At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

534 Come on, you can't stop me! 【Subscription】

At this time, Yang Jian has long been different from what he used to be!

Breaking through from Heavenly Immortal to Golden Immortal, and still based on the perfect Dao foundation, the breakthrough is like a matter of course, directly achieving the position of Golden Immortal Longevity, and has survived the nine-nine tribulations, which is extremely rare in the floods. genius.

And Yang Jian's real combat power at this time has already been turned upside down, and it is more than a hundred times stronger than when he was in the immortal realm, which is already a bit unfathomable!

At the same time, it also indicates that Yang Jian's advanced Daluo Jinxian realm is definitely a matter of iron and steel!

"Haha, well, as expected of my good disciple of Yuding!!"

Yu Ding laughed happily from a distance, and seemed very relieved.

To have such a good disciple, the real person Yu Ding would wake up laughing from a dream.

At this moment, Yang Jian closed his eyes tightly and floated quietly in the sky.

After Yang Jian absorbed all the benefits after the calamity into his body, the surrounding visions of heaven and earth were slowly dissipating.

However, Yang Jian didn't open his eyes immediately, because at this moment his body was undergoing indescribable changes.

Eighty-nine Mysterious Art, also known as Jiuzhuan Yuangong, is a divine art in the line of interpreting teaching.

The so-called eight-nine is because the largest number of yin is eight, the largest number of yang is nine, and the multiplication of eight and nine is the largest number in Taoism. Therefore, there are nine palaces, 547 gossips and seventy-two constellations in heaven and earth. Cultivation of the Dharma Door of the Golden Elixir Avenue, which also contains all kinds of magical powers.

Among them, supernatural powers such as Fa, Tianxiang, Earth, Seventy-two Transformations, Yuanshen's Out of One's Body, and the indestructible body of King Kong are all derived from the Eighty-Nine Mysterious Arts.

When Yuding Zhenren first taught Yang Jian the Eighty-Nine Mysteries, he once said: If you cultivate into the Eighty-Nine Mysteries, Ren Er will be in the world.

It can be seen how powerful the eighty-nine Xuangong is.

At this time, in Yang Jian's body, it is the mysterious route of the Eight Nine Mysteries that is running.

As Yang Jian absorbed the various benefits brought by the calamity, and the blood of Pangu in his body was still continuously integrated into it, the Eight Nine Mysterious Arts that Yang Jian operated were actually changing slowly.

There were many obscure and difficult places and levels in the past, but at this time, it was suddenly clear, like a sudden opening. Various subtle meanings and various epiphanies continued to emerge in Yang Jian's mind, which made his understanding of the eighty-nine profound arts began to skyrocket.

At the same time, some things that are too complicated or running routes are slowly abandoned by Yang Jian and slowly optimized, making the Eighty-Nine Mysterious Arts more and more perfect, and Yang Jian's cultivation base is also constantly improving.

"Huh? This is??"

"Want to attack Daluo's Profound Entrance?

After feeling the fluctuations of the eighty-nine profound arts in Yang Jian's body and the change in Yang Jian's breath, Immortal Yuding suddenly changed his face, and he became a little suspicious.

Normally, Yang Jian had already passed the nine-nine tribulations at this time, and he should wake up after absorbing and digesting all kinds of benefits, but Yang Jian did not, and his breath was still growing. , Yang Jian wants to continue to attack Daluo Xuanguan, to break through the bottleneck, and achieve Daluo's golden immortal position!

With such determination and ambition, the real person Yu Ding was shocked!

"The heart is quite big!! 99

"Forget it, let the teacher help you!"

"Eight or nine, the largest number of yin is eight, and the largest number of yang is nine...

After realizing Yang Jian's firm determination, although Master Yuding was a little worried, he couldn't sit back and watch, so he shook Yang Jian's whole body with his divine sense, and used his divine powers to slowly state the profound meanings of the Eight Nine Mysteries. Help Yang Jian a hand!!

The Eight-Nine Mysterious Art was taught to Yang Jian by Master Yuding personally. As for the comprehension of Eighty-Nine Mysterious Art, Master Yuding was naturally much more thorough than Yang Jian, and he comprehended all kinds of profound meanings more profoundly.

Therefore, the explanation of the real person Yuding is like the rain falling from the sky, which makes up the last shortcoming of Yang Jian's understanding of the eighty-nine profound arts.

As the real person Yuding continued to tell about the various mysteries and experiences that he had learned from his own understanding, Yang Jian himself was also deepening his understanding of the Eight Nine Mysteries, which made the Eight Nine Mysteries become more and more perfect in his body. .

A mysterious yet mysterious breath filled with complete satisfaction began to appear on Yang Jian's body, and slowly spread out.

What followed was Yang Jian's cultivation, which began to rise rapidly and firmly.

This process took more than three months!

Golden Immortal Late Period!!

The late stage of Jinxian is complete!!

Golden Immortal Peak!!

In the past three months, Yang Jian's cultivation has soared from just breaking through to the golden immortal stage, to the perfect state of the golden immortal peak.

In addition, the huge amount of Pangu blood essence energy in Yang Jian's body is constantly being consumed, and it is madly integrated into Yang Jian's body every moment, making his body more and more powerful, quite a kind of formidable meaning of ancient peerless great witch.

At this point, only one-twelfth of the energy of Pangu's blood essence left in Yang Jian's body was left unconsumed!

However, don't look at the fact that there are only 12 or 10 left, but to Yang Jian, it is still an extremely large amount of energy, enough to support him to break through the bottleneck of Daluo!

"it's time!"

Feeling the changes in his body, Yang Jian suddenly opened his eyes, his expression full of confidence and determination.

Seeing this, Yu Ding immediately stopped explaining, and then flew away again.

Seeing that his master was far away, Yang Jian didn't have any concerns. In his mind, the cultivation base that was already at the pinnacle of Jinxian's perfection rushed towards the Daluo Profound Entrance.


A silent collision sounded in Yang Jian's body, and then a thunder seemed to appear out of thin air.

This indicates that Yang Jian has officially begun to break through the bottleneck of Daluo Jinxian!

Yang Jian's eyes were tightly closed, and he was running the Eighty-Nine Mysterious Art to continuously absorb the remaining energy of Pangu's blood essence, and then he attacked the bottleneck of Daluo one after another, trying to completely open the Daluo Profound Entrance that blocked countless people!!


As Yang Jian continued to attack the Daluo Profound Entrance, the sky that had been restored in the sky began to turn dark again, and a huge dark cloud over 100,000 miles shrouded Jinxia Cave again, and the area of ​​this dark cloud was still expanding wildly. .

At the same time, this huge and boundless dark cloud is constantly pressing down, and it exudes a sense of annihilation, and there is a faint purple light in the middle of the dark cloud.


"Silence of the Purple Thunder Tribulation??"

"My disciple, is it really going to break through to the realm of Da Luo Jin Xian? 35'

Seeing the annihilation Purple Thunder Tribulation representing the Daluo Heavenly Tribulation that appeared in the sky, Yu Ding subconsciously sucked in a breath of cold air, and a look of ecstasy and inconceivable suddenly appeared in his eyes.

He didn't expect that his good disciple actually did it!

Once this annihilation Purple Thunder Tribulation has passed, then Yang Jian will truly achieve the status of Daluo Golden Immortal!

At this time, Yang Jian also suddenly opened his eyes, an indescribable light flashed in his eyes, there was joy, determination, and determination.

Yang Jian looked up at the terrifying catastrophe, and a cold smile appeared on his face:

"Come on, you... can't stop me!!

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