At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

535 I want to see, what other means do you have! 【Subscription】


Thirty-three days away, Zixiao Palace!

Here, it is the retreat place of Taoist ancestor Hongjun.

In a small and quaint small palace, Daozu Hongjun was wearing a gray linen robe, his body was thin, he could not see the slightest breath, and his face was indifferent, sitting cross-legged on a futon.

If someone came to these thirty-three days away, they would be able to see Hongjun's existence immediately with the naked eye, but if they checked it with divine sense, they would find that this place was empty - no one was there.

Because Hongjun has already joined the Tao, he is the Tao of Heaven, but the Tao of Heaven is not him.

Beside Hongjun, there is a jade butterfly that constantly emits all kinds of mysterious rays of light. This is Hongjun's good luck jade butterfly, which has a mystery that even saints can't imagine.

It is precisely because Hongjun has joined the Dao that he has a part of the authority of the Dao of Heaven, so he can monitor all living beings in the world of Honghuang.

All the places shrouded in heaven are under his control.

At this moment, Hong Jun, whose eyes were closed, suddenly woke up from the retreat, his eyes were slightly opened, and there seemed to be a flash of strange color in his eyes.

"Another anomaly?"

Hong Jun murmured, and subconsciously grabbed the Fortune Jade Butterfly beside him.

The palm of the hand brushed the jade butterfly, and the figure of Yang Jian who was crossing the silent purple thunder tribulation immediately appeared on the good fortune jade butterfly.

"Who is this person?"

"Yuding's apprentice? Yang Jian?"

"Has already achieved the status of Da Luo Jin Xian? 55'

"It's weird, it's weird!!

Seeing this scene, Hong Jun deduced slightly and immediately learned Yang Jian's identity.

However, seeing that Yang Jian was about to achieve the status of Da Luo Jinxian at such a young age, Hong Jun couldn't help shaking his head slightly, with a strange expression on his face.

As a part of the way of heaven, Hongjun has already deduced and determined many future catastrophe in an attempt to perfect the way of heaven in order to detach.

However, now there are variables again and again, first Ao Lie, and now Yang Jian. The emergence of these two variables, coupled with the huge changes between Ao Lie and Yang Jian, was immediately monitored by Hongjun, and also Instantly caught his attention.

"A coincidence? Or is someone plotting something?

"It must not be a coincidence that there are variables one after another!"

"Let me see what's going on here!

Hongjun's face was indifferent, and he subconsciously squeezed his hands to deduce it.

He absolutely did not believe that the successive occurrence of variables would be a coincidence.

In Hongjun's plan, he absolutely did not allow variables to appear, but it happened, which made Hongjun very puzzled.

In particular, the two pieces, Ao Lie and Yang Jian, were beyond his script control and might evolve into even bigger variables, which made Hong Jun unable to sit back and watch.

With Hongjun's deduction, his complexion gradually became strange.

"Strange, these two people actually have the breath of Pangu blood essence??"

"Who is it? To be able to take out so much Pangu blood essence?"

"There is no source of breath? Can't be deduced??

"It's weird, it's weird!!"

Hongjun's face was slightly condensed, his brows were furrowed, and he looked a little worried.

With his constant deduction, Hong Jun could only see that Ao Lie and Yang Jian both had the aura of Pangu's blood essence, but no amount of things could be calculated.

It can be said that apart from the blood essence of Pangu, he did not get any useful information at all!

"Like last time? 35

"So it seems that someone is planning all this behind the scenes! 35

Hongjun deduced and deduced, but he couldn't get the desired result, so he concluded that someone must be planning something behind his back. control.

As a result, Hong Jun naturally felt a sense of crisis unconsciously.

At the same time, there was also a hint of curiosity in Hong Jun's eyes, obviously a little more interest.

"It's interesting, but I want to see, what else can you do!

Hongjun put away Jade Die and muttered to himself, then his face returned to indifference, and he closed himself in silently again.

Prehistoric, Taoshan.

Yang Jian's figure suddenly appeared in a small valley outside Taoshan.

At this time, it has just been a month since Yang Jian crossed the calamity. Last time, Yang Jian relied on the huge energy of Pangu's blood essence and had a deep enough understanding of the eighty-nine profound arts, and finally broke through the Daluo Profound Gate. Having survived the terrifying annihilation Purple Thunder Tribulation without any risk, it was very easy to set foot in the Daluo Golden Immortal Realm, and achieved the Daluo Golden Immortal career position.

Such a result made the real Yuding at that time stunned for a long time.

Master Yuding never imagined that his apprentice, who had just accepted him, would suddenly become a great master like him in the blink of an eye.

··For flowers...

Although Yang Jian is only in the early stage of the Golden Immortal Daluo, but looking at the entire prehistoric wilderness, Yang Jian can definitely be regarded as a great power in terms of cultivation base alone!

Yang Jian didn't feel much about this.

After all, there is not much experience, and there is no comparison, but he does understand that his strength is more than ten thousand times more tyrannical than before, and his every move now can bring endless oppression to others.

Therefore, just after the breakthrough, he discussed Taoism and exchanged experiences with his master for half a month.

Of course, it is more that the real person Yu Ding is talking, and Yang Jian is listening.

Apparently, Master Yuding did not have any jealousy or dissatisfaction about his apprentice's achievement of the Daluo Golden Immortal career. Instead, he was very happy. He did not hesitate to tell Yang Jian about some insights and experiences in the Daluo Golden Immortal realm. I hope he can do more. Grow up quickly.

It was also after that month of consolidation that Yang Jian's cultivation was completely stabilized, and his breath was perfectly restrained.

Therefore, just after a month, Yang Jian couldn't wait to bid farewell to the master and came to the outside of Taoshan.

Just because he cares too much about his mother in his heart, even if he can't rescue his mother immediately according to Ji Han's suggestion, he still wants to see his mother's condition.

"This is Momoyama?"

Looking at the immortal mountain in front of him that was as high as 100 zhang and full of spiritual energy, Yang Jian not only frowned slightly.

He didn't have any good feelings for this, even if this peach hill looked like birds and flowers, but after all, it was the place to suppress his mother, how could he have a good face.

Based on Ji Han's suggestion, Yang Jian did not choose to save his mother with great fanfare this time, but chose to investigate first, and then make another plan.

Although he had already stepped into the realm of Da Luo Jin Xian, Yang Jian was more cautious and did not dare to be careless.

Because in the face of the saint's plan, even the same saint must be treated with caution, not to mention he is a little big Luo Jinxian!

It is precisely because of these things that Yang Jian has a deeper understanding of how reliable Ji Han's advice is.

"Look at the mother's condition first!"

After watching for a while, Yang Jian made a decision in his heart! Beg.

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