At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

523 Daqin Xianchao, the golden dragon of luck! 【Subscription】

Under the shocked gazes of Wang Jian, Li Xin and other generals, Ying Zheng's figure began to slowly float in the air under the shroud of immortal aura.

At this moment, Ying Zheng exuded an extremely terrifying aura, and it was very mysterious.

Ying Zheng didn't resist, he stretched his arms and let the fairy spirit generated by the jade seal slowly lift him into the air.

Then, countless people in Xianyang City discovered this in horror.

"Your Majesty, look, isn't that Your Majesty?"

"My emperor? God, what's wrong?"

"My emperor soars? How is this possible?? 39

"This celestial image was brought out by His Majesty the First Emperor? What the hell is going on here?

"What is your majesty's intention?"

Countless people were stunned by this shocking scene, completely unaware of what happened.

They could only roughly guess that the current celestial phenomenon was caused by Ying Zheng, and they knew nothing about the rest!

However, seeing Ying Zheng slowly ascending into the sky, he didn't have any intention of resisting or struggling, and suddenly burst into laughter, countless people felt a little relieved.

Obviously, their First Emperor clearly knew what was going on, and it didn't look like a bad thing.

"This's amazing, haha, it is indeed the jade seal of the Immortal Dynasty, it really is a treasure that integrates the luck of hundreds of millions of people, hahaha!!!35

After ascending into the sky, Ying Zheng couldn't help laughing wildly as he carefully felt the mysterious aura emanating from the jade seal of the Immortal Dynasty in his body.


Countless thunder and lightning flickered in the dark clouds, and suddenly, under the clouds, a golden dragon about the size of ten feet appeared out of thin air.

The golden dragon roared violently as soon as it appeared, and then swam freely under the clouds.

The appearance of the golden dragon directly shocked all the soldiers and people in Xianyang City, and countless people were shocked and lost their voices.

"God, what is that?"

"Dragon, it's a golden dragon, really a golden dragon!""

"True dragon, long live your majesty!~!"

"Long Live Your Majesty Long Live Long Live!!!"

Seeing the appearance of the real dragon, everyone thought that it was brought out by Ying Zheng, which is also very consistent with the identity of the real dragon and the emperor, so countless people began to kneel and shout long live, the respect and awe for Ying Zheng in their hearts almost reached peak.

However, only Ying Zheng in the deep mid-air knew what this golden dragon was.

"Golden Luck Dragon? Haha, it's actually the Luck Gold Dragon???"

Ying Zheng burst out laughing!

When he saw the golden dragon at first glance, for some reason, Ying Zheng recognized the essence of the golden dragon inexplicably. The beginning of the Immortal Dynasty Yuxi officially gathered.

And this was just the beginning. Soon, the golden dragons of luck continued to condense and began to cruise around Ying Zheng.

These golden dragons of luck exude an extremely terrifying aura, which is different from the sense of depression brought by heaven and earth.

At this moment, these golden dragons of luck seemed extremely happy, wandering around Ying Zheng wantonly, did a few loud roars come out?

How could the people of the Qin Dynasty ever see such a magnificent scene, all of them kept bowing to Ying Zheng at this time.

On the other hand, Wang Jian and Li Xin, the generals and important officials, had solemn expressions, but they were helpless and could only watch the visions in the sky.

Soon, when the aura on Ying Zheng's body in midair reached a peak, the Golden Dragon of Fortune stopped appearing around him.

Ying Zheng understood that this was the Immortal Dynasty Yuxi that had completely integrated with him.

"Haha, come on, the luck of my dynasty!!"

Ying Zheng seemed to have understood what was going to happen next, so he laughed wildly and opened his arms as if to hug something.


At this moment, the dozens of luck golden dragons around Ying Zheng roared in unison, and then, like ten thousand rivers entering the sea, the dozens of luck golden dragons slammed into Ying Zheng.

"His Majesty!!!

Seeing this scene, Wang Jian and others couldn't help turning pale with fright, and suddenly screamed.

However, the expected scary scene did not appear!

After the dozens of golden dragons collided with Ying Zheng, they seemed to have suddenly become incorporeal and entered Ying Zheng's body, apparently absorbed by Ying Zheng!

One after another, dozens of golden dragons ranging from ten to thirty feet in length were quickly sucked into Ying Zheng's body.

Obviously, this is one of the functions of the Immortal Dynasty Jade Seal, which gathers luck.

Since the jade seal of the Immortal Dynasty has been integrated with Ying Zheng, the luck of the Qin Dynasty is naturally gathered in Ying Zheng.

Then, Ying Zheng's body was shocked, and when he got up, a golden light suddenly radiated from his body, which completely dispelled the dark clouds in the sky, let the sun shine down again, and made the sky recover again.

Seeing the shocking scene where Ying Zheng was like a god coming into the world at this time, countless people in Xianyang City, including Wang Jian and others, all fell to their knees subconsciously.

".. long live your majesty, long live!!!

Everyone shouted long live, and their faces were full of fanatical awe.


"It's done, from today onwards, my dynasty will be the Immortal dynasty, named Daqin Immortal dynasty, haha!!!

Feeling the huge fortune that was constantly gathering in his body, Ying Zheng couldn't help laughing wildly.

Now that the Qin Dynasty has finally been promoted to the Immortal Dynasty, how could Ying Zhengyou not be overjoyed!

At the same time, in the Great Wei, Great Tang and Great Ming dynasties in different time and space, a scene very similar to that of the Qin Dynasty took place, which also shocked hundreds of millions of people in the four dynasties!

From this moment, the four dynasties were officially promoted to the four immortal dynasties.

And just at the moment when the four dynasties completed their promotion, among the four immortal dynasties, every citizen and living being felt an inexplicable feeling emerge from their hearts. It's unpredictable, and it only makes people feel as if the surrounding environment has changed, and they seem to have been sublimated!

(Li Hao) This kind of change is obviously brought about after being promoted to the Xian Dynasty. The feeling of ordinary people is not so clear. People with certain cultivation like Wang Ben, Lu Bu, and Cao Bianjiao feel it very clearly. The aura around them is starting to grow slowly, and their bodies seem to have luck in their bodies. When they try to run the exercises, they can immediately feel the speed of cultivation far exceeding the usual speed.

Such a change, so that those who experience the benefits are all surprised!!

"Long live your majesty, long live!!!

"Great Qin Xian Dynasty... Xian Dynasty!!


"Long live Your Majesty, the Immortal Dynasty will live forever!

Countless people in Xianyang City heard Ying Zheng's loud laughter, although many people still didn't understand what it meant, but it did not prevent them from shouting enthusiastically.

Because they already knew from Ying Zheng's performance that from this moment on, they will definitely usher in a brand new change in the Qin Dynasty!!.

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