At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

550 ancient murals, the sleeper who fell from the sky! 【Subscription】

Don't say that Professor Aowei and others don't believe it, the audience watching the live broadcast also laughed!

"Haha, does that old black native know what he's talking about?"

"God? My God, this is too much to talk about? 35

"More than two thousand years ago, their ancestors saw the gods? Then why are their tribes so backward now?

"Haha, I almost believed it, gods? Gods appeared in Feizhou more than 2,000 years ago in this world? Haha, I'm laughing to death!"

The audience outside the TV series suddenly burst into laughter, disbelieving the story told by the old priest, and even thought it was deliberately fabricated by the tribe to attract outsiders.

However, the reactions and performances of Professor Aowei and others made the faces of the chief and the priest darken, and their eyes suddenly burned with anger!

Professor Aowei and the others knew something was wrong when they saw it, and then they reacted. Others were very politely telling them stories and secrets of their tribes. With a questioning expression, this is simply disrespect to the entire tribe and their ancestors, then the problem is serious!

"Old Atta, my friend, tell the priest quickly, we have no doubts, please don't be angry!

Professor Aowei hurriedly asked Old Atta to help round the field. He was afraid of angering the priest and could not leave the tribe!

Old Atta naturally knew the importance, and hurriedly explained to the old priest - get up.

But the priests and the chief looked at Aowei and others with unkind eyes, and nothing changed because of Old Atta's explanation.

It's just that they looked at Yang Yuan, and after looking at each other, they calmed down a little bit of anger.

Professor Aowei and others didn't know that if it wasn't for Yang Yuan's sake, maybe they really couldn't get out of this tribe!


The priest pointed at Yang Yuan, and said aloud with a dull expression.

Old Atta hurriedly translated: "The priest said that those gods look similar to Yang, and their ancestors have really seen gods. Please don't question any more, or you will ask us to leave!"

Professor Aowei and others breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately stated that they would no longer question their ancestors and the stories that were passed down.

But the priests are old and sophisticated, and it is natural to see that Professor Aowei and others do not really believe it.

Therefore, the old priest whispered a few words to the chief, and then said a word to Yang Yuan and others.

Old Atta immediately translated: "The priest said that in order to prove that everything he said was true, he could take us to see it!!39

"Go and see? Where to see? What to see?

Professor Aowei and others suddenly became interested, but they didn't expect that there was really evidence left!


The old priest continued to speak, then slowly got up with the help of the chief, and took the lead in walking towards the back of the tribe.

"The old priest said to take us to the cave behind the tribe, where there is something we want to see!!" Old Atta translated.

"Really? Hurry up, hurry up, let's go and see!"

Professor Aowei is overjoyed, this is exactly the result they want, to be able to further explore the secrets of this tribe is definitely the happiest thing for Professor Aowei and the others, because he hurriedly greeted everyone to follow.

On the way to the back mountain, all the cannibal natives they met bowed their heads to say hello to the old priest and the chief, and their gazes towards Yang Yuan remained submissive!

The old priest walked very slowly. Although Professor Aowei and others were impatient, they could only follow slowly.

After a full hour, the old priest took Professor Aowei and the others through most of the tribe, and finally came to the back mountain.

It is said that it is the back mountain, but it is actually located at the rear of the tribe. There are several karst caves, and it is not really backed by the mountain.

After arriving at the destination, Professor Aowei and others could see at a glance that there were two huge openings in front of them, and there were several natives guarding the openings.

The old priest waved to Yang Yuan and others, and led them straight into the cave.

Led by the old priest, the guards did not stop him at all, but respectfully stepped aside.

Professor Aowei and the others with excited expressions followed behind the old priest and slowly walked into the cave in front of them.

When I walked in, I found that the area of ​​this cave is very spacious, and there are many small holes to ensure that the sun shines in the cave, so the cave is not as dark as everyone thinks.

The audience who had been watching the live broadcast also became more interested at this time, staring at the screen, as if they had followed Professor Aowei and others into the cave, and everyone felt extremely mysterious and exciting.

・・For flowers...  

After entering a short distance, the old priest stopped, then pointed to the wall in the cave, and said a few words.

The old Atta immediately translated: "The old priest said that what is recorded on this wall is the past of their ancestors seeing the gods, please let us watch!"

Yes, the past!

For the old priests and the chiefs, this is not a mystical story or a rumor, but the real experience of their ancestors, and they have always believed in this.

After listening to the old priest's words, although Professor Aowei and others were still a little skeptical, but anything here was enough to arouse their interest, so they did not continue to question, but immediately looked at the wall.

I saw a lot of murals carved on the walls inside the cave!

The attention of Professor Aowei and others was immediately attracted, and everyone looked at the mural on the wall with hot eyes.

Because this is one of the purposes of their scientific expedition, if they can collect enough materials and information here, they can have a more in-depth understanding of this ancient primitive tribe, and have a better understanding of Professor Aowei and others. That's definitely an exciting thing to say.

Therefore, no matter whether the frescoes here are really like what the old priest said, or whether they record other events, they are actually precious materials, and Professor Aowei and the others will not miss it!

However, after watching it carefully for a while, Professor Aowei and the others could not help but slowly widen their eyes, as if they couldn't believe what they were seeing, and their faces also showed shock.

Because the murals on the walls of the cave are actually very simple, and almost everyone can understand them.

That is to describe the story of a group of gods descending from the sky, and then taking away the sleepers below.

Those gods were vividly portrayed, and they all looked like yellow people. They wore all kinds of luxurious robes, descended from the sky, and then stood quietly in the sky.

After that, the leader seemed to hold a ceremony, completely awakening the underground sleepers, and then taking away a large number of sleepers!

The story described in the whole mural is so simple, but the content presented shocked Professor Aowei and others!! Beg.

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