At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

549 The shocking secret that has been preserved for more than two thousand years! 【Subscription】

The tribesmen of this primitive tribe did not expect that their chief would be so respectful to an outsider, which simply refreshed their three views.

However, when they saw Yang Yuan's appearance, there was an uproar, and everyone knelt down in fear.




All kinds of strange words were continuously spit out from the mouths of these natives, and their faces were full of fanaticism. When they saw Yang Yuan, it was like seeing the gods they had been worshipping, and they unconsciously worshiped.

They didn't even need their chief to explain them, just seeing Yang Yuan's appearance created such a big sensation and effect.

Such a scene suddenly scared Professor Aowei and the others to look at each other.

It was not until this time that Professor Aowei and the others really understood that their conjecture was correct. The deities worshipped and worshipped by this ancient tribe must be of the yellow race, otherwise they would not have just met Yang Yuan, an Asian who did this. Shocking things come.

But after confirming this, more questions arose.

Why are their gods in the form of yellow people?

When did their ancestors meet the yellow people?

Why do they regard the yellow race as their beliefs and gods? 563

How could the yellow people have appeared in Feizhou more than 2,000 years ago, and in the primeval forest of Mali?

All these have brought more doubts to Professor Aowei and others.

Yet no matter what they think, such an astonishing scene has been broadcast all over Europe on live television.

"Oumai, what's the situation? Why did those savages kneel and bow as soon as they met?"

"Walter? Aren't those cannibal natives very difficult to communicate with? How could that be?

"My God, I will say hello when we meet? Isn't that right?"

"Is it possible that the contents of the previous pattern records are true? This is impossible!!""

All the audience who saw this scene were extremely shocked, and at the same time, they were also stunned!

They had absolutely no idea what was going on, or what the hell was going on!

If it wasn't live on TV, if it wasn't seen with their own eyes, no one would believe it!

You know, in the imagination of most people, when it comes to cannibal natives, there are only a few impressions, nothing more than cannibalism, barbarism, cruelty, bloodthirsty, etc. If you see these cannibals (bbed) The indigenous cannibalism, it is estimated that those audiences will not have such a big reaction, after all, this seems to be something everyone knows.

But seeing those natives kneel down and worship directly, such a contrast makes it difficult for countless audiences to accept!

And reporter Kaelin is like a cat that smells fishy. Judging from her keen sense of smell as a reporter, this is definitely a big selling point, so photographers immediately focused on this scene with their lenses and dared not move away!


The indigenous chief said something to Yang Yuan respectfully again, and made a gesture at the same time, indicating that Yang Yuan and others entered the tribe.

Yang Yuan and the others looked at each other in dismay, but did not dare to stand outside the door, so they slowly walked into the tribe.

At this moment, the most honorable priest in the tribe, surrounded by a large group of people, slowly walked towards Yang Yuan and the others!

This priest looks very old, and he is trembling when he walks, and needs someone to help him!

It's just that he wears a multicolored feather crown on his head, a bone chain hangs on his chest, and he holds a bone stick, all of which prove his respected status in the tribe!

Just like the reactions of other clansmen, after seeing Yang Yuan's appearance, the priest's eyes widened for a moment, and his face showed incomparably excited expression. He immediately shouted a few words, and walked towards Yang Yuan quickly. It's as if he's back in his prime!

Seeing the priest coming, the native pointed to the priest and said a few words to Yang Yuan. Only then did they know that the old man walking in front of him was the highest-ranking priest in the tribe.

Yang Yuan and the others hurriedly stepped forward to say hello, and the priest also said a lot of words with sincerity and fear that Yang Yuan and others could not understand.

After more than half an hour of communication, there was some clear communication between the two sides.

Under the orders of the priest, the whole tribe immediately began to get busy, preparing all kinds of food for the distinguished guests.

Because of Yang Yuan's appearance, Professor Aowei and his party were treated with the highest courtesy.

At the invitation of the priest, Yang Yuan and others also went to the center of the tribe, which is the residence of the priest.

During this process, the photographer constantly aimed the lens at various people or objects of this ancient tribe, completely showing this tribe in front of the audience.

At this moment, the mysterious ancient tribe that has existed for more than 2,000 years slowly untied its veil in front of the audience, allowing countless audiences to feast their eyes and satisfy their curiosity.

Afterwards, Yang Yuan and the others who were in the tribe gathered in front of the priest's residence. There were rare stone slabs laid out here. Everyone sat on the floor with the priest, and then everyone began to communicate. Professor Wei and others are asking the priests and chiefs for various information.

Among them, with the old Atta as the translator and the middleman, the communication between the two sides was difficult, but it was still able to go on.

At this time, the priests and chiefs of this tribe also knew the intention of Yang Yuan and others, and they naturally knew that Yang Yuan was just an ordinary person, but their respect was not diminished in the slightest, which made Yang Yuan feel very strange.

However, during the conversation, they finally learned a great secret, or a story that has been preserved for more than 2,000 years.

"The priest said that more than two thousand years ago, their ancestors suddenly saw the gods one day. Those gods had no wings but were able to fly in the void. The appearance of the gods brought violent thunder and lightning and strong winds, as well as covering the sky. Dark clouds covering the sun!

"The priest also said that under this ground, there are countless sleepers, and the arrival of the gods is to wake up those sleepers and pick them up!

"The priest also said...

The old priest slowly stated the secret that they had been circulating for more than two thousand years, and after this earth-shattering story was translated by the old Atta, Professor Aowei and others were suddenly shocked.

"Impossible, there are no gods in this world at all!"

"Yes, this should be just a legend, made up by their ancestors to maintain their beliefs!

"It's just a story, I don't think we have to take it seriously, just listen to it!

"And the Sleepers? This is too fake, isn't it? Is this the story of their tribe?

Professor Aowei and others shook their heads one after another, expressing disbelief!

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