At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

528 Yu Ding's astonishment, is it because Daozu shot? 【Subscription】

First of all, Master Yuding didn't know who was the one who told Yang Jian the truth about his life experience, and at the same time he didn't know what purpose he had when he said this to Yang Jian.

Yu Ding wasn't afraid that others would make tricks on him, but he was afraid that others would think of his disciple and take action from his disciple.

Secondly, Master Yuding was not ready to tell him Yang Jian's life and background so early. At this time, Yang Jian knew in advance, which had already disrupted his plans.

Therefore, at this time, Master Yuding was a little wary of a mysterious person with an unknown purpose, and he was also worried about Yang Jian.

However, Yang Jian asked directly: "Master, is what that person said true? You tell me first, and I will tell you all this carefully!

If he didn't first verify his own background, Yang Jian would always have a trace of emotion in his heart.

In fact, judging from the reaction of the real person Yuding, Yang Jian already understood that what the teacher said should be true.

Sure enough, seeing the stubbornness in Yang Jian's eyes, Yu Ding couldn't help sighing: "Ah, my disciple, your background is exactly as you said, the reason why the teacher didn't tell you is because he was afraid of what you would do. What an impulsive thing!

"Yang Jian understands that there is no dissatisfaction in his heart, and he would like to thank Master for his shelter and protection. Today, Yang Jian just wants to verify the truth of this matter!"

Yang Jian suddenly bowed down to the side to show his heart!!

"Because the teacher understands your intentions, get up first!

Master Yuding naturally knew the disposition of his disciple, and would not have any trouble with him, so he hurriedly asked Yang Jian to get up.

In fact, among the "Twelve Golden Immortals", the real person Yu Ding has the best temperament. He is unrestrained, unrestrained, and sometimes even debauched. He has never put on airs to Yang Jian. It also made Yang Jian respect his master very much.

"Master, Yang Jian understands your painstaking efforts, don't worry, even if I know my origins now, I won't do anything impulsive and rashly rescue my mother~々!"

After Yang Jian got up, he made a sincere guarantee to the real person Yuding.

"Haha, good!" Yu Ding Fushu laughed loudly, "Teacher, it's best if you think so, don't worry, your mother is currently only restricted from personal freedom, but in the future, if there is a chance, the teacher will definitely help you. With one hand, your mother was rescued!"

Seeing Yang Jian so calm and calm, Yu Ding immediately felt relieved, and felt even more satisfied with his disciple.

"Thank you, Master!" Yang Jian happily clasped his fists.

"Hey, it's said that there is no need to be more polite. Do you and I still need to be polite? By the way, tell me, disciple, what have you experienced before? Who have you met!"

"Tell me carefully from beginning to end, don't miss anything! 99

When talking about this matter, the face of the real person Yu Ding became serious again.

Although I just heard Yang Jian give a rough start, Master Yu Ding has realized that what his apprentice is going to say is definitely not simple, especially for those who explain the truth of his life to Yang Jian, Yu Ding subconsciously feels that he needs to be treated with caution.

Seeing this, Yang Jian nodded obediently.

"Master, just last night, a door of light suddenly appeared in my residence..."

Yang Jian is going to start from the beginning and tell the real person Yuding in detail about his experience.

However, Yang Jian just said a sentence, and Master Yuding interrupted him: "Wait, what did you say? There is a door of light? In your room? What kind of door of light? Why didn't I notice it?"

Yu Ding frowned, because Yang Jian's first sentence made him a little confused.

"Yes, it is the gate of light, the gate of the gate of light that exudes an inexplicable light. It appears out of thin air, and the disciples can't even notice the slightest fluctuation, as if it was already there. It's really weird!" Yang Jian nodded and replied.

"This..." Master Yu Ding subconsciously pinched his long beard and murmured: "Impossible, this is an old Taoist dojo, and a gate of light appeared out of thin air, I don't know, what method is this? "

At this moment, the real person Yu Ding was already startled, because in his dojo, he could still hide from his perception, and that method would be a bit incredible. Going to check it out right now.

However, Yu Ding immediately suppressed the thoughts in his heart, waved his hand and said, "It's alright, continue talking, Tu'er!"

"Yes!" Yang Jian nodded and continued: "My disciple was very curious about that gate of light at first, but I thought, since this gate of light appeared in front of me, it definitely wanted me to go to other places through the gate of light. , Therefore, after the disciple hesitated for a while, he still crossed the door of light!

After hearing this, Master Yuding nodded involuntarily, understanding Yang Jian's psychological changes and coping.

He didn't interrupt again, and Yang Jian also continued: After the homepage crossed the gate of light, some situations did not appear as expected by the disciples, but appeared in a mysterious place!"

"Mysterious place? How mysterious?"

"How do you say it!" Yang Jian thought for a while, then said: "It's a place that looks a lot like a fairyland, with various pavilions and courtyards, the styles are a bit different from ours, and the aura is not too strong, even a little thin!

"There are also hundreds of mortal women with no cultivation. I was also very surprised by this. Later, I learned that the place I went to was a small world outside the three thousand worlds, called Blue Star!

"What? A small world outside the three thousand big worlds? You actually went from our Jinxia Cave to a small world in an instant? Are you sure? is this possible?"

Yu Ding Zhenren, who had already been somewhat psychologically prepared, could not help but be shocked, and even subconsciously tore off a long beard, his face full of incredulity.

Just like Ao (Li Hao) Lie at the beginning, when he heard about such a method, even if Master Yuding was already a Golden Immortal, he couldn't help being deeply shocked.

Because this is completely beyond his imagination, the big world is far from the billions of small worlds beyond the three thousand big worlds, it can be said that the distance is not known by hundreds of millions of light-years, and it even has to cross the endless chaotic sea. It is said that he is a real Jade Ding, and he still has some doubts about whether his master, Yuanshi Tianzun, can do this.

Unless... it is the Daozu shot??!!

But how could that be possible?

Immortal Yuding shook his head violently, and hurriedly suppressed the thought.

At this moment, the image of the mysterious person in Yang Jian's mouth has begun to gradually rise in the heart of Yu Ding Zhenren.

"How can such a character appear in a tiny world? It's incredible! 39

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