At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

546 Cannibal natives, just leave? 【Subscription】


"If there is a situation, come quickly!! 35

"Ah!!! It's the natives, the cannibal natives!!"

"Don't move, don't move!!

When dozens of javelins were stuck on the ground and surrounded Professor Aowei and others in the middle, coupled with the continuous emergence of dense black indigenous people around, Professor Aowei's group suddenly became in chaos, and everyone shouted in panic.

More than a dozen security personnel are actually retired elite special forces. At this time, their faces changed greatly, and they kept shouting, directing everyone to come closer, and they stood at the forefront, with their automatic rifles in their hands, and the muzzles were steadily facing each other. Quasi-surrounding indigenous people constantly emerging.

However, Professor Aowei and the expedition personnel quickly calmed down after a little panic at the beginning, and signaled everyone not to move.

As for reporter Kailin, she was so frightened that she hurriedly hid behind the photographer's body "five six three", afraid that a javelin would pierce her body.


After the appearance of hundreds of cannibal natives around them, they began to shout in incomprehensible languages, as if they were constantly warning them to Professor Aowei.

At the same time, among the hundreds of black natives, the ordinary natives started to slowly approach Professor Aowei and others with weapons in their hands. As long as Professor Aowei and the others made a slight change, they would immediately throw their weapons.

Don't look at these weapons as just javelins, but if you look closely, you will find that the tips of the javelins are of different colors, obviously smeared with highly poisonous things.

In such a sudden situation, let alone Professor Aowei and the others, the viewers who have been watching the live broadcast instantly widened their eyes, as if they were there.

"My God, these are cannibal natives??"

"Oh God, there are natives, and they look so cruel!"

"Mom, come and see, they are cannibals, a lot, they still have weapons!""

"Damn it, is it that exciting? Professor Aowei and the others won't be arrested, will they?"

"God, I'd be scared to death if I was there...

Outside the TV, a large number of viewers suddenly exclaimed all kinds of unbelievable amazement, and their eyes stared at the screen. Although they were very scared, curiosity prevailed.

They all want to know what's going to happen next!

At the scene, when hundreds of black indigenous people with weapons slowly surrounded them, an indigenous person who seemed to be the leader began to shout at Professor Aowei and his party.



The leading native shouted twice in a row with a fierce face, as if asking something.

However, Professor Aowei and the others were dumbfounded, because they couldn't understand what these cannibal natives were saying.

Even though Professor Aowei and others have studied many languages, at this moment, they seem to be people from two worlds.

Because of the language barrier, the two sides fell into a stalemate and confrontation at this moment.

More than a dozen security guards were armed with rifles, but they did not dare to move. After all, this was in the virgin forest, and it was someone else's home ground. Once they really fought, they would most likely not be able to get out of this huge virgin forest. Not only did they have to, they didn't dare to shoot.

Although the surrounding natives also stopped, their faces were already showing signs of impatience, and they were also annoyed that no one answered their questions, as if they were about to pounce in the next moment.

"Old Atta, my friend, translate, what are they talking about??"

At this time, Professor Aowei finally remembered the existence of Old Atta, and hurriedly pulled him to ask.

You must know that although they want to enter the ancient cannibal tribe for scientific research, they absolutely do not want to have any friction with the natives who are the masters, and they also know that if there is a conflict, they will definitely suffer.

Old Atta had been watching silently just now, but at this time he ignored Professor Aowei, but took a step forward and said loudly:


"#%¥....... …..*\!!"

The same language spit out from Old Atta's mouth, immediately attracting everyone's attention.

Professor Aowei and his party were instantly overjoyed, and at the same time heaved a sigh of relief.

As long as they can communicate, they have the confidence to convince these cannibal natives.

"Oway, my friends, they were just asking why we invaded their territory and what we were doing!!

As soon as Old Atta finished speaking, he turned his head and explained to Professor Aowei what the two sentences the aboriginal leader had just said meant.

After hearing that Old Atta could speak their language, the native leader who was about to order the attack immediately raised his right hand, signaling the people behind him not to act, and then looked at Old Atta!


A stern question was spit out from the collar of the natives, as if the old Atta had a wrong answer, they would immediately attack.

Old Atta looked serious, opened his hands slightly, and explained in the same language:


The indigenous leader asked again: "#%@...¥...%...%?"

Old Atta continued: "!#@...%...%%*#¥%#¥...!!

The conversation between the two not only made Professor Aowei and others incomprehensible, but the audience outside the TV also listened to heaven, and their faces were dumbfounded!!

"What are they talking about? Why can't I understand a word?"

"Shh, don't talk, wait for old Atta to communicate!! 35

"Just don't mess around, these natives are not easy to mess with, it would be best if they could turn enemies into friends!

"Yes, be quiet and don't talk!"

The people around Professor Aowei began to talk quietly, but they were soon stopped by drinking.

However, when Old Atta said something, the aboriginal leader on the opposite side was instantly furious!!



The tone of the aboriginal leader instantly became severe, and he kept waving his hands, as if he was driving Aowei to teach them in 4.3.

At the same time, all the surrounding natives also took advantage of the situation to make an offensive gesture!!

"Old Atta, what is he talking about?"

Professor Aowei was in a hurry and immediately began to ask questions.

Old Atta turned his head with a bitter face and replied: "My friend, he does not allow us to enter their tribe, and asks us to leave here immediately, or they will attack us!!

"What?? How does this work? We have worked so hard to get here, how can we just leave?

Professor Aowei and others were all anxious, wanting to say something to the natives, but they couldn't communicate at all.


Seeing that Professor Aowei and others were still reluctant to leave, the surrounding natives had begun to make strange roars, and took an attacking stance, slowly approaching.

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