At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

524 Longevity? We can too? 【Subscription】

"Haha, yes, the immortal dynasty will last forever, and I will live forever, hahaha..."

Hearing the shouts of the people below, Ying Zheng himself laughed excitedly, and he couldn't help but feel extremely heroic.

The promotion of an ordinary dynasty to the immortal dynasty indicates that the Daqin immortal dynasty has taken a big step forward on the road of eternal life, and his Yingzheng is also steadily improving on the road of immortality. The government was overjoyed.

Because it is Ying Zheng's dream from the beginning to make the Qin Dynasty prosperous and hope that he can live forever.

Now, although this dream has not yet been realized, the dawn of realization has been fully seen.

The excitement and joy in Ying Zheng's heart is almost indescribable!!


Ying Zheng couldn't help roaring violently into the sky, the joy in his voice deeply infected all the people below.

After a while, Ying Zheng, whose heart slowly regained his calm, slowly fell from the sky.

It's just that he did not fall directly to the ground, but continued to maintain the height that all the people below could see him.

"My subjects!! 33

Ying Zheng opened his hands 530 in midair and slowly glanced at the people below.

At this time, Ying Zheng still exudes an extremely terrifying aura, but it belongs to him, not from the jade seal of the Immortal Dynasty.

Because of the integration with the Immortal Dynasty Jade Seal and the absorption of dozens of golden dragons of luck into his body, Ying Zheng's cultivation at this time has already broken through to the Transcending Tribulation Period, crossing two great realms in a row, and his speed is extremely fast.

Therefore, Ying Zheng was just a little bit uncontrollable at this time, and the aura that suddenly grew, could not be completely restrained.

Hearing Ying Zheng's call, all the subjects of Xianyang City below raised their heads one after another, looking at Ying Zheng with awe.

"My subjects, please remember that from today onwards, our dynasty will be the Great Qin Immortal Dynasty, and it will no longer be an ordinary dynasty, but a real immortal dynasty!!

"You and others will all be the subjects of my Daqin Xian Dynasty!!

"What is the Immortal Dynasty? That is, all the people of my Immortal Dynasty can cultivate immortals in the future, and then I will pass down three thousand secret techniques, and each of my subjects will choose one to practice!

"From now on, everyone has the potential to become an immortal, and everyone can live forever!! 35

"This... is the Immortal Dynasty, a great gift from the Immortal Master to our Dynasty, you must remember the kindness of the Immortal Master!!

Ying Zheng's majestic voice resounded in the ears of every subject in Xianyang City. He not only gave a simple explanation of what the Xian Dynasty was, but also pointed out that it was the credit of the immortal master Ji Han, and warned all his subjects to keep in mind the immortal dynasty. The kindness of the teacher.

Countless subjects below heard that their Great Qin Dynasty was promoted to Immortal Dynasty from now on, and each of them would be able to choose a secret technique to cultivate immortals. It was as if they were struck by lightning, and everyone was stunned in place. Obviously, they were all shocked by such a great news that they could not even dream of.

"The Immortal Dynasty? This is the Immortal Dynasty?"

"Your Majesty... Your Majesty, is what he said true? We can all cultivate immortals in the future?"

"Longevity? We can too?"

"I... I'm not dreaming, am I? Your Majesty didn't lie to us?"

"Haha, it's true, His Majesty said it himself, we can all cultivate immortals in the future, haha!"

After the sluggishness, countless subjects couldn't help muttering to themselves, and their faces were still unbelievable and inconceivable.

However, Wang Jian, Li Xin and other generals were the first to react. They looked at each other with ecstasy on their faces, and then they suddenly fell to the ground and bowed down completely.

"Thanks to my emperor, long live my emperor!"

"Thank you for the great kindness and virtue of the immortal master, we will never forget it!!"

Generals such as Wang Jian and Li Xin took the lead in bowing down and shouting loudly!!

And their shouts instantly awakened all the subjects in Xianyang City.

"Thanks to my emperor, long live my emperor!"

"Thank you for your kindness and virtue, we (bbed) will never forget it!!""

"Thanks to my emperor, long live my emperor!"

"Thank you for the great kindness and virtue of the immortal master, we will never forget it!!"

Countless subjects knelt on the ground like a mountain topped by a sea, shouting in unison.

There was ecstasy and awe in their expressions. They were not only happy that they could become immortal practitioners in the future, but also felt supreme awe of their majesty and immortal master, and they were deeply grateful for the kindness of immortal masters.

At this moment, there is only one voice inside and outside Xianyang City, and that is the voice of countless subjects shouting!!

Like the Great Qin Dynasty, the Great Wei Dynasty, the Datang Dynasty and the Daming Dynasty also had similar scenes.

Ying Zheng and the four all spoke out about Ji Han's merit and kindness, and directly informed the world.

As a result, every immortal statue standing in the four immortal dynasties began to emit bursts of immortal light, which made the belief in Ji Han of the hundreds of millions of people in the four immortal dynasties start to skyrocket again.

Ji Han, who felt all this in the small manor, felt very satisfied, and his investment and efforts were not in vain.

Ying Zheng was very satisfied with the reaction of the people below him. After he announced the news, he continued: "I will spread this news to every corner of my Great Qin Dynasty from now on. The people know it!

"In addition, I will send someone to arrange the matter of choosing the secret technique, you just need to wait and go!

"No, long live Your Majesty!!"

All the people below took orders in unison, and then they all slowly dissipated with excited smiles.

And Ying Zheng slowly descended back to the ground!

As soon as they returned to the ground, Wang Jian, Li Xin and other generals rushed over.

"Congratulations, Your Majesty, His Majesty!"

"Haha, we congratulate Your Majesty!! 35

"It's a great event, Your Majesty, I never dreamed that my dynasty could be promoted to the Immortal dynasty, haha!!

The surrounding generals all had expressions of excitement on their faces, and they all congratulated Ying Zheng.

"Haha, this is our joy!!" Ying Zheng waved his hand excitedly, "Without the help of the Immortal Master, my dynasty would not be able to be promoted to the Immortal Dynasty, and we must thank the Immortal Master for his kindness!!

"Yes yes yes, thank you fairy teacher!!""

"Thank you for your kindness and great virtue!! 99

Wang Jian and other generals naturally did not dare to neglect, and they thanked them in the direction of the Immortal Master statue.

After everyone thanked them, Ying Zheng led the generals into the palace again.

"Send an order to ask all the generals to come to the palace immediately, and I will let you choose the secret techniques by yourself!" Ying Zheng instructed as he walked.


A soldier next to him immediately led the way, daring not to be slighted in the slightest.

Soon, all the former generals and officials of the Great Qin Immortal Dynasty gathered in the palace like the previous Dynasty, and then they all waited with excited expressions.

At this time, Ying Zheng was sitting on the dragon chair, his eyes were slightly closed, and he was carefully appreciating the beauty of being promoted to the Immortal Dynasty.

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