At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

522 Daqin is promoted, and the black cloud is pressing down on the city! 【Subscription】

After watching Yang Jian leave, Ji Han and the others looked away.

Not long after the banquet was over, Ying Zheng and others carried the imperial seal of the Immortal Dynasty in their hearts.

Qin Dynasty, Qin Palace.

The door of light flickered behind him, and Ying Zheng returned to the Qin Palace.

In Ying Zheng's bedroom, he had been guarding a large number of elite soldiers day and night, but when Ying Zheng appeared, he alerted the guards here.

"Meet Your Majesty!"

The guards knelt down and shouted.

"Well, get up! 35

Ying Zheng waved his hand at will!

At this time, Ying Zheng's heart was fiery, and when he thought that Qin Dynasty would soon be promoted to Xian Dynasty, he couldn't help but feel more and more excited.

Under the escort of many soldiers, Ying Zheng walked out of the palace, but he was thinking about how to use the Immortal Dynasty Jade Seal.

"How to use this immortal jade seal? The gentleman didn't elaborate!

"Is it possible to ask Mr.

"No, no, sir, you shouldn't have thought of this, I'll take a look first!

Ying Zheng, who was getting more and more hot in his heart, thought to himself, and wanted to take out the jade seal of the Immortal Dynasty in his arms and take a look.

At this time, knowing that Ying Zheng had returned to the palace, Wang Jian, Li Xin and other important officials came to see him one after another.

"Your Majesty, you are back! 35

"Meet Your Majesty!

"Long Live Your Majesty!!"

Wang Jian and others knelt down to say hello!

"You gentlemen don't need to be too polite!"

Ying Zheng didn't have time to pay attention to them, he directly stretched out his hand and took out the Immortal Dynasty Jade Seal from his bosom, and then raised it in front of him to examine it carefully.

"Huh? Although it doesn't look like ordinary things, but I can't see any mystery, what should I do!"

Looking carefully at the Xianchao jade seal in his hand, Ying Zheng, who did not see any mystery, could not help frowning.

However, Ying Zheng's move aroused the doubts of Wang Jian and others.

"Your Majesty, what are you doing?"

"Your Majesty, what is this?"

"This looks like a jade seal, Your Majesty, you ordered someone to make another jade seal?"

"Your Majesty, how can this jade seal still glow? Why is the aura so mysterious? 35

After Wang Jian, Li Xin and the others saw the Xianchao Yuxi, their eyes widened and they all asked questions.

Because the first time they saw the jade seal of the Immortal Dynasty, they felt that it was not like an ordinary thing at all, and their eyes were involuntarily attracted by the light emitted by the jade seal.

"Haha, dear gentlemen, please take a look!" Ying Zheng laughed proudly, raised the jade seal of the Immortal Dynasty and introduced: "This is the jade seal of the Immortal Dynasty, which was given to my Dynasty by the Immortal Master, which can make my Dynasty promoted to the Immortal Dynasty. Supreme treasure!!

Such a major event, Ying Zheng naturally won't hide it!

As soon as these words came out, Wang Jian and the others were stunned.

"What? The Immortal Dynasty Jade Seal?

"Hey...can my dynasty be promoted to become the treasure of the immortal dynasty?

"Your Majesty, is this true?"

"My God, is there really such a treasure? Your Majesty, let your servants take a look!!"

The generals surrounding Ying Zheng were shocked and their eyes lit up, their eyes fixed on the jade seal of the Immortal Dynasty in Ying Zheng's hands, eager to rush over to watch and observe.

"Huh?? This is???"

However, before Ying Zheng could speak, the Immortal Dynasty Jade Seal in his hand suddenly shone brightly, shocking Ying Zheng.

Then this Immortal Dynasty Jade Seal turned into a beam of immortal light and went straight into Ying Zheng's body.

"This... this jade seal...

