At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

530 Such a character, I can't do it! 【Subscription】

"First God of War in Heaven?"

"The plan of Western religion?"

"I want you to be a chess piece, and I want to plot against the sky for you? 35

Yang Jian's words were like a thunderbolt hitting the head of the real person Yu Ding, making the real person Yu Ding jump up in horror, his eyes were full of anger and disbelief.

Although Master Yuding saw the clue from Yang Jian's expression just now, he did not expect that what he heard would be such a horrifying news.

If it is said that Yang Jian has great luck, it is not surprising that the real person Yu Ding, in fact, he also sees it.

But saying that Yang Jian will become the first god of war in the heaven in the future, and all this is planned by the Western religion behind the scenes, the meaning of the representation is enough to make the real person Yu Ding feel numb and tremble all over.

Because in the prehistoric times, whenever interests are involved, there are various plans, ranging from individuals to races, and no matter how big it is, it is related to the development and luck of a sect and a sect. No one dares to neglect, and no one dares to neglect. disregard.

Even many times, once the plan fails, it will be in ashes, so when the real Yuding heard that Yang Jian said that the Western religion was behind the plan, the shock in his heart was understandable!

"Yes, sir, that's what he said, it doesn't look like he's a liar!"

Yang Jian nodded and answered affirmatively.

And described in detail what Ji Han said, word for word.

After getting such an answer, the face of the real person Yu Ding became completely heavy.

"At the moment, the Heavenly Court has just been established, and there are not enough personnel yet, and the prestige is not enough. Therefore, in the prehistoric times, whether it is the various races or the great masters, they are not very optimistic about the Heavenly Court, and they don't even pay attention to it!"

Immortal Yu Ding first analyzed it with a heavy expression, and then pondered: "But if according to Mr. Ji's words, Heavenly Court will rule the three worlds in the future, and Heavenly Emperor will also become the master of the three worlds, then it is worth discussing carefully. !"

"Yeah, Tu'er also thought so at the time!" Yang Jian nodded and said yes.

"In this way, the importance of the Heavenly Court is self-evident, and it will definitely be the most important place in the Three Realms in the future! 39

"In such an important place, let alone Western religions, our three Taoist religions will definitely get involved and try to plan and plan in order to occupy a certain position in it and gain a certain right to speak!"

"Thinking about it this way, it's not surprising that the Western religion is planning behind your back. You have great luck, and being the number one god of war in the heavens at that time is definitely a chess piece worth planning!

"Haha, the Western religion, with its hands stretched long enough, dares to plan my apprentice!"

After analyzing it for himself, Master Yuding understood a lot of things. At the same time, he was very angry at the disciples who dared to plot against him in the future.

At this time, Master Yuding no longer dared to question the future. If it wasn't true, Ji Han's cultivation would not use such a thing to fool Yang Jian, and he could tell Yang Jian that he had already married Yang Jian. After a good relationship, he wanted Yang Jian to change his future.

Yang Jian also had a stern expression on his face at this time, "What Master said is very true, and the master also made it clear to me that the importance of heaven in the future, so the master also gave the disciple three suggestions, as well as the same treasure!

"Advice? What advice? And the gift of treasure?"

Hearing this, Master Yuding subconsciously paid attention to it.

Yang Jian nodded, and then told him all the three suggestions Ji Han said to him, as well as giving him a drop of Pangu blood essence, as well as the requirements for him, and so on.

After listening to it, looking at the drop of Pangu blood essence that Yang Jian took out, Master Yuding was completely stunned, looking at the Pangu blood essence in Yang Jian's hands with a dull face, and the expression in his eyes was even more complicated and incomprehensible.

"This... this blood essence, sigh... such a big hand, Lao Dao admires it!!"

After being stunned for a long time, Master Yuding gasped in horror and sighed in admiration.

At this time, in the heart of Yu Ding Zhenren, Ji Han's image had already risen to a level comparable to that of a saint, and he was extremely shocked by the words he revealed and the blood of Pangu he took out.

The first is Ji Han's three suggestions, which are absolutely straight to the point, not only the eyes of the real person Yu Ding lit up, but also indescribable admiration.

Asking himself, Yu Ding couldn't think of such a suggestion.

Judging from Yang Jian's narration and the current situation of Yuding in combination with the current situation, both their master and apprentice have understood that the heavenly court is the most important and the place to rule the three worlds in the future, and the emperor of heaven is the most important one. The character is the Lord of the Three Realms.

・・For flowers.......

Therefore, considering Ji Han's three very prescient suggestions, Jade Ding Zhenren already understands that Ji Han is indeed able to know the big and small things of the flood, and even the future.

At the same time, Master Yuding also understands that since a terrifying existence like Ji Han is not fooling Yang Jian and telling him the truth about the future, it proves that Ji Han is not malicious, but wants to form a good relationship with Yang Jian.

In the end, Ji Han sent out this drop of Pangu blood essence, which was the most shocking thing about the real person Yuding.

He understands the rarity of Pangu blood essence better than Yang Jian, and even in the midst of the Great Desolation, few people can take out Pangu blood essence, so one can imagine how scarce and precious Pangu blood essence is!

However, Ji Han, such a rare treasure, gave it as he said, and the real person Yu Ding felt admiration when he thought about it.


"God man, Mr. Ji is really a god man!"

After Master Yuding had digested everything, he couldn't help but let out such a sigh.

"Not only does he know the things of the prehistoric world, he knows the future of his past life, but he is also far-sighted and has great vision. The advice he gives is even sharper and more prescient!"

"As for the treasures such as Pangu's blood and essence, they are given as gifts, and they treat foreign objects like dung. These people are not much better than saints!! 35

"I can't get enough!!

The real person Yu Ding suppressed the shock in his heart and made a definition of Ji Han with a sigh on his face.

Yang Jian was also deeply shocked by Master's sighs and opinions.

"Sir, you can get such an evaluation from the master, it seems that you really have a lot of background!!

Thanks to his master's analysis and experience, Yang Jian felt more deeply at this time.

Because Yang Jian is still only a celestial being, and he lacks experience and vision, it is normal to have no way to truly understand Ji Han's terror.

At this time, both the master and the apprentice could not help but become silent, and they were deeply shocked by the existence of Ji Han.

"Master, what do you think?"

After a while, Yang Jian looked at Master Yuding and wanted to know what he thought.

And Master Yuding pondered for a while before slowly saying:

"According to the old way, Mr. Ji has no malice towards you, and even took the initiative to form a good relationship with you. This is definitely a huge opportunity for you. Therefore, I think you can trust him, Tuer!" begging.

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