At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

531 Why are you so stupid at this time?? 【Subscription】

"According to the teacher, this Mr. Ji is trustworthy!"

After some careful consideration, Master Yuding gave the answer in his heart.

Originally, Master Yuding was very satisfied with Yang Jian's apprentice, so on such a major event, Master Yuding naturally had to give his own advice seriously, which was also considered to strengthen Yang Jian's confidence.

After listening to Yang Jian talking about his experience, the real person Yu Ding had great curiosity and admiration for Ji Han. Combined with Ji Han's advice to Yang Jian and the kindness of giving Pangu blood essence, Yu Ding Therefore, the real person concluded that Ji Han is not malicious and is worthy of trust.

You must know that at this time, based on Yang Jian's description alone, Ji Han's image in the heart of the real Yuding is comparable to that of a saint. If such a top existence has plans for Yang Jian, or if the plot is not good, the real Yuding will be "five". "Three Zero" couldn't believe it.

In this way, Master Yuding's answer can be regarded as making Yang Jian completely relieved.

"Since even the master thinks so, then the disciple is relieved, the teacher is indeed worthy of trust!""

Yang Jian's tense face suddenly loosened, and then a trace of joy floated in his heart uncontrollably.

This is because he is happy that he can have such an adventure, and he is also happy to meet Ji Han, a senior who has helped him a lot.

In Yang Jian's heart, Ji Han's status at this time has been infinitely elevated, occupying an extremely important position.

Not to mention anything else, just saying that Ji Han gave him three suggestions that can change the future and a drop of Pangu blood, is enough to make Yang Jian swear to die for it!

Thinking of this, Yang Jian looked at the blood of Pangu in his hands with fiery eyes.

"This is actually the blood of Pangu, it's incredible, it really makes the old man can't believe that a master from a small world can actually take out such a treasure, it is really a bit of an old man who is sitting on the well and watching the sky!!"

Immortal Yu Ding also turned his attention to the drop of Pangu blood essence and couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

However, apart from the curiosity and exploration of Pangu's blood essence, there was no greed in the eyes of Master Yuding.

To him, Jade Ding Daoist, this was just a foreign object, although such a foreign object shocked him, it would not arouse even the slightest greed in him.

Because this was given to his disciple by the mysterious master, and it was also the opportunity for his disciple to rise, how could Master Yuding have other thoughts.

"Master, is this drop of Pangu blood essence really left by Pangu Supreme?"

Yang Jian slightly restrained the scorching heat in his eyes, and turned his head to ask Master Yuding.

Although Yang Jian had already sensed this drop of Pangu blood essence countless times, and confirmed that it contained unimaginable energy and an obscure avenue, but after all, Yang Jian was young and had little knowledge, so it was normal to be curious about it.

Master Yuding was not surprised, he nodded and said:

"It's true, this is indeed the blood essence left by Pangu Supreme. Apart from that, there is no way anyone's blood essence can make a teacher feel so terrifying, even the blood essence of Ancestral Dragon is impossible!"

Master Yuding is quite sure about this, after all, he is the great power of Daluo Jinxian, and his knowledge and experience are not comparable to Yang Jian.

"Then... what should I do with this drop of Pangu blood essence? Should I swallow it directly? Or should I put it away first? 99

There was a hint of hesitation in Yang Jian's eyes, obviously he hadn't decided what to do with this drop of Pangu blood essence, so he wanted to ask Master Yuding for his opinion.

However, Master Yuding suddenly raised his head and looked at Yang Jian with indisputable eyes.

"Does it need to be said? It must be taken immediately, this treasure is waiting for one more day, and one more day of worrying about it, my disciple, why are you so stupid at this time??

Master Yuding looked at Yang Jian helplessly, wondering why this apprentice couldn't figure it out!

Yang Jian was stunned for a while, then opened his mouth and asked, "Just... take it right away?

"Why not? If you don't take it now, what are you waiting for? Will you grab it when someone else finds out? 55

Immortal Yuding's face was full of eagerness, wishing he could directly put the blood of Pangu into Yang Jian's mouth.

If Yang Jian wasn't his apprentice, he would have wanted to grab the blood of Pangu and digest it himself!

Such rare treasures are the most reliable only when they are digested into one's own body, that's why Yu Ding urged Yang Jian like this.

Moreover, this place was the place where his Jade Ding Daoist lived. It could be said to be a fairly safe place. It would be more appropriate for Yang Jian to devour Pangu's blood at this time.

"Why are you standing still? Quick, take it right here, right away!!

Seeing that Yang Jian was still a little stunned, Master Yuding couldn't help but urge again.

"Oh oh... yes, Tuer will take it right away!"

Yang Jian suddenly came to his senses, and then he didn't dare to be slighted in the slightest, and hurriedly crossed his knees on the futon to do it well, showing a five-hearted upward trend.

"I beg your master to protect the Dharma for the disciple, the disciple has begun!"

Yang Jian said something to Master Yuding, and without waiting for Master Yuding to answer, he threw the blood of Pangu in his hand directly into his mouth and swallowed it.

Immediately he stood up, waved his sleeves with a solemn expression, and instantly opened all the defense restrictions of Yuquan Mountain, and then solemnly stood up in front of Yang Jian. Sit cross-legged in the distance.

He did not dare to get too close to Yang Jian, for fear that it would affect his absorption of blood essence.

Then, Master Yuding saw that Yang Jian's throat moved, and the drop of Pangu blood was swallowed by him.


The blood of Pangu slipped down Yang Jian's throat, but in the next moment, the drop of blood of Pangu suddenly dissipated.


An extremely terrifying aura suddenly erupted from Yang Jian's body, appearing violent and raging.

This was the terrifying energy contained in Pangu's blood essence.

"Roar!! 35

Yang Jian couldn't help but let out a terrifying low roar, his face was instantly filled with pain, and his body began to shake violently. If it wasn't for his 4.3 efforts to suppress the energy in his body, I'm afraid he would explode at that moment. body dead!

Not only Yang Jian himself, but even Master Yuding did not expect that the energy contained in Pangu's blood essence was so terrifying, that Yang Jian was almost unable to suppress it.

"Teacher, stick to the spirit platform and suppress it with all your strength, and you'll be fine after these few breaths!"

Immortal Yu Ding looked worried and anxious, but did not dare to intervene, and could only use words to remind him.

Yang Jian's eyes were tightly closed, but his mind was shaken, and then he immediately followed what Master Yuding said, guarding the sea of ​​mind and the spiritual platform, and using all his cultivation bases to suppress the violent energy in his body.

Take a breath!!

Two breaths!!

Three breaths..

In the blink of an eye, in the feeling of Yang Jian's breath like a year, the five breath time finally slowly passed!

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