Ying Zheng was also a little stunned for a while, but he did not expect such a change in the Immortal Dynasty Yuxi.

"Your Majesty, are you alright?

Wang Jian and the others changed their expressions and hurriedly looked at Ying Zheng.

They didn't know what was going on, but Ying Zheng waved his hand, indicating that everyone should not panic.

"It's all spread out, don't panic, it seems that this is automatically inspired by the jade seal of the Xian Dynasty!!"

Ying Zheng showed a thoughtful look, and then carefully realized the changes in his body.

Obviously, the jade seal of the Xian Dynasty has been integrated into Ying Zheng's body, and this should be the only process for the dynasty to be promoted to the Xian Dynasty, because Ying Zheng is the emperor, and the jade seal of the Xian Dynasty can only be integrated into his body, Ying Zheng immediately wanted to understand to this point.

Sure enough, as the Immortal Dynasty Jade Seal was integrated into Ying Zheng's body, Ying Zheng immediately exuded an extremely terrifying aura.

With the appearance of this breath, a loud noise suddenly exploded outside the palace.


There is a loud noise like thunder!!

Immediately afterwards, a gust of wind blew, and even Ying Zheng and others in the palace felt that the heaven and the earth seemed to have changed.

"Hey...what's the situation?

"What happened?"

"Why did the wind blow suddenly?

Wang Jian and others exclaimed in surprise!

"Let's go and see outside the palace!

At this moment, Ying Zheng walked away calmly.

Wang Jian and the others hurriedly followed, and soon came to the outside of the palace.

At this time, the aura emanating from Ying Zheng's body became more and more mysterious and terrifying. It was like a black hole, absorbing the spiritual energy between heaven and earth, and producing a huge repulsive force, instantly sending Wang Jian and others around him. All pushed into the distance.

"His Majesty!!"

"Protect Your Majesty! 99

"Be careful, Your Majesty!

Wang Jian and the others did not expect such a change, and their expressions suddenly changed, and they hurriedly exclaimed.

A large number of elite soldiers inside and outside the palace were already alarmed and rushed towards Ying Zheng.

"Don't panic, this is a good thing, just wait and wait!!"

Feeling the increasingly mysterious aura and gratitude in his body, Ying Zheng was full of joy and hurriedly stopped everyone.

At this moment, the wind whistled, and the sky suddenly darkened.


A thunderstorm exploded in the air 530 times!!

The sky was instantly covered with dark clouds, thunder and lightning flashed, and the entire Qin Palace was shrouded in dark clouds.

And the dark clouds are getting thicker and thicker, as if they are getting closer and closer to the crowd, like a dark cloud covering the top, so suppressed that everyone can't breathe.

This is a kind of spiritual suppression, just like the feeling of a black cloud crushing the city, it is very uncomfortable, even suffocating.

In the thick dark cloud, in which, countless thunder and lightning flickered, seemingly brewing unimaginable energy, and illuminated the dim sky with flashes, which looked extremely terrifying.

Such a shocking change immediately caused a sensation in the entire Xianyang City. Countless people were so frightened that their faces changed greatly, and they all knelt down and shouted at a loss, asking for the blessing of the gods and Buddhas.

The guard soldiers inside and outside the palace surrounded Ying Zheng in a water-filled siege, and all the soldiers looked at the sky in horror.

At this moment, all the ministers of the Qin Dynasty gathered around Ying Zheng. They were all worried and shocked. After hearing that this was the celestial phenomenon caused by Ying Zheng's absorption of the Immortal Dynasty Jade Seal, he breathed a sigh of relief this time.

The aura in Ying Zheng's body became more and more heavy, and then, Ying Zheng felt a great change in the spiritual energy all over his body, and a huge buoyant force was actually generated, dragging Ying Zheng slowly up into the air.

A strange color flashed in Ying Zheng's eyes, but he did not resist, letting the fairy spirit generated by the jade seal slowly float him into the air!!.

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