At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

545 Tribal Totem? This must be a coincidence! 【Subscription】

"Be careful, watch your feet!

"Keep up, keep up, don't fall behind!"

"Follow my footsteps, don't walk around at will!"

"Quick, this way, be careful~ vines!!

In a huge virgin forest, a group of dozens of people are slowly marching in it.

This is exactly that one of Professor Orway - the pedestrian!

They entered the primeval forest of Mali three days ago. From the moment they entered the forest, Old Atta served as the leader and guide, leading Professor Aowei and the others toward their destination.

In the past three days, Professor Aowei and his group have experienced all kinds of difficulties and dangers that are unimaginable to ordinary people, but fortunately, Old Atta is extremely experienced, and they are guarded by more than ten security personnel, so they are safe and sound. Slowly came to the depths of the primeval forest.

"Old Atta, how long until we reach our destination?"

Professor Aowei took a deep breath and asked Old Atta as he walked.

Old Atta stopped, carefully identified the surroundings, and then replied:

"It should be soon, it's very close to the place you mentioned, at most half a day!

Hearing this answer, Professor Aowei and others breathed a sigh of relief, and then continued to move forward with energy.

Soon, half a day passed, and Professor Aowei and the others really saw an ancient primitive tribe appear in front of them.

"Look ahead, is that the primitive tribe we're looking for?"

Another guide behind Old Atta suddenly shouted excitedly.

After being reminded by him, everyone behind them saw the primitive tribe not far away, and couldn't help but be overjoyed!

Because it was really not easy, they finally found this primitive tribe after a few days of trekking.

"Quick, go, we all go!!"

Professor Aowei was overjoyed and quickly accelerated his pace.

Kailin also immediately asked the photographer around him to turn on the camera and start the live broadcast.

The group began to slowly approach this primitive tribe that looked very ancient!

When the live broadcast started and the European audience saw the tribal buildings that appeared on the camera, the audience who had not paid attention to it immediately became excited.

"Look, look, it really seems to be a primitive tribe!"

"Oh my god, did you really find it?"

"This looks like a primitive tribal style, and it does look very ancient, but I don't know if there are still people living there!""

"Damn, are there really cannibal natives living there?"

The audience outside the TV screen discussed various discussions, and their attention became focused again.

Professor Aowei and the others have just arrived at the periphery of this primitive tribe. There are not many buildings here, basically some wooden signs and fences.

But the sharp-eyed Professor Aowei didn't really get close, and found some patterns that seemed to be engraved on some wooden signs.

As soon as he arrived, he discovered something, and Professor Aowei suddenly became excited, and hurriedly approached those wooden signs and began to observe.

"This... these seem to be the sacrificial patterns of this tribe, Charlie, come and have a look!

Professor Aowei saw a wooden sign with a pattern that looked like a sacrifice, and immediately greeted other members excitedly to come and observe and study together.

The other members naturally rushed over, and reporter Kailin immediately urged the photographer to focus on the wooden signs.

"Yes, yes, this is definitely a picture of their sacrifice, that's right!

The professor named Charlie was also excited.

In their line of sight, the wooden plaque was engraved with the pattern of this primitive tribe kneeling and offering sacrifices, and the sacrifices they placed were clearly visible on it.

However, looking at it, Professor Aowei suddenly wondered: "It seems that something is wrong, you see, why did the objects of their sacrifices fly in the sky? And why do they look like yellow people? Even the clothes very similar!"

When Professor Aowei said this, the people around him reacted, and it seemed to be true after a closer look.

"Huh?? Really, what's going on?

"No, flying in the sky is understandable, those cannibal natives should worship gods or immortals, but why do those gods all look like yellow people?

"Yeah, shouldn't it be some kind of ferocious beast? I've seen many primitive tribes' totems or worship objects are beasts. Why do the people here look like yellow people?"

"I don't understand, some don't understand, you see, there are many similar patterns on the surrounding tree trunks!!

The surrounding scientific research personnel all expressed all kinds of shock and doubts, and expressed some understanding of the pattern on the wooden sign.

··For flowers...

Moreover, those security personnel also found many similar patterns on the trunks of some surrounding trees, which made Professor Aowei and others even more puzzled.

To be honest, these patterns are actually very simple, almost obvious at a glance, and they are all pictures of sacrifice.

However, it was the object of sacrifice and worship of this primitive tribe that made Professor Aowei and the others very incomprehensible, because it was clearly a deity with the appearance of a yellow race, which seemed very strange.

Not only them, but even the audience outside the TV were puzzled and shocked.

"My God, what did I see??"

"The yellow people are the gods worshipped by this primitive tribe? Are you kidding?"

"Impossible, it's impossible, how could this be?

"I don't know how long this ancient primitive tribe has existed, how could the yellow people at that time appear in Feizhou? This must be a coincidence!!

The audience in Europe shouted exaggeratedly, and everyone did not believe it was true, thinking that it must be a coincidence.

After all, those patterns do not necessarily represent anything, and the things on the patterns are not particularly clear, and they can also do other interpretations.

You must know that this ancient primitive tribe has existed for at least 2,000 years according to Professor Aowei's calculations, and more than 2,000 years ago, the yellow race still lived an extremely hard life, and they had no conditions at all. Came to the Feizhou Continent, so everyone thought that this was a coincidence and an impossible thing.

However, Professor Aowei and the others were still very puzzled about this, and their hearts were full of doubts, and their interest in this strange tribe suddenly increased greatly.

"Quick, take pictures and rubbing of all these patterns, and keep them well!""

"Come on, let's go in and see, there will definitely be more discoveries inside!

The excited Professor Aowei gave an order, and then immediately waved his hand, wanting to enter the tribe inside to see if there were any bigger discoveries.

However, at this moment, the sound of Xixi Xuxu suddenly came from around them.

"Damn it! There is a situation!!"

A security guard suddenly changed his face and hurriedly warned.

But in the next moment, dozens of javelins rushed towards them, and then slammed into Professor Aowei's surroundings, trapping them faintly.

Then, a large number of cannibal natives appeared around! Beg.

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