At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

544 Primeval forest, an exciting research! 【Subscription】

"Oh, this is really exciting. I wonder if Professor Orway can tell me how you got those ancient materials? Of course, if it's inconvenient, forget it!"

With a professional smile on her face, beauty reporter Kaelin asked another question.

Obviously, it wasn't just her, Kailin believed that the people in Europe and the United States would be very curious about the news that they were able to get the news of an ancient cannibal tribe, so she couldn't help but ask, and she wanted to broadcast their TV broadcast. Add a little gimmick and effect.

Professor Aowei didn't care, he kept smiling and said: "This is nothing that can't be said, this is what we found when we conducted a scientific research project in Feizhou Continent a few years ago, and only found a little bit of information at that time. , Later, after many searches and years of research, we finally determined the existence of this ancient cannibal tribe, which is why we have this scientific expedition!"

Although there is nothing that cannot be said, Professor Aowei only briefly introduced the process of obtaining the information, and did not say much about the specific things, which can be regarded as satisfying the curiosity of the audience outside the TV.

Kaelin naturally 547 knew what it meant, and immediately asked other questions with a smile:

"Professor Aowei, where do we start our preparations for this scientific expedition? How can we get to the destination accurately?

"Our scientific expedition this time is going to start in Gania, which is on the mainland of Feizhou, and our plane will also land directly at the airport in Gania, because the primeval forest of Mali is located in Gania!""

"In addition, this time our destination is in the deepest part of the primeval forest in Mali, that is, the heartland!"

"As for how to get there, we have already prepared for this. Not only do we have the most advanced satellite maps to ensure that the signal will not be lost wherever we go, we have also found some of the most experienced guides in Gania in advance. With the guidance of these guides, I believe we can definitely find the ancient primitive cannibal tribe!"

Aowei talked eloquently, and then gave a detailed answer to the questions raised by Kaelin. After ten minutes, the interview was over.

Then, after several hours, the passenger plane that Professor Aowei and the others took finally arrived at the Gania Airport in Feizhou.

Professor Aowei's scientific research team this time has a total of more than 30 people. Among them, the real scientific research personnel, including Professor Aowei, are only 15 people. Except for the two reporters, the rest are all security guards. personnel, responsible for protecting the safety of scientific expedition personnel, as well as load-bearing and so on.

After all, this time they are going to go deep into the depths of the virgin forest in Mali. Professor Aowei and the others are very aware of the dangers involved, and they also need to use a lot of equipment and tools, so they asked to send more than a dozen elite security guards. personnel.

After arriving at the airport in Gania, Professor Aowei and the others boarded the long-arranged vehicle and headed directly to Salalah, Gania. This time, they were going to enter the primeval forest of Mali from Salalah. .

After more than three hours of bumpy driving, Professor Aowei and his party finally arrived in Salalah.

This time, they did not move on, but chose to rest in Salalah for a night in order to replenish their energy and maintain their physical strength. After all, the next trip is the hardest.

The next day, Professor Aowei immediately contacted the three guides he had already contacted.

Among the three guides, two are middle-aged people, in their forties, with a strong body, dark skin, and different colors on their faces, and the other is a slightly older old man. Slightly short and thin, but when the other two guides looked at the thin old man, their eyes were full of respect for him.

Obviously, this thin guide must have rich experience, otherwise it is impossible for the two people who are also guides to be so respected.

(bbed) "Haha, old Atta, my friend, how are you? Long time no see!!"

As soon as he saw the thin old guide, Professor Aowei laughed with joy, and immediately hugged the old Atta with great enthusiasm.

"Haha, Professor Orway, my friend, welcome to Gania again!! 35

The wrinkles on Old Atta's face suddenly bloomed, and he laughed and hugged Professor Aowei fiercely.

Obviously, the two of them have known each other for a long time, and Professor Aowei admires Old Atta's guiding ability and experience, so he came to contact him directly this time.

The other expedition personnel also hugged and greeted the three guides warmly for a while. Then, at the suggestion of Old Atta, the group brought all the equipment and started running towards the entrance of the Mali virgin forest.

From the moment she got in the car, Kailin turned on the live TV and began to film the whole scientific expedition.

Under the leadership of Old Atta, Professor Aowei and his party soon came to the outside of the Mali virgin forest.

In front of them, there is an incomparably wide river flowing slowly, and on the opposite side of the river, there is a huge forest that cannot be seen.

"Is that the Mali primeval forest over there?

Kailin looked at the forest opposite that seemed to exude a primitive aura, and couldn't help asking.

"Yes!" Old Atta glanced at Kailin, nodded and said: "It's the opposite, this time we will go deep into the heart of Mali's virgin forest, this process is full of unknowns and dangers, I hope you can hear the arrangement, Do not act without authorization, or you will be responsible for the consequences!!

Before entering the virgin forest, Old Atta gave everyone a vaccination and gave them an early warning.

After all, there are too many dangers in the primeval forest. Even though Old Atta is very experienced, he cannot guarantee that there will be no accidents.

"Old friend, don't worry, we all understand, after you go in, everything will be yours!"

Professor Aowei immediately responded to the old Atta and expressed their attitude.

Regarding this point, Professor Aowei has also stated to all the team members that he believes that no one will dare to risk their lives to do some unwise things!

After getting the answer he wanted, Old Atta nodded in satisfaction.

As for entering the virgin forest of Mali, Old Atac took an extremely serious attitude towards it. He knew better than anyone what kind of crisis the virgin forest was full of, so naturally he didn't want any accidents.

"Let's go, let's go by boat, be careful!"

Old Atta beckoned and motioned everyone to follow him, and then he walked towards the river with Professor Aowei and his party.

There are boats that have been prepared long ago, and they will enter the virgin forest of Mali by boat!

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