the Xianchao Yuxi, he doesn't dare to underestimate Ying Zheng and others.

As for Yang Jian, whom Ji Han values, Ying Zheng and several others naturally did not dare to neglect him, and immediately showed great kindness and enthusiasm.

Therefore, when Yang Jian, Ying Zheng and others became familiar with each other (bbed), their relationship became a little closer.

After pushing the glass for a while, Yang Jian suddenly put down the wine glass.

"Sir, I don't know why you value the human race so much? You say that the human race will become the race of the world in the future. Is this true?"

Yang Jian also changed his title at this time, and asked the question he had always wanted to ask before.

Although he did not complain at all about protecting the human race forever, he still had some doubts in his heart, especially when Ji Han said that the human race would become the race of heaven and earth in the future.

Hearing Yang Jian's question, Ying Zheng and others also put down their wine glasses because they were all curious about it.

"It seems that you all want to know!" Ji Han chuckled and put down his glass, thought about it, and said, "Actually, it is inevitable for the human race to be the master of the future by the Zhongxiu of Heaven and Earth!

"Why is this, you listen to me slowly!"

Ji Han rationalized his thoughts and said slowly: "Yang Jian, you should know that since the Lich War, the Great Wilderness has been shattered, whether it is the Demon Race or the Witch Race, it is considered that the great stage of the Great Wilderness has been launched, and it is no longer the land of the Great Wilderness. The dominance of China is no longer the grand occasion it used to be!

"After this, the human race began to emerge slowly and began to rise!"

"Because the human race was created by the saint Nuwa, from the moment the human race appeared, the human race was destined to rise in the wild!"

"Different from the demon clan and the witch clan, the human clan was born to be loved by the heaven and the earth, and can be called a natural spirit, and its shape is also the most suitable for cultivating various Taoist methods. To be transformed into a human appearance, this is the reason!

"There is also the most important reason, that is, the human race's ability to reproduce is extremely strong. Since the Lich War, the human race has quickly become the race with the largest population base in the Great Desolation!

"With a larger population, more top powerhouses will naturally be born, thus occupying more territory!"

"Because of this, in the future, the human race will become the master of the great land, and even the saints will not dare to despise them, but will plan or preach from it in order to occupy an important position among the human race! 95

"Since then, the human race has become more and more prosperous, and the monster race and the witch race have gradually become the targets of the human race's hunting, even if they are as powerful as the dragon and the phoenix, they have slowly disappeared in the long river of history!

Ji Han talked eloquently, and explained in detail the reasons why the human race could dominate the flood in the future.

It was only at this moment that Yang Jian and others understood why the human race could surpass the extremely powerful races such as the Lich Race and the Monster Race and become the dominant race in the future of the Great Desolate Land.

"It turns out that, thank you sir for clarifying the confusion, the junior understands!

"Haha, as expected of our human race, as long as the reproduction ability is strong enough, it will rise sooner or later!"

"Haha, it's normal for the human race to be loved by the heaven and the earth, after all, they belong to the lineage of the Nuwa saints.

"It's actually such a thing, if it weren't for Mr., we wouldn't know it!

Yang Jian, Ying Zheng and others suddenly realized that they finally understood why the human race was able to rise.

At the same time, Yang Jian, who is a human race, is also honored, and pays more attention to the responsibility of protecting the human race.

In fact, this is what Ji Han said so much. He just hoped that Yang Jian could understand the situation of the human race, and hoped that he would regard protecting the human race as his mission and responsibility for eternal life.

Thinking of this, Ji Han asked Yang Jian, "Yang Jian, do you have any plans for the future? Or what are your thoughts on your own path?

Yang Jian's mind was already lively. Hearing Ji Han's question, his eyes lit up.

"Why did you teach me, sir? Please give me some advice, sir!!

Yang Jian stood up and clasped his fists in a respectful manner.

He understood that the reason why Ji Han asked this was obviously to give him some pointers.

"Haha, sit down!" Ji Han chuckled and motioned for Yang Jian to sit down, and then said: "I can't talk about guidance, but I have a few suggestions for your future rise. Of course, whether to adopt or not depends on the final decision. yourself!" 5

Obviously, Ji Han still values ​​Yang Jian very much. In order to prevent this piece from dying in the middle, he must give him some guidance and let him grow up quickly.

"Yang Jian understands that if you have any suggestions from Mr. Yang, you can make them. Yang Jian promises to follow Mr.'s suggestions!"

Yang Jian naturally knew that Ji Han was modest, so he still maintained a respectful attitude and hoped that Ji Han could give him good advice!

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