At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

547 Shocking change, why do I think it is so amazing? 【Subscription】


The native leader and hundreds of cannibal natives roared in unison, and began to approach with spears and javelins!

"Old Atta, what are they doing? Tell them to stop or our security will shoot!!"

Professor Aowei turned pale with fright, and hurriedly asked the old Atta, and at the same time signaled the security personnel on the periphery to get ready.

Although 10,000 of them do not want to conflict with these natives, they will not continue to endure if there is no way to communicate. After all, no one knows what the consequences of being caught by these cannibal natives will be.

They came for scientific research, not to be food for cannibals!

Especially now that they have just made some discoveries, they all want to carry out a deep round of excavation, and do not want the progress to be interrupted.

"They told us to get out of here immediately, or they would attack us!"

Old Atta also changed slightly, and hurriedly explained it to Professor Aowei.


Hundreds of sturdy cannibal natives shouted and kept approaching!!

At this time, a few ladies in Professor Aowei's group couldn't help but turn pale, and the audience outside the TV also tightened their nerves.

"Oh my god, they are so savage, they really want to attack Professor Aowei and the others!

"Savage, these are savages, completely unable to communicate!"

"It's terrible, what will happen once Professor Oway and the others are caught? They won't be roasted and eaten, right?"

"My God, they seem to be about to start, will Professor Aowei and the others resist?"

"It's going to be bloodshed, it's terrifying!! 35

All kinds of shocked exclamations sounded all over Europe. Everyone looked at the cannibal natives who were approaching step by step on the TV screen.


In the scene, the more than ten security personnel in the outermost area could not help pulling the bolts. If the cannibal natives on the opposite side approached a little more, they could only shoot!

During this process, Old Atta kept explaining something out loud, trying to have some friendly exchanges and communication.

But the aboriginal leader was full of anger and was unmoved by it, as if he had vowed to clean up Professor Aowei and his party.

"Crazy, savage, why can't they communicate at all? Professor Oway, what should we do now?"

Beside Professor Aowei, an Asian in his thirties frowned and couldn't help asking Professor Aowei's opinion.

This person is Professor Aowei's assistant, an Asian named Yang Yuan. At this time, unlike the others, he did not seem too panicked, but he was a little helpless in such a situation!

As if they had no choice but to shoot back!

However, once it starts, it means that the conflict will escalate. After the bloodshed, whether they can carry out the next scientific expedition or not, whether they can escape this jungle full of danger is the most critical.

Because in this primeval forest, these cannibal natives are the most powerful warriors. They can hide, run and fight in the jungle, and can pose a fatal threat to Professor Aowei and his group. Therefore, it is not until the last moment. No one wants to escalate the conflict.

"Yang, I don't know what to do anymore, these savage natives can't communicate at all, if it doesn't work, we can only shoot to resist! 35

Professor Owen's voice was full of helplessness, and he had obviously considered the consequences.

However, at the moment when Professor Aowei turned his head to speak to Yang Yuan, the aboriginal leader in front suddenly saw Yang Yuan's appearance. Of course, this was also because they were approaching a lot.


The aboriginal leader seemed to have a slight change in expression at this time, and he hurriedly raised his right hand and shouted loudly, causing all the approaching aborigines to stop.

This sudden pause made Professor Aowei and the others heave a sigh of relief, and at the same time they were full of confusion.

what happened?

Why don't you stop and approach?

What did he shout?

Such doubts flashed through everyone's mind.

However, the aboriginal leader ignored Professor Aowei and the others. He stared at Yang Yuan's face, as if confirming something.

After a while, the aboriginal leader's face suddenly became respectful.


The native leader pointed at Yang Yuan and shouted at the cannibal natives around him. The hundreds of cannibal natives around also saw Yang Yuan's appearance clearly at this time. All of a sudden, they put down their weapons one by one and turned toward him on one knee. Kneeling down with Yang Yuan and shouting!!

At this moment, all the tension has disappeared, and the cannibal natives have completely lost their fierce and savage aura at the beginning, instead they have become somewhat submissive.

Especially when they looked at Yang Yuan, their faces and eyes were filled with fanatical worship, as if they had seen their gods.

"This... Yang, do they know you??"

Seeing that all the cannibal natives became submissive because of Yang Yuan, Professor Aowei suddenly asked a question with a dazed expression.

At this time, Yang Yuan was even more confused than Professor Aowei, and he had no idea what was going on.

"No, how can I know them, old Atta, quickly ask what's going on?

Yang Yuan hurriedly denied it, and after being stunned for a while, he immediately urged Old Atta to ask him quickly.

At this time, the aboriginal leader looked at Yang Yuanshi with a smile on his face, and when Old Atta communicated with him, he became reluctant. Back to Professor Aowei's side.

"How about it??

Professor Aowei and others hurriedly looked at Old Atta.

Old Atta looked at Yang Yuan with a strange face, and then said: "These natives said that your assistant looks like their god, and they want to invite us into their tribe to be guests!

Yes, that's what the native chief meant.

After seeing Yang Yuan's appearance, they immediately changed their attitudes, and they actually invited Yang Yuan and others to be guests directly, and they wanted to invite them into the tribe as guests.

" this real? Why do I feel so dreamy?

Professor Aowei said in disbelief, and it still feels a little unacceptable until now, why did it suddenly change!

The same is true for the rest of the expedition personnel. They looked at Yang Yuan with curious eyes, and did not expect the situation to be changed because of Yang Yuan.

It's just that this is a good thing for Professor Aowei and others. Not only did no conflict break out, but they could also enter the tribe they wanted to join, which made Professor Aowei and the others completely unable to refuse.

Therefore, the two sides communicated a few words in a friendly way under the translation of Old Atta, and then the aboriginal leader led Yang Yuan and the others towards the tribe with sincerity and fear.

And those hundreds of cannibal natives seem to have become bodyguards at this time!

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