At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

527 Can Shizun tell me the origin of the disciple? 【Subscription】


Yuquan Mountain, Jinxia Cave.

The door of light flickered, and Yang Jian's figure jumped across the door of light and suddenly appeared in the residence of the mountain behind Jinxia Cave.


"Finally home!!"

The string that had been tense in Yang Jian's heart suddenly loosened, and he let out a breath.

Although he has long believed in Ji Han and he has benefited a lot, Yang Jian's heartstrings are unavoidably tense when he is in a different place. It was not until he returned to the Houshan residence in Jinxia Cave that he truly relaxed.

Because this is the dojo where his master, Jade Ding Zhenren, is a real safe place for him.

You must know that the real person Yuding is one of the "Twelve Golden Immortals" of the teachings. His cultivation base has already reached the realm of Daluo Golden Immortal. It is said that his combat power is already comparable to that of a quasi-sage. Therefore, it is absolutely safe to be in the dojo of the real person Yuding.

Moreover, Jinxia Cave is also a place that Yang Jian is familiar with, so naturally he will not be vigilant anymore.

Returning to the residence, with his mind relaxed, Yang Jian carefully looked at the door of light in front of him again.

"Is it really possible to come and go freely?

"Such a transformation of time and space is truly incredible! 39

"And I didn't notice any fluctuations in time and space, it was unbelievable!"

Yang Jian was surprised and muttered to himself, full of curiosity and shock about this gate of light.

He never thought that just a door of light could actually transport him to a time and space that he didn't know how far away. Such a method was simply unfathomable. Apart from the saint, Yang Jian couldn't figure out who else was there. can do it.

Thinking like this, Yang Jian couldn't help but think of Ji Han.

Yang Jian has several impressions about Ji Han. One is mysterious, so mysterious that you only know his name, but you don't know his footsteps, nor his specific identity. Moreover, he also knows his past and future lives, and his methods are elusive; The second is the power, the power that cannot be touched, even if his master, the real person Yuding, did not give Yang Jian such a feeling, in Yang Jian's opinion

His master is far from being an opponent of Ji Han; the third is kindness. Although his cultivation is extremely high, he has no pretensions, is kind to people, and is generous in his actions. He is even willing to give away such a treasure as Pangu's blood.

Precisely because of several different impressions, Yang Jian was a little confused at this time, and did not understand what kind of person Ji Han was.

"Sir is really too mysterious, and his cultivation is also extremely high, like a fog that makes people unpredictable, alas!!

Yang Jian shook his head and sighed.

At this moment, there was a hint of hesitation on Yang Jian's face, and it was obvious that something had caused him to fall into a tangle.

It is about Ji Han. Although Yang Jian has not yet been able to see Ji Han clearly, it does not prevent him from making a decision in his heart. He is thinking about whether to put things about Ji Han and what he has experienced. Tell him everything, Master.

"Alas, such an experience is too bizarre, who can believe it?"

"Should I tell Master?

"If you don't say it, you will be deceived, but you may not be able to believe it if you say it!

"Also, sir, this man is very powerful. Although he lives in seclusion in a small world, he can know the big and small things of the Great Desolation, and he can lead me to go there. Should I expose the existence of such a hidden power? ?"

Yang Jian was very hesitant, his thoughts turned sharply, but he failed to make up his mind.

At first, he clearly understood in his heart that such a thing should be told to his master.

Second, he was worried that his master could not believe it, and he was also afraid that Ji Han's existence would be exposed, which would anger Ji Han.

Therefore, Yang Jian is really hesitant!

But when he thought about how good his master was to him, and when he thought about Ji Han's kindness, and when he left, he didn't specifically instruct him not to reveal his existence to others, Yang Jian felt certain in his heart, and suddenly made up his mind.

"Sir shouldn't be blamed, this matter must be made clear with the master, and you have to ask the master if he knows the details of the master!! 35

After Yang Jian made up his mind, he no longer hesitated, and resolutely walked towards the place where his master retreated.

Soon, Yang Jian came to the place where the real person of Yuding practiced.

"Teacher Yang Jian, please see Master!!"

Yang Jian respectfully saluted outside and called out to the door.

"Huh? Good disciple, come in quickly!"

A slightly smooth and somewhat unruly voice came from the door.


Yang Jian got up and pushed the door straight in.

After entering, Yang Jian saw his master sitting cross-legged on the futon, opening his eyes and watching him come in quietly.

As the sunlight poured in from outside the door, I saw that the real Yuding sitting on the futon was an immortal man with a slightly messy white beard, his hair was tied high, and his face was not serious. , on the contrary, appears to be very kind.

"Meet the Master!!

Yang Jian pays homage directly!!

"Come, sit and talk!""

Yu Ding smiled and directly gave Yang Jian a hand to sit in front of him.

Yang Jian knew that his master didn't like too much ceremony, so he took advantage of the situation to sit on the futon in front of Yu Ding after salute.

"But what about finding a teacher?"

Yu Ding seemed to see through Yang Jian's mind, stroked his beard and smiled, and asked directly.


Yang Jian nodded, since he had already made a decision, he naturally wouldn't go back on it at this time, so he asked directly, "Master, can you tell your disciple's origins?

The first thing Yang Jian said was to ask Yu Dingzhen's 530 people to verify his origins.

Because this is the first thing Yang Jian cares about, so he wants to tell his master about Ji Han while verifying his origins!


Yu Ding was stunned for a moment, but he didn't expect that what Yang Jian asked was actually this.

"You want to know where you came from? Did someone tell you something?"

Yu Ding frowned slightly, stopped stroking his beard, and looked at Yang Jian with a rare seriousness.

"Yes!" Yang Jian nodded, and answered without any concealment: "Just before, I went to a mysterious place and saw a mysterious power. This person told me that I am the Jade Emperor's sister Yaoji and a mortal. Born from the union, and that mortal is my father, Yang Tianyou. In addition, that person also told me that my mother was being suppressed under Taoshan at this time. Master, is this true or false? 35

Yang Jian simply began to slowly tell the real person Yu Ding about what he experienced at the beginning, and also made an inquiry about his origin.

Yu Ding was shocked when he heard the words.

"What? How did you know this? Who was that man?"

Yu Ding was so startled that he almost pulled off one of his beards and hurriedly asked.

As for Yang Jian's life background, although the real person Yuding knew clearly, he never told Yang Jian. At this time, Yang Jian was able to say it so accurately. It can be seen that someone really told him the truth. some worry,

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