At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

521 Ruzi can be taught, am I right? 【Subscription】

Seeing Yang Jian's reaction so big, Ji Han couldn't help but laugh.

"Hehe, don't get excited, let me explain to you!

Ji Han stretched out his right hand and patted Yang Jian, signaling him not to get excited.

"Hey, Yang Jian, you kid, how could sir hurt you!

"That's right, why are you reacting so much?"

"Let's listen to it first, frizzy, the gentleman has his own reasoning!""

Ying Zheng and the others who were listening on the side couldn't help shouting to stop Yang Jian.

Yang Jian sneered, knowing that his reaction was a bit big, so he immediately calmed down and waited for Ji Han's explanation.

Ji Han said at this time: "Your view is a bit one-sided, and there are so many things in it that you don't know!"

"Heaven Emperor Haotian is the next child of Hongjun. He was ordered by Hongjun to form the heavenly court. The purpose is to unify the three worlds, integrate and improve the order of "five three zeros". Therefore, from the righteousness It is said that the Heavenly Court is the absolute orthodoxy within the Three Realms, and will unify the Three Realms in the future, and the Emperor of Heaven will become the Lord of the Three Realms!"

"It is precisely because of this that not only the three sects of Taoism, but even the Western sects will want to intervene in the heavenly court to increase the influence of their own sect!

"And you, Yang Jian, are valued by Western religions, and Western religions just want to push you up and take a seat in the heavenly court, so that you can be firmly in their hands and driven by them! 35

"So to say that you are not so much a knife in the hands of Heaven, it is better to say that you are a knife in the hands of the Western Church, because Heaven is also divided into factions, no matter which saint wants to have the right to speak."

Ji Han talked eloquently and told some secrets that Yang Jian, Ying Zheng and others did not know.

After Yang Jian and others heard it, they were immediately shocked, and at the same time they were very interested in such a secret thing.

"This... is actually like this, Heavenly Court originally had such a background!

"No wonder, that's what it is!

"Hehe, it's no wonder that the Western Church wants to plot against Yang Jian!

"Yeah, there really are a lot of things in here that we don't know! 99

Yang Jian, Ying Zheng, and the others were all surprised, and after listening to this, all their faces were filled with stunned expressions.

Ji Han smiled casually and looked at Yang Jian: "Now you know why I gave you such a suggestion? 35

Yang Jian nodded: "Yang Jian understands! 35

"Oh? Understand what? Tell me!" Ji Han ordered.

"Yes!" Yang Jian took a deep breath and replied: "Mr. let me take the initiative to contact the heavenly court, obviously to let me enter the sight of the heavenly emperor in advance. After all, the heavenly court is just established, the sooner I enter the heavenly court, the more I can occupy a high position!"

"In addition, Mr. asked me to help the Emperor of Heaven. It should be because he wanted me to stand in advance and stand firmly on the side of the Lord of the Three Realms. This will not be planned and remembered by Western religions, and the Emperor of Heaven is my uncle, I believe that God will give me great trust! 35

"After I stand on the heels of Heavenly Court, not only can what I want and do can be solved smoothly, but I can also use this to smash the conspiracy of the Western Church, so that their plans will end without a hitch before they even begin!

"Sir, am I right?

Yang Jian looked at Ji Han with a little anticipation in his eyes.

Obviously, Yang Jian is also a very smart person. He can immediately draw inferences from what Ji Han said and understand Ji Han's intentions.

"Haha, Ruzi can be taught!!

"And the Jade Emperor is not a very bad person, you will know in the future!

Ji Han burst out laughing, looking very satisfied!

Since Yang Jian already understood his intentions, he naturally didn't need to say anything more.

Yang Jian was also very happy to receive Ji Han's praise.

He suddenly stood up again, cupped his fists respectfully to Ji Han and said, "Thank you for your advice, Mr. Yang Jian will never forget it. In the future, if there is an order from Mr. Yang, Yang Jian will do his best!"

Obviously, Yang Jian can understand the benefits of Ji Han's advice and suggestions, so he naturally accepts them one by one, and is extremely grateful to Ji Han.

At the same time, Yang Jian is also secretly rejoicing. It turns out that coming here is not only a disaster, but a fortune for him. If he didn't know Ji Han, his future would be tragic!

"No need to be polite, sit down." Ji Han gestured to Yang Jian to sit down and talk, then smiled: "I said it from the beginning, you and I are destined, so there is no need to say more polite words, after you grow up, it will be better for me. of!

Yang Jian nodded, understanding what Ji Han meant.

He kept these things in his heart, and hoped that he could help Ji Han in the future in return for his kindness and guidance.

"Haha, that's it, why be polite!

"You're welcome, come and come, continue drinking!! 35

"Yes, yes, sir, you don't like politeness, come on, do it! 35

When Ying Zheng saw that Ji Han had finished giving instructions, they immediately raised their wine glasses and started to liven up the atmosphere.

Everyone pushed the cups to change again, and the atmosphere became warm again.

Just now, Yang Jian only cared about drinking, but now Yang Jian has tasted the taste of the various delicacies on the table.

Yang Jian had never tasted this kind of food before, so he couldn't stop his chopsticks at this moment.

"Hehe, don't worry, eat slowly, Mr. Food and Wine has something here!

"That's right, Yang Jian, you just arrived, it's normal that you haven't eaten these delicacies!"

"Haha, just like us, even now, I am always thinking about the food here, sir!"

"Yes, yes, I also eat more, haha!

Seeing Yang Jian eating and drinking, Ying Zheng and others laughed happily, as if they had just come here.

Although Yang Jian was a little embarrassed by the laughter, his movements did not stop at all.

He was already at the best age to eat, and when he came across a wonderful food he had never eaten before, he naturally had to eat enough.

Ji Han naturally didn't care about this, and immediately asked Wang Mushi to instruct him to arrange for other fairies to deliver food continuously.

After more than half an hour, Yang Jian and other talents were full of food and drink.

"Sir, I'll go back first, after all, I can't leave for too long, lest Master worry!""

4.3 After a while, Yang Jian stood up, ready to say goodbye to Ji Han.

Ji Han waved his hand casually and said, "Go, come back when you have time in the future, and you can lead to this place after the door of light appears!"

"Oh, I almost forgot, you keep this ring!"

Ji Han took out a trading ring, handed it to Yang Jian, and informed him of the function and function of the trading ring.

After hearing this, Yang Jian was greatly surprised and hurriedly subordinated.

"Thank you sir, goodbye sir, goodbye brothers!"

Yang Jian clasped his fists and bowed, officially saying goodbye!

"Haha, Yang Jian, get together again when you have time!

"Hehe, be careful!


Ying Zheng and others also smiled and returned the salute!

Afterwards, Yang Jian approached the fifth gate of light, waved at Ji Han and the others, then strode in and returned to Jinxia Cave!

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