At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

548 This is also OK? What kind of turning point is this? 【Subscription】

Seeing that strange scene, all the audience outside the TV were stunned.

"This... what's going on? Isn't it impossible to communicate?"

"Yeah, why did they invite Professor Aowei and the others into the tribe as guests? 99

"The last second seemed to be about to fight, and the next second, the style of painting changed?"

"My God, that Asian guy looks like those savage aboriginal gods? That's ridiculous, isn't it?

"Isn't it? That's fine too? What kind of a turning point is this?"

The audience watching this live TV broadcast was stunned by the sudden turn of events, and all kinds of exaggerated questions rang out one after another.

To those European viewers, this is bullshit!

What ghosts look like their gods? Isn't that bullshit?

Why not someone else, but an Asian?

This kind of result makes the Europeans who have always looked down on Asians very unhappy, and their hearts are very uncomfortable.

But they had no choice but to pay attention.

And Yang Yuan and others were also quietly discussing in the process of going to the cannibal tribe.

"Yang, have you really never been here?" Professor Aowei asked in a low voice.

At this time, Professor Aowei was still at a loss as to what had just happened. He didn't understand why the natives changed their attitude after seeing Yang Yuan.

Yang Yuan smiled bitterly and said, "Professor, I have been by your side all these years. Besides, this place is so dangerous, how could I have come here!"

"That's true! 35 Professor Aowei nodded, still puzzled: "Then why did they change their attitude when they saw you? They would have asked you to come forward if they knew it! 35

Yang Yuan pondered for a while, and then said, "Professor, in my opinion, the reason why these natives have changed their attitudes is because of the patterns we just saw!

"You mean?~々?'

"That's right!" Yang Yuan nodded affirmatively, "It seems that the deities worshiped by these indigenous people are really of the yellow race, otherwise they wouldn't change their attitudes because I'm Asian and I look good. Just like the yellow people!"

This guess is also the one that Yang Yuan thinks is the closest to the truth!

Yang Yuan's words caused Professor Aowei to temporarily fall into silence. In fact, Professor Aowei also had a similar conjecture. Now it seems that this is the only way to explain it.

"Let's go, go in and have a look. Since these natives sincerely invite us, there should be no more conflicts. We can just go in and study and see what secrets this tribe has! 39

After a while, Professor Aowei spoke up again, as if he had completely accepted the reality.

It is also true that entering this ancient cannibal tribe is the purpose of Professor Aowei and the others. At this time, they can be without pressure and be invited to enter the tribe directly as a guest. This is absolutely the best for Professor Aowei and the others. Also the best result.

So Professor Aowei told everyone not to think too much, and talk about it after entering the tribe.

Therefore, under the respectful guidance of the indigenous leaders, they slowly entered the tribe.

Reporter Kaelin has also completed the transformation from being pale at the beginning to being full of curiosity. At this time, she is instructing the photographer to keep taking pictures and recording the various scenes along the way.

In this area, because it is already the territory of the cannibal tribe, it is not like the virgin forest where Professor Aowei and the others came. The ground here has been cleaned up, except for the trees and some plant vines, and There is no danger, it seems that these cannibal natives have sprinkled something around their territory, making this area a safe area!

Along the way, Professor Aowei also deliberately asked Yang Yuan to come forward, and with the help of Lao Atta's translation, he continued to communicate and communicate with the indigenous leaders in an attempt to obtain more information.

After all, this tribe is their final destination. If they can obtain more information and materials, it will definitely be the best thing for Professor Aowei and the others.

And the aboriginal leader didn't dare to be negligent, and faced Yang Yuan's questions along the way, and has been answering respectfully.

Soon, they came to a huge primitive tribe outside.

This is a very large primitive tribe, and the outer periphery of this tribe is a circle of two-person-high sturdy fences, which encircles the tribe in the middle.

Among the tribes, houses built from trees, like tents, stood in them, and each house was covered with hay.

In front of each house is a different number of wooden sticks, on which are the skulls of various animals, or the teeth of wild beasts are hanging on them.

Everything here reveals an extremely primitive atmosphere, and at the same time it looks a little messy. All kinds of utensils and styles are all showing to Professor Aowei that this is definitely an ancient and original primitive tribe.

Among the tribes, Professor Aowei and others who just came outside the gate can see that there are many aboriginal people doing their own things, some people are sharpening bone knives, some people are drying things, some people are in a daze, and many others The children are running and playing, it is a completely harmonious scene.

Seeing this scene, whether it was Professor Aowei or the audience outside the TV, they couldn't help being excited.

Because this is an ancient tribe isolated from the world, it is very, very rare that they can come into contact with and even enter the tribe to be guests today!

However, the arrival of Professor Aowei and the others still broke the tranquility of this ancient tribe!

Seeing a large group of people outside the gate, including dozens of outsiders, all the people of this ancient tribe made a sensation, and they all gathered at the gate.

At the same time, many tribesmen took up weapons and made a vigilant gesture.

Some people (Li Wanghao) were very conspicuous and ran directly to the tribal center to inform their priests!

Because this is the first time outsiders have come to their tribe, no one knows whether it is good or bad, in short, it is absolutely right to notify the priest at the first time!

Soon, the indigenous leader led Professor Aowei and others outside the gate!


The aboriginal leader shouted to the tribe, and then squeaked, the door of this primitive tribe was opened to Professor Aowei and the others!


Then the aboriginal leader looked back at Yang Yuan, made an invitation gesture with sincerity and fear, and asked Yang Yuan and the others to enter the tribe.

And this scene shocked all the clan members of this tribe.

Then, surrounded by a large group of people, an old black native slowly came to the gate, facing Yang Yuan and the others!

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