At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

543 Unexpected Faith, Scientific Expedition! 【Subscription】


In the huge dark cloud, a thick lightning flashed from between the sky and the earth, and then a thunderstorm sounded!!

This lightning instantly illuminated the pale faces of the natives, and many natives couldn't help but hug each other tightly, and even shivered when they hugged each other!

Because this is the Tianwei they are most afraid of, they live in the primeval forest, they are not afraid of mosquitoes, snakes, ants, or beasts, but they are full of fear and awe of Tianwei.

Because Tianwei is unpredictable and unknown, and it can make them disappear completely from this world, these natives are all terrified of the most terrifying phenomenon of heaven and earth, such as thunder and lightning.

However, after a burst of thunder, the scene that followed completely shocked every native of this tribe.

Because they saw that a giant lightning suddenly fell to the ground, and a giant crack split open on the ground in an instant, and this giant crack actually continued to expand, extending beyond their tribe in a short period of time.


The tall chief suddenly widened his eyes and hurriedly shouted, waving his hands at the same time, speaking incomprehensible dialects, as if he was signaling the surrounding clansmen to dodge to both sides!

The rumbling loud noise kept coming, and seeing that the crack of the loud noise was about to extend to their tribe, the natives just dodged to both sides in a panic.

Fortunately, the skills of these natives were extremely agile in the forest, so most of the natives were able to hide on both sides of the loud crack, and only a few natives were swallowed up by the crack.

However, before the natives of this tribe showed a panic reaction, the vision in the sky reappeared.

A loud bang came suddenly, and countless figures jumped out of the ground, and then leaped into the sky to stand in the sky.

Moreover, these figures all exude a terrifying aura that makes every aboriginal tremble, and instantly overwhelmed those aboriginals, unable to lift their heads, as if the sky was overwhelmed, and their weak bodies were completely overwhelmed.

Just looking up at it, whether it was the chief or the ordinary native, his face was full of horror, and his eyes almost bulged out, as if he had seen a ghost.

Because in their sight, it is a group of countless gods who can fly!!


A glance was enough to make these natives horrified enough to completely forget everything, as if thinking of something, the shock and shock on the chief's face suddenly became extremely pious, and then he directly fell to the ground to pay homage, and he kept shouting in his mouth. what.



The action of the chief instantly awakened all the surviving natives, and then those natives followed their chief to kneel on the ground and kept kowtowing to worship, and they kept shouting various words.

The most important thing is that although the eyes of these natives are still filled with horror, their expressions have become extremely pious, as if they are worshipping the gods they believe in.

Such a vision, for these natives, it is normal to call it a god!

These natives are not yet civilized, and when they encounter such a scene, they can only worship in fear!

The scene they saw just now has been deeply engraved in the souls of these natives and cannot be erased!

But it was from this moment that these natives were convinced that there were gods in this world, because they had seen them with their own eyes and saw the appearance of those gods.

Some of those gods were wearing gorgeous costumes and mighty armors. In short, this scene was deeply imprinted in the minds of these natives.

Until the vision in the sky gradually dissipated, and the gods had long since disappeared, these natives were still worshipping, and had not stood up for a long time!

After that, the clansmen of this ancient primitive tribe unanimously decided to record everything they saw today and let their descendants know the existence of the gods!

This is their firm and unshakable belief in the future, and it is an everlasting belief.

21st century, Blue Star.

From the Qin Dynasty to the 21st century, more than two thousand years have passed.

The influence of the power of time and space has been quietly activated, and what happened in the Daqin period has left a deep imprint!

At this time, over the European continent, a passenger plane was speeding towards the Feizhou continent.

Inside this passenger plane, there are more than 30 figures.

"Professor Aowei, this time to explore the Feizhou continent, do you have a clear destination? Or is it random?"

Among the thirty people, a tall, mature-looking beauty wearing a professional skirt and glasses was holding a microphone and facing an old man with half a hundred hair, and asked the above question.

Apparently, the beauty looked like a professional journalist.

And behind him, there is a young and strong guy carrying a camera and aiming at the two people who are talking, which proves this even more.

These two are professional reporters and photographers of a well-known TV station in Great Britain!

They are now interviewing Professor Aowei, the most famous scientific research expert in Great Britain!

Around Professor Aowei, there are more than ten members. The youngest of these ten people are over 30 years old, and the oldest is an old man with gray hair. They are all scientific research personnel from Europe and the United States, and they are famous Not too small!

This time, Professor Aowei and more than ten scientific expedition personnel flew to Feizhou Continent with a scientific expedition (Li Mazhao) project. They wanted to go to the deepest virgin forest in Feizhou Continent to explore an ancient Primitive cannibal tribes!

After hearing the news, the TV station to which beauty reporter Kaelin belonged keenly seized this opportunity and resolutely found a relationship to get on the passenger plane.

This time, they were in charge of the whole live TV broadcast and reported the scientific research trip for European and American countries.

Hearing reporter Kaelin's question, Professor Aowei pushed his glasses and replied with a smile: "... um... This time our scientific research project naturally has a clear purpose, after the information we obtained Let’s see, the ancient cannibal tribe we are exploring this time will make an amazing discovery, what is the specific discovery, we have to find this tribe to know!”

Professor Aowei has long been accustomed to the scene of being interviewed, without any stage fright, he briefly explained the purpose of their visit!

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