At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

520 Daigo empowerment, thank you sir for your enlightenment! 【Subscription】

It has to be said that Yang Jian not only has great luck, but also has a very clear mind.

With Ji Han's bottomless cultivation realm, pointing him to a mere fairy, such an opportunity is hard to come by. Since Ji Han has the intention of taking the initiative to point out, how can Yang Jian not seize it.

"Ha ha!"

Seeing the burning and anticipation in Yang Jian's eyes, Ji Han chuckled and said, "You're welcome, sit down and talk!

"You already know your background and future destiny, and you will definitely have your own ideas. You want to rescue your mother immediately, and you want to change your future path. Am I right?

Yang Jian immediately nodded: "Yes sir, Yang Jian does have such an idea!"

"It's normal to have this thought, and it's a good thing!" Ji Han waved his hand and continued: "I also understand your feelings very well. Your eagerness to save your mother proves that you have a pure heart and are loyal and filial. I didn't misread you!

"But I suggest that you don't rush to rescue your mother after you return to Honghuang!

"Don't be in a hurry, listen to me slowly~ Slow down!"

Ji Han saw a trace of doubt and anxiety flashing on Yang Jian's face, and seemed to not understand why he wanted to stop him from saving his mother, so Ji Han said something to comfort him.

After Yang Jian was restrained, Ji Han continued: "Why give you such a suggestion, first of all, your mother was only trapped in Taoshan and lost her personal freedom, but her life was not in danger, and her life was not miserable! 35

"Secondly, you desperately want to rescue your mother, but you will expose a lot of things, and even involve your master Yu Ding Zhenren!

"Finally, since you have obtained the blood essence of Pangu, it will only take a few years to break through to the realm of Daluo Jinxian. At that time, if you go to save your mother, who would dare to stop you? Who would dare to have an opinion? Even your uncle The Jade Emperor also released your mother because he valued you, do you understand?"

Obviously, Ji Han wanted Yang Jian to lie dormant for a while, and not rush to rescue his mother, so as not to expose too much.

At this time, Yang Jian had calmed down, and after listening to Ji Han's analysis, he immediately felt a lot of sense.

"Thank you sir for your suggestion, Yang Jian understands that he will never act rashly, please rest assured sir!"

"It's just that I will continue to grieve my mother for a while! 99

Yang Jian readily accepted it, but thinking that his mother would continue to suffer, he couldn't help but look a little gloomy.

"It's enough for you to have this kind of filial piety!" Ji Han comforted: "Besides, it doesn't take long, at most a few years, you will go to Taoshan to pick up your mother, wouldn't it be better?

"Mr. is right, Yang Jian leads it!" Yang Jian said gratefully.

"You're welcome! 99 Ji Han waved his hand, "That's not really a suggestion just now. I have three suggestions for your future development path. Listen carefully!""

"Sir, please speak!

"First, although the effect of Pangu blood essence is powerful, it will take two or three years to absorb and digest it. Therefore, during this period, I suggest that you better hide your strength!"

"After going back, first swallow the blood of Pangu, break through to the realm of Jinxian, and then slowly digest and absorb!"

"If you don't reach the Golden Immortal Realm of Daluo, you must not expose it easily, so as not to attract attention or lead to death! 35

Ji Han looked solemn and gave the first suggestion.

Regarding Yang Jian, a chess piece with great potential, Ji Han said that it is false to not pay attention to it!

Like Ao Lie, he is an important piece of chess that he has invested in the wild, so Ji Han naturally does not want Yang Jian to die prematurely, so he exhausted his thoughts for his rise.

Hearing such a caring suggestion, Yang Jian naturally understood.

"Don't worry, sir, Yang Jian is not a person who likes to be in the limelight, and before he reaches the realm of Da Luo, he must follow his instructions!

Yang Jian readily accepted Ji Han's first suggestion.

At the same time, Yang Jian himself understood that Ji Han was really thinking about him, so Yang Jian was very grateful.

"That's the best!" Ji Han nodded and continued: "The second one, after you go back and break through to the Golden Immortal Realm, it's best not to stay in the wild, if you can, go to the Great Thousand Worlds. Practice!

"With your cultivation of the Golden Immortal Realm, there shouldn't be any danger in the Great Thousand Worlds everywhere!"

"In this way, you can not only exercise yourself, but also accumulate strength, and at the same time increase your knowledge, and you don't have to stay in the wild to attract attention, it is only good for you, not bad!

"After you break through to the Daluo realm, you can return to the Great Desolation!

・・For flowers.......

Ji Han's second suggestion is precisely to hope that Yang Jian can travel to all parts of the world.

This is not only to train Yang Jian, but Ji Han also hopes to use Yang Jian's hand to find the coordinates of each world.

Of course, there is no need to say this to Yang Jian!

And Yang Jian obviously didn't expect Ji Han to give such a suggestion, he was a little stunned and at the same time extremely excited.

"Sir's words are really enlightening, why didn't I think of it, haha, thank you sir for your advice!

Yang Jian was quite excited, obviously he had already figured out the benefits of going to Daqian World to experience.

Yang Jian will naturally not let go of such a good thing that can be done with one stone!

If Ji Han didn't mention it, Yang Jian himself would never have thought of this.


And if he doesn't go to the Great Thousand World to experience, he not only has to be careful and vigilant at all times, he is afraid that something will be exposed, he can't accumulate strength, and he lacks training. Therefore, Yang Jian is already absolute at this time, and he will go back and break through to Jinxian. Immediately explain to the master and let him go to Daqian World to experience!

"You're still young and you don't have enough experience, so it's normal to not think so!" Ji Han didn't care about this, and said with a smile.

"Sir, what is the third suggestion?

Yang Jian couldn't wait to ask.

Because the first two suggestions have already benefited him a lot, Yang Jian is also very curious about the third suggestion.

"This third point is actually the most important, you have to listen carefully!" Ji Han's face became serious.

As soon as Yang Jian heard it, he immediately sat upright and made a gesture of listening.

I just heard Ji Han say slowly: "The third suggestion is that I hope you can take the initiative to contact the Heavenly Court, and then help the Heavenly Emperor to completely smash the conspiracy and planning of the Western Church!"

"What? Take the initiative to contact the Heavenly Court? Also help the Heavenly Emperor? Why?

Yang Jian couldn't help but asked, his face was full of puzzlement.

Yang Jian didn't understand why Ji Han would give such a suggestion.

"Sir, didn't you say that I will become a knife in the hands of Heavenly Court in the future? Why do you want me to take the initiative to contact Heavenly Court and help Heavenly Emperor?

With doubts in his heart, Yang Jian asked again and again, wanting to know why!

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